Dark Majesty Page 5
Chesterton concluded his study of the secret elite with this final word: “A conspiracy of worldwide dimensions does exist and...unless we manage to defeat the conspirators, no matter how great the odds against us, we shall have nothing to pass on to our successors except the certainty of enslavement.” 21
CHAPTER THREE: What International Evil Lurks in Vaults of Banks?
Few would debate the proposition that if there is a great world conspiracy that surrounds us, money and its acquisition is at the heart of it. A famous novelist once said that bestselling novels must contain at least one of four essential ingredients: money, sex, power, and blood. But with enough money, the other three can be bought!
Increasingly, intelligent and thoughtful men and women are discovering the alarming truth: that a conspiracy of grotesquely evil dimensions does exist. Moreover, they are coming to this shocking conclusion based on what they see occurring today in the realm of money.
For example, take Steve Daley, a highly respected Washington, D.C. correspondent for the Chicago Tribune. Daley recently penned an article about a money conspiracy, specifically related to the BCCI banking scandal. When the internationalist Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) folded in 1991, ripples were felt around the globe. How can it be, it was asked, that a fantastic, double-dealing but super-rich bank such as this could even exist!
The Bank of Crooks and Criminals International (BCCI)
Bill Gates, soon to become director of the CIA, once scathingly called BCCI the “Bank of Crooks and Criminals International.” But if so, then—surprise of surprises—consider the rogues’ gallery of famous names attached to this scandal. As it turns out, many of the very men who have in the past been suspected of being at the forefront in an international Illuminati conspiracy just happen to be the same ones implicated in the BCCI scam.
And so Steve Daley wisely entitled his article for the Chicago Tribune, “What International Evil Lurks in Vaults of Banks?” Here’s a fascinating portion of that intriguing article:
WASHINGTON—Like millions of my skeptical countrymen and women, I long have snickered at the conspiracy theorists among us.
Wild talk of evil-doing by the shadowy Trilateral Commission, letter-writing Scientologists, followers of Sun Myung Moon, collegiate fun-seekers in Skull and Bones or Soviet moles burrowed inside the American intelligence community kept me changing the channel.
By my lights, Skull and Bones, the subterranean society that President Bush joined while at Yale, was the province of dull rich guys. And those who got lathered up by the secret-handshake crowd were as easily dismissed as folks who call talk-radio programs three nights a week to discuss Elvis Presley’s whereabouts.
The headlines indicate that I’ve been wrong. Years after critics of the Warren Commission and yahoos who trumpeted papal conspiracies have passed in review, along comes the Bank of Credit and Commerce International.
Time magazine calls the controversy swirling around the bank “the first global scandal...”
Begun in 1972 by a Pakistani financier with an eye toward Third World development, BCCI soon became an automatic-teller machine for bribery, fraud, money-laundering, drug deals, arms shipments and terrorism.
The preferred bank of Philippines despot Ferdinand Marcos, Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, Panama’s Manual Noriega and Colombia’s murderous Medellin drug cartel, BCCI also serviced the Central Intelligence Agency and sponsored the largest bank holding company in Washington, First American Bankshares, hiring long-time Democratic insider Clark Clifford as a front man.
Clifford, the subject of a New York grand jury investigation, has denied all wrongdoing and he’s not alone.
But how can a conspiracy theorist resist a scandal that links British Prime Minister John Major and former President Jimmy Carter, Clifford and arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, Attorney General Dick Thornburgh and former Peruvian President Alan Garcia?
None of these worthies has been found guilty of anything so far, and most of them are probably responsible for little more than bad judgment and low companions.
But the exploding scandal appears likely to damage reputations on four continents and enhance the belief there are international forces at work operating independent of accountability and control.
What was the bank up to? It will take years to sort out.
A British newspaper, citing French sources, says that four years ago the Kuwaitis deposited $60 million in a BCCI account to bankroll the Fatah Revolutionary Council, a terrorist front for the notorious Abu Nidal.
Closer to home, there are charges the bank was used by the CIA as a link to Nicaraguan Contras, Afghan rebels and a host of cloak-and-dagger operatives overseas.
In Florida there are continuing investigations into BCCI involvement with the savings and loan fiasco, and there is also a growing body of evidence to suggest the U.S. government was less than zealous in following up rumors and reports about the bank.
In testimony before Senator John Kerry’s Senate subcommittee last Thursday, William von Raab, former commissioner of the U.S. Customs Service, said the Justice Department had “cut out” his investigation of BCCI.
Talking about the ability of the U.S. government to overlook this vast illegality despite warnings going back nearly a decade, Von Raab offered a remarkable civics lesson.
“There wasn’t a single influence peddler who wasn’t being used to work this case,” he said.
“The result is that senior U.S. policy-level officials were constantly under the impression that BCCI was probably not that bad, because all these good guys they play golf with all the time were representing them.”
Von Raab suggested that Kerry’s subcommittee look into a special Treasury Department outfit unit called SinCen, which took over international coordination of the BCCI investigation after von Raab resigned two years ago.
We don’t yet know what SinCen is, but it’s fair to assume it’s not a new cable channel. 1
A Skull & Bones Cover-up?
It’s a sure bet that the U.S. Senate won’t ever get to the bottom of the BCCI scandal. How clever of the Senate leadership that the subcommittee chaired by Senator John Kerry (D.—Massachusetts), a Yale grad and a Skull & Bones Society man, was assigned the task of straightening out the sleazy mess. That’s a little like throwing a rotting side of ham into a deep freeze, then tossing the deep freeze into the bottom of the Pacific Ocean!
If the common, everyday people of the United States were to discover the true facts about BCCI, the whole scam of the world conspiracy would begin to unravel. This is because the conspiracy is fueled by money and is engaged in by the Illuminati so that they can acquire more money.
International banking is at the very core of this present evil force. Indeed, wherever we turn today in the field of money, we discover the grimy and dirty hands of the Secret Brotherhood groping around in the piggy banks of the world’s largest financial institutions. For years now, from the Watergate and ITT scandals of the Nixon era to the savings and loan and banking fiascoes of the Bush administration, the key to the whole sordid game plan of the elitists has involved international banking interests.
Are We Getting Close to the “Grand Finale?”
Yet another respected authority who seems to have finally caught on to this is Meg Greenfield, who writes a monthly opinion page for Newsweek magazine. Greenfield wrote an eye-opening piece for the magazine back in 1991. She noted that since the days of the ITT scandal during the Nixon era decades ago, an incredible array of “government creeps and pomposities...marginal characters and duped celebrities and misbehaving personages” have darted in and out of the news. 2
Moreover, Greenfield keenly observed, the lives of these men and women, which at first glance seemed to be disparate and far afield from each other, “seem, unaccountably, to keep intertwining.” 3
Whatever the tragedy that befronts us at a given time, says Greenfield, whether the ITT scandal, the Watergate burglar incident, or now the BCCI banking affair
and scam, the same “miscreants” seem to be involved. The same “improbable cast of characters” has become all too familiar. Greenfield characterized the recurring slate of bad guys as:
...between jobs sleuths, spooks and troublemakers, bigshot financial figures, a genuinely eccentric female or two, government appointees with terminally bland expressions and (one had thought until one learned of their villainy) minds to match, political leaders who should have known better—all in all, your basic scandal package. 4
What Has Been Going On?
“No one ever quite explained how that all came together,” wrote Greenfield, “but, importantly some of them have turned up again and again.” 5
Greenfield finally was led to cry out: “This opera has been going on too long ... from ITT to BCCI, what the hell has been going on?” “Tell us,” she implored, “Get it over with whoever you may be. I think we’d all be grateful to be done with it and never hear from you again. I think we might even offer amnesty.” 6
Now before you make a too hasty decision that Meg Greenfield is jumping to conclusions, listen to what she had to say about the BCCI scam, only one of the many scandals and hazy yet crooked operations that has befallen the world recently:
Only consider: Any scandal that has mixed up among its innocents and guilties and in-betweens (Panamanian dictator) Manuel Noriega, (Arab terrorist) Abu Nidal, (former Secretary of State) Clark Clifford, (President Carter’s financial advisor) Bert Lance, the Mafia, the Colombian drug cartels, the CIA, and in a stunning walkon part, Princess Anne, is coming about as close as we’re going to get to the Grand Finale. And of course, there are characters involved in this one who took part in some of the infamous others. 7
Newsweek’s astute Meg Greenfield suggested that the incredible saga of BCCI and the other scandals may well constitute one great thriller. She notes that the BCCI affair appears to have in common with operas “a gigantic cast of characters you can never keep straight, all of whom are hiding something and at least half of whom are in disguise most of the time.” 8
Penetratingly, she also observes that:
In our world it is the laundered money, the hidden bank accounts, the camouflaged ownerships and involvements...These are not so different from the endless deceptions that the characters in operas are perpetrating on each other and the audience most of the time. And, as in that art form, it is also the case in modern political reality that bizarre, unexpected connections among the unconnected (or so it had seemed) keep turning up. 9
Significantly, Greenfield writes that the continuing and somewhat crowded trail of weird and strange events has done nothing to promote American confidence in either the honesty or “even the sanity of our leaders.” But what has Greenfield really upset is that unlike the opera, in the strange and fantastic real world that confronts us, “the ends are always left loose:”
The statement is usually uttered that these leaders simply didn’t know what was going on, but that they will admit some sort of ‘mistakes in judgement.’ So the whole thing passes—until the next outbreak when some of the same low-lifes and the same issues reappear in an enormously enlarged cast. 10
“What we never know,” she says, “and what that great last scene on stage could tell us, is exactly what has been going on all these years and how all these seemingly unrelated folks got so weirdly and incriminating entangled with one another.” 11
The Financial Masquerade That Ends in Bloody Wars
Those of us who are by now aware of the reality of the great world conspiracy agree with Meg Greenfield. It is, indeed, time to pull down the curtain and end the masquerade of the would-be masters of the universe. But to do so, we must first believe, understand, and accept that a great charade and spectacle is occurring in the first place.
This charade involves bloody wars and notorious acts. For example, consider the case of the Persian Gulf conflict. We were told that America fought in the Gulf to bring freedom to Kuwait, but the totally decadent reign of Kuwait’s despotic Emir, al Sabah allows no freedoms. He’s the Christian-murdering tyrant whom President Bush reinstalled on the throne after some of America’s finest young men and women shed their blood in the victorious Persian Gulf battle.
It was disgraceful that this indecent Arab Sheik, his tyrannical family bullies, and their Arab cronies were allowed once again to seize power.
Predictably, pro-democracy elements inside Kuwait were very quickly cruelly suppressed as the Emir’s more hardened loyalist soldiers rounded-up dissenters, raped women and children, and callously carried out assassinations.
Worse, with the BCCI bank failure comes the disclosure that all along it has been Kuwait’s Emir who has been bankrolling Abu Nidal, the most notorious Arab terrorist in the world. According to the bank fraud investigators, in 1987 alone Kuwait’s government deposited $60 million in Abu Nidal’s secret BCCI account. Then, in 1989 some $500 million was put into Abu Nidal’s account by the Kuwaiti and other Arab sources.
Incredibly, our own CIA knew of these transactions. Thus, even as President Bush cried crocodile tears over Saddam Hussein’s overthrow of Kuwait’s Emir and even as he welcomed the Emir back on the throne, President Bush was keenly aware that this wicked Arab potentate was greatly responsible for such terrorist atrocities as the high-jacking of airliners and ships, and for terrorist bomb attacks around the world.
Snickering at the Conspiracy “Theorists”
Interestingly enough, if there is a world conspiracy that has existed for decades or more, and if the conspirators do control the media—TV, magazines, newspapers, radio and so forth—would it not make sense that they would first of all seek to convince us that there is no conspiracy? After all, a conspiracy occurs in secret and the thugs who perpetrate it always do their best to keep their hideous acts under concealment. Naturally, they would attempt to downplay and discredit any talk of a conspiracy. They would also stamp out, to the best of their ability, any rumors or gossip that they are colluding behind our backs.
They would encourage the media to snicker at the conspiracy “theorists” among us. They would teach the media to proclaim that all of this is simply “wild talk.” Crazy stories invented by strange people who need such mind games for entertainment during long, lonely, cold winter nights or steamy, hot summers.
That would be the minimum that the conspirators would do to keep the lid on things and to keep the masses hoodwinked. But I believe, after reading this book, many of you will pull off the masks and run up the window shades and again peer with 20/20 vision into the clear rays of sunlight.
The Ranks of Believers Swells Daily
Certainly, the ranks of those who recognize a conspiracy at work are growing fast. Jonathan Vankin, the news editor for the San Jose Metro newspaper in California, journeyed for two years into the world of grand-scale conspiracy theories. The result was his 1991 book, Conspiracies, Coverups, and Crimes: Political Manipulation and Control. At first Vankin was reluctant to admit that such events as the John F. Kennedy assassination were the result of conspiracy. “I went into it curious” and with an open mind, he states. 12
Once he became immersed in a score of intricate plots whose origins can be traced back centuries to the Bavarian Illuminati, the medieval Knights Templar, and ancient mystery groups and secret societies, Vankin began to “recognize a definite kind of logic in the unanswered charges and hints of duplicity that footnote history.” 13
How, he wondered, could Robert Kennedy be killed by gunshot from inches behind his head when the convicted assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, was several feet in front of him?
“I consciously decided to question things like, what was the CIA doing at Jonestown?” says Vankin. “The more you think like that...the way you see things start to change, and it all looks a lot different than before.” 14
Meanwhile, at the American Psychological Association’s convention in San Francisco in 1991, Sacramento psychologist Terence Sandbek delivered a research paper which attempted to take an objective view as t
o whether a world conspiracy actually exists. Yet, Sandbek noted that in light of current events, it may well be healthy for citizens to be skeptical of governments.
“You read non-fiction about the inner workings of the CIA and it’s unbelievable,” says psychologist Sandbek. “You figure it has got to be only the tip of the iceberg.” l5
Spies, Spooks, and the Secret Brotherhood
The frequent mention of CIA involvement in the world conspiracy is not happenstance. My own investigation reveals that the men who run the networks of the Secret Brotherhood have for decades controlled America’s Central Intelligence Agency as well as spy agencies in Great Britain and other countries. Thus, it is not accidental that George Bush, Skull & Bones class of ’47, was magically chosen in the late 1970’s to be director of the CIA. Nor was it a mere coincidence that William Casey, Reagan’s appointee to be chief of the CIA, belonged to yet another brotherhood—linked secret society, the Knights of Malta.
Lady Queensborough, in her highly acclaimed, two volume work, Occult Theocrasy, had this to say about the Illuminati takeover of international spy organizations: