Dark Majesty Page 6
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites (Freemasonry) runs its own Secret Service which cooperates with the national secret services of all countries, thus serving the aims and purposes of internationalism. 16
In a separate book I’m now working on, I hope to unmask the Secret Brotherhood’s clandestine control and manipulation of the CIA, the Russian KGB, the FBI, and the British intelligence agencies. I am convinced that I will be able to conclusively prove that George Bush was himself a key CIA operative even before he became CIA director.
Moreover, it can be proven that Bush was given his earlier CIA position by contacts in Skull & Bones. He used his Texas oil businesses as a cover for his clandestine activities in the 1960’s. George Bush was even involved in the Cuban Bay of Pigs invasion, but his role in the JFK assassination especially deserves scrutiny.
Unraveling the Mysteries of the JFK Assassination
In a November 29, 1963 memorandum from J. Edgar Hoover, then head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and himself a 33rd degree Mason, to the U.S. State Department, the “George Bush connection” was mentioned. In the memo, Hoover stated that on November 23, 1963, while accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was in police custody and being interrogated about his then unknown undercover role with the CIA, FBI, and other governmental agencies, the FBI’s Dallas, Texas, special agent W. T. Forsythe, briefed “Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency” about “problems” related to the assassination. Forsythe was accompanied in his briefing of the CIA’s George Bush by a Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency. 17
This startling memo was (I believe, inadvertently) released to the public along with tens of thousands of other, mostly unusable and innocuous documents that had been previously stamped and classified “Top Secret.” These documents were released only after dozens of researchers availed themselves of the Freedom of Information Act and repeatedly threatened to take reluctant and unenthusiastic government agencies to court. Of course today, the bulk of documentation regarding the Kennedy assassination still remains under lock and key.
Strange Alliances of Greedy Bedfellows
Did the Secret Brotherhood order hit men to finish off President John F. Kennedy? If so, it would not have been the first time that these evil men have used the ultimate weapon—assassination and murder—to cover up their tracks and get their way. And if all this seems too preposterous to imagine, then consider the cautionary words of Russian dissident and Nobel Peace Prize recipient Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who noted the amazing fact that the conspiracy is not only of a money nature, but that its perpetrators could care less from whom their money came.
There also exists another alliance—at first glance, a strange one, a surprising one—but if you think about it, in fact, one which is well grounded and easy to understand. This is the alliance between our communist leaders and your capitalists. 18
In 1913, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson also spoke of the corrupt men who make up the international money power: “There is a power so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that prudent men better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” 19
It was Thomas Jefferson who once trumpeted the famous line, “Power to the people!” But it was the Secret Brotherhood that developed the occult understanding that the root of all power is money and with enough money a small band of men can greatly influence a huge mob of fools. They were and are the “power” about which Woodrow Wilson warned.
Confessions of A Money Insider
In a recent book by Jacques Attali, special advisor to France’s President Mitterrand and one of the top leaders of the European Community, the author shares his considerable insight into the financiers of the Secret Brotherhood, and into their mind set concerning the power of money. 20 Attali is no enemy of the conspiracy. In fact, he is a part of the great system of money and power that pervades the world today. Therefore, he vindicates the use of super-capitalist techniques and devious methods employed by the Brotherhood to develop their schemes.
It is for this reason—the fact the Jacques Attali favors world government and the unity of all things under the direction of a global Brain Trust or World Mind—that we should pay even closer attention to his writings.
In describing how the international financiers are organized, Attali shows that the financiers are “linked together in a close-knit, almost dynastic network.” He says that they “constitute a parallel aristocracy planted within the very heart of every regime.” He further describes them as “an elite both of wealth and culture, behaving like a dynasty.” 21
Their power to influence history and to organize themselves together, and their use of rituals to further their aims is recognized by Attali when he states:
Pioneers of capitalist rationality, founders of and witnesses for the Mercantile Order, financiers are essential links in the chain of our history...they organize themselves finally into a strange aristocracy, a sort of austere Order with its implacable moral code and ferocious rituals; the Name is its primary riches and the Land its ultimate vanity. 22
Can this much power really be wielded over the common man by the international financiers? Attali provides astonishing information, consistent with all the research that I have done on the conspiracy, that the men at the top actually have such vast, encompassing power and influence that they become superintendents of all other men on this planet. Attali reveals that it is the money men who pull the strings of power by direct control over heads of state.
A “Power Over Power”
What’s more, Attali writes, the financiers have organized themselves into an Order and recognize each other by a certain “Name.” They possess a magnificent “power over power.” Their fantastic success has permitted them to setup on a global scale a “Mercantile Order” in which, because of their ability to create and distribute money to whomsoever they please, they are therefore able to discreetly exercise an incredible form of “power over the holders of power.” 23
Ominously in my view, Jacques Attali presents to us a “vision of the world that is about to be born.” He notes that we have witnessed the death through exhaustion of the Soviet empire and now we are witnessing the triumph of democracy. Next on the horizon, according to Attali, is a New World that will be based on this Mercantile Order. It will be altogether different from anything we have ever seen before in history and it will be ruled over by a small clique of power brokers—the financiers who have this “power over power.” 24
How Mighty is the Rockefeller Klan?
While Jacques Attali is an insider of the conspiracy, Emanuel M. Josephson, author of a number of enlightening books on the Rockefeller dynasty and the Federal Reserve conspiracy, most definitely is not. In one of his thoroughly documented exposé books, Josephson says of the conspirators that their accomplishments could be written up in a bestselling fiction novel. Such a novel, he suggests, would be more provocative and thrilling than Ian Fleming’s Goldfinger, the fictional tale that was made into a James Bond 007 blockbuster movie. 25
The truth, said Josephson, is much stranger than fiction:
The truth, in this instance, is stranger, more menacing and frightening than fiction. The key characters are not as ostentatious in their criminality. They are far more ruthless, though cowardly, gangsters. They pose as “philanthropists” and are unsuspected. They use the U.S. and other governments, their “dis-United” Nations, and kings and queens as pawns in their games. Millions of humans have been slaughtered in an endless series of wars they have engineered to expand their empire and increase their loot. Their grandiose objective is “internationalist,” “One World” dictatorship, genocide and enslavement of mankind. 26
For those who suspect Josephson guilty of overstating the case, of some form of literary hyperbole, I can only refer them to the wording of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling of 1911 regarding the high court’s decree that the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company must be dissolved—at on
ce! Not mincing words, the majority opinion of the Supreme Court emphatically stated, “For the safety of the Republic we now decree that the dangerous conspiracy must be ended by November 15, 1911.” 27
Remember that word, “conspiracy,” used with extreme good judgement by the Supreme Court, when people scornfully taunt you and mock you as some kind of a conspiracy theorist or nut. The Supreme Court ruling had to do with the massive plot by John D. Rockefeller to control the world oil business. The Rockefeller family had amassed untold wealth as a result of its establishment of a global network of co-conspirators. This network was greased and facilitated with money and, in turn, it made more money, proving the adage that “It takes money to make money” and adding the little ditty that, to make billions it takes at least several hundred million.
While the Supreme Court of the United States attempted to dismantle the conspiracy put together by the international Rockefeller dynasty, the attempt, unfortunately, did not succeed. Over the years the Rockefellers have grown more and more wealthy and more cunning in the manner in which they employ their wealth to control the affairs of this world. The current head of the Rockefeller dynasty, David Rockefeller (his son is waiting in the wings to take over), was once labeled by Time Magazine as “the prime mover in banking that controls the course of world economic affairs and history.” 28
The publication also recognized David Rockefeller as the most important banker in the world. Rockefeller himself, through his press agent, admits that he is “enormously and all but incalculably rich.” 29 Not only is he rich, but such world notables as Japan’s emperor and the monarch of Thailand have astutely said that he “outranks royalty.” 30
The Financial New World Order
Though David Rockefeller may be the most visible of the Brotherhood, he is joined in his vainglorious scheme by a handful of others with huge money resources. In a recent newsletter, former Congressman Ron Paul of Houston, the man who first exposed the plot to give us a “new money” (see my book Millennium: Peace, Promises, and The Day They Take Our Money Away), wrote about the financial aspects of the New World Order and the plans of the money men who are its architects:
The Financial New World Order is the creation of an elite system of interconnected governments and bureaucrats, which conspires to tax, regulate, and inflate away the wealth held by the middle class peoples of countries around the world, in the name of global democracy.
Congressman Ron Paul has made it plain that, in his view, the United States has taken the lead in imposing this Financial New World Order. My own investigation makes clear the fact that this is a conspiracy of global dimensions, with only a handful of elitists at the very top pulling the strings of world power. This small group also formulates the policies and sets forth the various battle plans designed to bring all things together as the nations of the world gallop furiously toward the sunset of the 20th century.
CHAPTER FOUR: The Great Work—The Magic of a Thousand Points of Light
What did President George Bush really mean when he promised, “I will keep America moving forward, ever forward for an enduring dream and a thousand points of light?” And later, during his State of the Union Address, when he mysteriously told the nation that our goal must be “the illumination of a mankind by a thousand points of light?”
Is this a coded illuminist message? Is it intended only for a very special, targeted audience? Who first conceived of the idea of a “Thousand Points of Light?” And does this strange phrase have anything to do with the long-cherished occult plan for America?
Is there a link between the meaning of the phrase “A Thousand Points of Light” and the New World Order conspiracy?
The public at large seems to be fascinated and enthralled with the dazzling pageantry and illusion employed by the Secret Brotherhood to mask their true intentions. Using the universal desire for democracy and freedom as a cover for their activities, the Secret Brotherhood has recently been able to get one of its own elected President of the United States. Other men controlled by its network now hold the top positions in Great Britain, France, Germany, and Russia.
As never before in history, the powers of money and government have merged to become one. Thus, the Secret Brotherhood is at the very pinnacle of finally achieving its most cherished objectives. The roadblocks which once impeded its progress have been removed—and now, watch out! The world will never be the same!
Breaking the Illuminist Code
For the most part the Secret Brotherhood operates behind closed doors. Frankly, I had to practically turn the earth inside out—and call down help from Heaven as well—to track these men down and gain access to their unpublished plan for world domination and control. But it was only after I was able to unlock the deepest secrets of their illuminist code and decipher their cryptic special language that I first began to make significant progress in my investigative journey to unmask the Secret Brotherhood.
The men of the Secret Brotherhood are not like you and me. They believe in magic. Theirs is the strange and bizarre world of ritual alchemy, the recitation of mantras, of words of power, the study of esoteric philosophies, and the mysterious display of arcane New Age symbols. Yet, in public, they impress us as men who are likeable, intelligent, refined, fair-minded, tolerant, thoughtful, kind, and gentle men who sincerely care about such matters as the environment, the plight of the hungry and starving overseas, the jobless, and the poverty-stricken.
Moreover, they often are recognized as leaders in the legitimate quest for world peace and tranquility. Many are active in church work and charitable organizations. Others give freely to good causes. No one would suspect for a moment what actually goes on in the deep, dark recesses of their diabolical minds.
The elitists who comprise the Secret Brotherhood are without exception initiates of secret societies. To the average person, the elaborate rituals, secret passwords and hand signs, mysterious symbols, and coded messages employed by the members of the secret societies border on the ridiculous. But to men whose entire lives, from the cradle to the grave, are bound up in arcane, hidden practices, the world is viewed with a far different set of lenses. The earth and everything in it acquires stunningly supernatural magical qualities.
The concealed men of the magnificently powerful Secret Brotherhood are, in fact, blood brothers whose minds have long been immersed and shrouded in a magical paradigm totally incomprehensible to the common man. It is for this reason that these men are extremely dangerous.
It is, moreover, most unwise for us to consider them our moral, ethical, and spiritual equals. They are not. The leaders of such groups as the Order of Skull & Bones, the Priory de Sion, the Order of the Garter, the Grand Orient Lodge, and the Rosicrucians are men who totally abhor and find disgusting the plebeian lifestyle and lower class worldview of those of us whom, they are convinced, are their social and spiritual inferiors. The members of the Secret Brotherhood have been taught that the illuminized, superior New Man is not limited by the old world’s traditional values. His is instead a pure and spiritual nature that transcends the normal confines of good and evil.
Believe me, the Secret Brotherhood holds you and I in utter contempt. Their deceitful actions well demonstrate their contemptuous attitude toward us. All their lives they have been taught the necessity of deceiving the masses. These men are unquestionably the all-time masters of deceit.
The Magical Language of the Messengers of Light
To fully understand just how masterful the Brotherhood is in seeding men’s minds with illusion and magic, we need only turn to the coded, esoteric speeches of their chief public servant, President George Bush. For years, George Bush has been a primary messenger for the Brotherhood. His messages, though they appear to be full of light, nevertheless are dark and foreboding. What’s more, they convey special meanings which can be understood only by those trained in the black magical arts, alchemy, and ritual.
To the uninitiated, these words and phrases act as alchemical processing tools, powerful
in their ability to induce visual stimulation. Occult phraseology programs and condition the minds of the masses, and this is its principal purpose.
As Robert Anton Wilson, a notable authority on mass hypnosis and occultic systems, wrote in an article for Magical Blend, a major New Age magazine, “Language and hypnosis form the foundation on which humans create worlds of consciousness and of fantasy.” l
It is remarkably easy to induce at least partial hypnosis in human beings, says Wilson, and “very few people know how to dehypnotize themselves.”
This process of hypnosis is strengthened when magical words are used which inject regenerative power into peoples’ minds. The best way to do this is to employ symbolic language. Thus Ruth Miller, in The Mystical Origin of the United States, writes that the secret societies initiated the science of symbology in which to clothe their philosophy. Through words of symbolic power, men’s minds are “illuminated” and their emotions are “transmuted.”
If we examine just two of George Bush’s more famous speeches, the coded nature of his illuminist messages easily stand out. The first speech we will look at is George Bush’s acceptance speech at the Republican Party National Convention on August 18, 1988. This speech has been considered by many to be the most effective ever presented by the president.
The Mission
First, then Vice President Bush let the thousands of assembled delegates—and the tens of millions of others watching via global television—know that he had a destiny, which he described as a mission, to perform. In fact, his speech was peppered ten times with the word mission. The Secret Brotherhood believes its Great Work, the illumination of mankind, is a glorious mission. Is this what George Bush had in mind when he remarked: