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  I am a man who sees life in terms of missions defined and missions completed...The most important work of my life is to complete the mission we started in 1980...Let me tell you more about the mission. A nation’s leader must be able to define—and lead—a mission.

  The Ancient Knowledge

  To the Illuminati, ancient knowledge refers to ancient occult wisdom and to the mystery teachings of the ages. They also call this ancient knowledge the perennial philosophy, the ageless wisdom, or the gnostic philosophy. How strange, then, to hear George Bush use the term “ancient knowledge” in respect to detente with the Soviet Union:

  We have a new relationship with the Soviet Union ... It is a watershed. It happened when we acted on the ancient knowledge that strength and clarity lead to peace.

  The Bright Center

  The occult philosophy of the Secret Brotherhood teaches of the bright, radiant center within each individual. This bright center reflects the rays of the Great Central Sun, the Masonic deity, and is how man expresses the will to become awake, to become illumined. As Alice Bailey of the Lucis Trust explains in the veiled language so common to the advanced disciples of the secret societies:

  When light illuminates the minds of men and stirs the secret light within all forms, then the One in Whom we live reveals His hidden secret lighted will.

  When the purpose of the Lords of Karma can find no more to do and all the weaving and close-related plans are all worked out, then the One in Whom we live can say: “Well done! Naught but the beautiful remains.”

  When the lowest of the low, the densest of the dense, and the highest of the high have all been lifted through the little wills of men, then can the One in Whom we live raise into radiating light the vivid lighted ball of Earth, and then another greater Voice can say to Him: “Well done! Move on. Light shines!” 2

  According to the occult teachings of the Illuminati, at the bright center is found energy, which, the occult philosophy says, is “God energy.” This energy within, writes Alice Bailey, is “a point of focused fire, found in the center which permits radiation to penetrate to other centers and to other lives.” 3

  The “bright center” which is the individual god-force radiating out to others is also said to be likened to the sun rays that emanate from the secret societies, or Orders. Thus, Gaetan Delaforge, in The Templar Tradition in the Age of Aquarius, remarks:

  The aspirations of the Order should be spiritual above all else ... An Order should strive to be a center of radiant light inspiring men and women to join in the redemption of the planet by the example given by its members in their daily lives. 4

  Mikhail Gorbachev and the Bright Center of Man

  Mikhail Gorbachev, like Bush a dedicated servant of the Wise Men of the Secret Brotherhood, has also talked about this bright center of light radiating from within exalted man. Malachi Martin, obviously a fan of Gorbachev’s, describes the political mission of the Russian leader this way:

  He is their (the peoples of the earth) living guarantee that, together, we can reach to the very core of this earth, into every hidden place of this human cosmos. Together we can humanize it all...

  For Gorbachev will show us how humankind’s collective intellect can and will be accumulated within a new form of the present United Nations. On that day of human history, man—the man each one of us is—will be made into a giant, standing as the center and focus of all our human activities as nations and as people. That is the beckoning height of Gorbachev’s neo-Leninist reach. 5

  Notice, however, that Gorbachev does not beckon us to honor and adore the true God and Lord of this universe, whose name is Jesus Christ. No, what Gorbachev, Bush, and other illuminized masters want to do is condition men to accept their own collective intellect as divine wisdom. Perfected man shall be a giant, whose inner light, given to him by the God of Forces—the great Sun deity, radiates to family and to others.

  George Bush made this point clear when he stated:

  An election is about ideas and values, and it is also about philosophy. And I have one. At the bright center is the individual and radiating out from him or her is the family...From the individual to the family to the community to the nation. 6

  The Great Invocation and its Points of Light

  Could George Bush’s phraseology also have come from The Great Invocation of the Lucis Trust, a major globalist organization? The Great Invocation is an occultic prayer widely used by New Age and liberal church groups. It was even invoked for the opening day ceremonies of the United Nations’ environmental Earth Summit in 1992, in which President George Bush participated. A key passage in this occultic prayer reads: “From the point of Light within the Mind of God let light stream forth into the minds of man. Let light descend on earth.”

  In Esoteric Psychology II, Alice Bailey, founder of the Lucis Trust and originator of The Great Invocation, reveals that the “Light” or “Mind of God” is the energy that radiates from “the heart of the Sun, which is the inner point of life” in man. It is from the Sun (God), she adds, that man receives spiritual “illumination” and thus becomes a light bearer who, through service, “radiates the light (occult knowledge and power) outward.” 7

  In The Beacon, a journal published by the Lucis Trust and World Goodwill, we find this explanation:

  The sun is a great magnet. So says The Secret Doctrine. To esotericists the sun is synonymous with the indwelling higher nature... It would seem that we have, each of us, to become sun-like—to become light bearers bringing radiant illumination to the way of all who live on earth... Every person is potentially a radiant sun. 8

  In Mysteries of the Holy Grail, Corinne Heline, one of the 20th century’s most famous occult theologians, echoes this philosophy:

  The force center in man...when it is fully awake and under the control of the illumined able to flood his entire body with the life forces which pour in from the sun... 9

  A Pagan Sun God Philosophy

  This Masonic-oriented philosophy of the bright center shining from the Sun into the minds of men takes us all the way back to the pagan mystery religion of Babylon. There, writes Alexander Hislop in his outstanding classic work, The Two Babylons, the King of Babylon, Nimrod, was worshipped by being deified as the Sun God. As the Sun deity, Nimrod “was regarded not only as the illuminator of the material world, but as the enlightener of the souls of men.” 10

  In Egypt, Hislop records, the disk of the Sun was represented in the temples as it was also in the worship of Baal, Mithras, and Apollo. In each instance, “the image of the Sun which was worshipped was erected above the altar.” ll This is today exactly where the Freemasonry lodges place their own sun ray burst and their all-seeing eye of Horus, the Egyptian Sun God—above the altar. And George Bush, as a patriarch of the Skull & Bones Society, is an illuminized Freemason.

  The Divine Plan of the Sun God

  The Masonic religion—and all ancient mystery religions—teaches that the Sun God represents the exalted and perfected man. Man is himself the deity who, through initiation, service and obedience, and illumination, unites with the Sun force, or energy. That is the Divine Plan.

  Thus, John Randolph Price, a prominent New Age leader, writes:

  Has it not occurred to you what the Divine Plan is? The Divine Plan for your life is the Christ (self) indwelling, your spiritual nature, your Superconsciousness, your LORD... The Light of God within you, your True Self. 12

  One who has the “higher illumination,” Price explains, is he who is blessed by the solar energy of the divine Sun:

  “It is the sun that does the light is not mine but of the Sun... God is the Sun.” 13

  The Magic of A Thousand Points of Light

  Was George Bush referring to the Sun God—the divine, radiant center in each man—in his acceptance speech at the Republican Convention in 1988? To find the answer, we turn to the President’s most famous phrase—his reference to “the magic of a thousand points of light.”

  In hi
s speech in New Orleans at the Convention, George Bush electrified the entire world when he declared:

  This is America: the Knights of Columbus, the Grange, Hadassa, the Disabled Veterans, the Order of Ahepa, the Business and Professional Women of America, the union hall, the Bible study group, LULAC, Holy Name—a brilliant diversity spread like stars, like a thousands points of light in a broad and peaceful sky.

  First, “a thousand points of light”—what does this cryptic phrase really mean? In occult language, George Bush literally meant the spread and growth of the universalist Secret Doctrine of Masonry. This involves nothing less than the success of the “global vision” of the Secret Brotherhood.

  This is a phrase well understood by trained occultists. In Discipleship in A New Age, Alice Bailey directs occult students to repeatedly make this affirmation: “I am a point of light within a greater light... I am a spark of sacrificial Fire, focused within the fiery will of (the Sun) God.” 14

  Then, in perhaps the most revealing book Bailey ever wrote, 1957’s The Externalization of the Hierarchy, she tells us that the “Points of Light” refers to the men who comprise the occult leadership group known as the New Group of World Servers. These individuals, she remarks, are in service to “the work of the Brotherhood...the Forces of Light.” They are the ones who are to usher all of mankind from the darkness of outmoded Christianity and faded nationalism into the bright and shining “New World Order.” l5

  How amazing that in 1957, 31 years before George Bush uttered those memorable words in New Orleans, one of the world’s top occultists, a woman who first named her organization Lucifer Publishing, originated not only the phrase “points of light” but also that vague term said by his closest advisors to be George Bush’s own invention, the “New World Order.”

  It is only fitting that Bailey recognize that it is, in fact, Lucifer who is the Sun God. The Bible calls him a deceptive “Angel of Light,” but occultists refer to Lucifer as the Radiant One, the Solar Angel and as the Father of Light, who comes to initiate man into the New Age Kingdom, a golden age when perfected man and a cleansed and purified planet earth shall share their own godhood.

  The Coming Solar Age: Blending the Points of Light

  In his book Solar Man, Thomas Ehrenzeller, a director of the World Federalists Association, proclaims that the world and man are soon to reap the vista of “the dawn of the Solar Age.” This, he ecstatically predicts, “will herald the coming of a new Solar Race which will last for centuries, millennia even.” 16

  The Secret Brotherhood conceives of itself as the Brotherhood of Light—a functioning service network dedicated to reconstructing a New World. Their goal is the spreading of their New Age illuminist gospel to a thousand points across the globe. Eventually, all of mankind—except perhaps a few, dim and imperfect souls—will partake of the initiation process. The Great Work shall be done on earth as it is now in hell (the spirit world of Lucifer):

  The light shared by and belonging to all, though dimmed by the imperfection of evolving forms, is the mutual recognition of many points and their joining in interrelationship which has created the magnetic aura of the New Group of World Servers.

  Through all who identify with this group, seeking to cooperate with its purpose and blending their little points of light, the New Group of World Servers will fulfill its purpose and become the planetary lightbearer of the Aquarian age, the radiant torch to light the way for a needy humanity. 17

  The above statement comes from the Lucis Trust’s Beacon journal, July/August, 1986. In that same issue we are told that, “The keynote of esoteric schools (such as the secret societies) is service—service to humanity, service of the Plan, and service of the Hierarchy.”

  The goal is to produce disciples...“who can consciously cooperate with the Hierarchy with intelligence and power.” 18 The goal, writes Jane Brewin, is to develop a “group consciousness.” 19

  In his presidential acceptance speech, George Bush therefore used coded illuminist terminology, accomplishing two goals: (1) signaling his intent and his loyalty to fellow members of the Secret Brotherhood network across the globe; and (2) conditioning and hypnotizing the minds of uninitiated listeners, inducing visual imagery of the most powerful, magical nature. This process is calculated to desensitize individuals and leave their minds susceptible to even higher stages of magic and alchemical transmutation and processing.

  This was not, however, the last time that George Bush used the illuminist phrase, “A Thousand Points of Light.” The phrase was regularly used during his campaign for the presidency. Then, in his historic State of the Union address on the eve of the invasion of Kuwait and Iraq by U.S. and other U.N. troops, President Bush again emphasized that his goal was “the illumination of mankind by a thousand points of light.”

  The Points of Light Foundation

  So successful was he in capturing the public imagination by repeated use of this phrase that George Bush and his associates decided to establish a Points of Light Foundation. Top country singer Randy Travis was recruited to croon a tune entitled “Point of Light,” and once each week the White House selected some service group or individual somewhere in America for a “Point of Light” award and certificate.

  The Points of Light Foundation was begun with a $5 million grant from the U.S. Congress and the President. Its first chairman was J. Richard Munro, formerly the chairman of Time Warner, Inc., the company whose logo is an all-seeing eye.

  Not surprisingly, the logo for the Points of Light Foundation is also of an occultic nature. It depicts the golden sun disk with what at first glance appears to be a torch of light within. But wait, is it not the concealed image of two entities, a male and a female, facing each other? Occultic philosophers can easily recognize these two as the Sun God and his Goddess.

  In an ad sponsored by the Coca Cola Company, we find this message:

  The initiative started by the “Points of Light” was one of sharing the light that is within us... Please join us in creating an enduring light for the future and a message for people here at home about the enlightened America we want to be.

  The Points of Light Foundation is now recognizing deserving cities as “Cities of Light.” Orlando, Florida, the community that gave us the “Magic of Disney” and Mickey Mouse with a sorcerer’s coned hat, was chosen for distinction as America’s first “City of Light.” At the grand ceremony, President Bush and Barbara, the Mayor of Orlando, and others were there for the hoopla and to give speeches.

  A fancy, illustrated brochure was passed out to the people. Here is just a part of the message printed in the brochure. See if you can decipher the coded, illuminist messages it contains:

  Once upon a time, today and always, there will be people made of magic—as if blessed with a power all their own... Their secret rests not in wealth, nor in the trappings of the times, but in the power they have discovered in the gift of giving. Their presence radiates an illumination of spirit in the form of light, creating a glow in the community that if multiplied would be felt across the country.

  This energy is meant to be treasured and harnessed in the form of a vision, seen as a “Point of Light.” We are calling upon these visionaries to help light the way back home to a place of warmth, to a place of trust, to a place of peace. We are counting on those rich in spirit to lead us back to basic values, where people are acknowledged as being the most special part of life.

  If each visionary were to light the candle of just one other, who would in turn share their secret with just one other, we would begin to create what would be called a “City of Light.” This flame of love, hope and peace has the power to ignite our country, has the power to change the face of our nation forever.

  Please participate in the birth of this creation by joining us at “The Celebration,” A Gathering of Community Spirit. Be a part of a movement that has the power to change our community forever. Be part of Orlando, America’s First City of Light.

  The White House: A Lighthouse?
  Did Bush’s “Points of Light” theme inspire New Age occultist and author Joshua Halpern, who, in his book, Children of the Dawn: Visions of the New Family, boasted: “By the year 2000...the White House will be turned into a Light House. Rays of Light will emanate from Washington.” 20

  Not possible; you see, Halpern’s book was published in 1983—two years before George Bush gave his famous speech in which he first used the phrase, “a thousand points of light.”

  The truth is, the scheme all along has been to illuminate the world by establishing occultic service groups and individuals who are “points of light” in every nation on earth.” From such centers, writes John G. Bennett, “there can spread throughout the world—perhaps more quickly than you can imagine possible—the seeds of a new world.” 21

  What is shameful is that many groups, if not most, whom George Bush and the Points of Light Foundation nationally recognized as a “Point of Light” had no idea of the occultic meaning. Indeed, most were very honorable and truly worthy of recognition for their dedicated service to their community.

  The occultic concept of “A Thousand Points of Light” is thus being masterfully implanted in the minds of millions of receptive but unwitting victims. Some recognize the darkly occult “signal” they are receiving; most do not. It’s all part of the New Age and Masonic quest to indoctrinate the world with its humanistic gospel of light. As such, this is a parapsychological, magical networking effort: