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  Yet another important event for the Secret Brotherhood was a conclave that took place on March 21, 1981. Known only to a few outsiders and convened with the strictest of security, the meeting was held in Switzerland at an old but elegant manor once owned by the Order of the Knights of Malta.

  According to one authoritative source, at that meeting in Switzerland were nine senior members of the Brotherhood, the executive council, each of whom had been initiated in the esoteric oral tradition of the ancient Order of the Knights Templar. 7 This initiation ritual is virtually the same that is given new members of the Order of Skull & Bones.

  Why Occultists Favor the Number Nine

  The Secret Brotherhood is therefore led by nine men who sit on its executive council. Why exactly nine? The number 9 has very important hidden, esoteric significance. The men of the Secret Brotherhood believe firmly in the power of ceremonial ritual, magical words, and occult numerology. In the science of occult numerology we discover that the number 9 is the ultimate number of power and authority.

  A case in point is the enneagram, an occultic symbol that has several triangles and lines arranged so that nine points simultaneously touch an outer circle. Currently, the enneagram is popular in a number of Catholic and liberal Protestant churches. Recently, we found that it was even taught to Southern Baptists at a spiritual retreat in Texas.

  There are a number of arcane reasons why occultists favor the number nine and promote the nine-point enneagram. First, Christ breathed His last breath on the cross at the ninth hour, an event perversely celebrated by the Adversary and his agents. Occultists teach that there are nine orders of devils in Hell. Satanists also take delight in noting that the number 9 upside down becomes 6, the number of the beast.

  In pagan Greece it was taught that there were nine muses (or divine “spirits—e.g. demons”) who guided mankind’s efforts on planet earth.

  The Etruscans, from whom the Romans took many of their religious mythologies, believed in nine gods whom they swore by. In Imperial Rome the Romans honored the goddess Nundina by holding a purification ceremony for male infants on their ninth day of life. In addition, every ninth year the Romans held a feast in memory of the dead.

  Moreover, according to the Rosicrucian magus W. W. Westcott, in his book Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues, the number nine also holds great significance among the Masonic orders and secret societies. “There is a Masonic order of Nine Elected Knights,” wrote Westcott, “in which nine roses, nine lights, and nine knocks are used.” Westcott also reported that in occult numerology nine is the number of “the earth under evil influences.”

  In my own book Mystery Mark of the New Age, I picture and discuss the enneagram symbol on pages 86 and 87. In the book I demonstrate its use by New Age authorities and Hindus alike, including Alice Bailey and Djwhal Khul of the Lucis Trust. I also explain how some confused Christian teachers are today claiming that the enneagram can be profitably used to provide people the key to unlocking their personality traits and curing their psychological compulsions.

  Then, in my book New Age Cults and Religions, I discuss the use of the enneagram by a strange Hindu goddess sect which also believes the number 666 is holy. Sri Aurobindo, the late Hindu guru who founded this New Age-styled sect, claimed that whoever unravels the secrets of the enneagram “will enjoy riches and wealth and be sexually fertile.”

  In occult numerology, the digits 666 are added to produce a mystical sum; thus 6+6+6 equals 18; and 1+8 equals 9. So again, we have that most magical and profound of numbers: 9.

  The Link Between Hindu Cults and World Leaders

  Now consider this astonishing fact: Maurice Strong, the co-chairman of the powerful World Economic Forum, the chairman of the Earth Summit event, and the head of the United Nations Environmental Programme, is reportedly a devoteé and a stout believer in the teachings of the Sri Aurobindo cult! 8

  Strong, a fabulously rich man, has also built a great and sacred temple to the sun god at his ranch in the Baca Grande of Colorado. Both he and his wife, Hannah, are fervent New Agers. Reportedly, Mrs. Strong believes that her 10-year-old grandson is the reincarnation of an 11th century Tibetan Buddhist monk named Rechung Dorje Drakpa.

  Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev also has his own Hindu guru, Sri Chinmoy, who mentors and guides him in the new spiritual ways. And Gorbachev, too, has demonstrated his own New Age beliefs and learnings. 9 So quite obviously, if Strong and Gorbachev are any indication and they are!—the mystical foundations of the elitist membership of the Secret Brotherhood are deeply rooted in Hindu and New Age mythologies and religious dogma. And as we shall see, these mythologies and dogma are based on a belief in a “god of forces,” pictured to be the great, central Sun. The religion of the Illuminati is of the ancient Solar Tradition of Mystery Babylon!

  Solar Men, Solar Tradition and the New Rome

  In 1984, this same group of nine influential leaders of the Illuminati met once again in France. Renewing their vows, they dedicated themselves to their goal of a New World Order to encompass the entire globe. These nine individuals, who believe themselves to be a sacred nobility and the forebearers of a new type of man, also gave their Order a new name. In French, that name is L’Ordre International Chevaleresque, Tradition Solaire, which, translated in English, is the International Order of Chivalry, Solar Tradition. 10

  It is interesting that Thomas Ehrenzeller, a director of the World Federalists Association, an influential group founded by the late Norman Cousins that has as its chief goal the setting up of World Government, wrote a book in 1976 entitled Solar Man. In that book, Ehrenzeller put forth a startling blueprint for exactly how the Secret Brotherhood intended to achieve the unity of all nations under one central authority. 11

  The plan calls first, for organizing the earth into regions (beginning with the European Community, with the Americas and others to follow), the breakdown and dissolution of the old Soviet communist empire, and finally, a strengthened United Nations with global military capability. 12

  All of these planks of the Brotherhood’s plan have enjoying shockingly accurate fulfillment. The surprising, recent developments in the formation of the Europe Economic Community, President George Bush’s proposal of a North American Free Trade Zone, and the resounding fall of communism and breakup of the Soviet Union, were exactly what Ehrenzeller had prescribed in Solar Man.

  In fact, the term “Solar” is an illuminist code-word. George Bush’s “Thousand Points of Light” phrase is also a byproduct of the “Solar Tradition” and the plan of the Illuminati to exalt “Solar Man.” Bush’s phrase literally means the sparks of divinity within illuminized, perfected man. Such men constitute the nobility who are to rule and manage our planet.

  The ascendance to the pinnacle of global power of the Secret Brotherhood will, its members believe, mean that the Holy Roman Empire of the caesars is once again restored to its former heights of glory. The building of the New Rome has long been the dream of the Illuminati.

  In the book The Household of the Grail, Robin Waterfield proposes that this yearning for the return of the imperial tradition is the key to what motivates the secret societies. For the secret societies, Waterfield writes:

  The Holy roman Empire was restauratio and continuatio (to be restored and continued)...which in its ultimate meaning implies a restoration of the Roman movement toward a world-wide “solar” synthesis, a restoration which logically, implies transcending Christianity. 13

  “Transcending Christianity” means to go beyond it, to leave it behind, to recognize it as lacking in value and no longer useful to humanity. The Illuminati despise true, traditional Christianity. This is why Maurice Strong has stated: “It must be clear ... that if the world is to change, Christianity must change.” 14

  No More Smoke-Filled Rooms

  Investigative reporter Danny Casolero, who gave his life in an attempt to uncover the workings of this huge, conspiratorial financial behemoth which Casolero unaffectionately named The
Octopus, told anyone who would listen that the tentacles of this beast extended in every direction across the face of the globe. l5 Given the astonishing advances and communications today, a conspiracy is much more likely to occur in our era than any other era in history.

  Today, it is remarkably easy for conspirators to meet at any spot on the globe by jet within a few hours of a decision being made that a meeting is necessary. Moreover, personal, face-to-face meetings can be augmented or substituted with teleconferences, a method in which each participant can sit comfortably in a walnut-paneled board room and observe joint proceedings on a giant television screen.

  Moreover, rapid communication, coordination, and command and control can be effected through lightning-fast and cryptologically coded and protected computer networks. Fax machines can be utilized to send documents in moments to hundreds of locations around the world.

  My point is simply this: No longer do conspirators have to travel by slow boats, railroad, and other snail’s pace forms of transportation to smoke-filled rooms, where they meet and plot the most devious and sinister of schemes to take over and control humanity. Instead, there are more than ample ways, many high tech in nature, which are being employed to coordinate and supervise the gigantic global empire put together by the Secret Brotherhood.

  Conspiracy is a Natural Event

  Actually, it is a natural thing for men to conspire and collude together to make more money and to promote common goals. I am always amused and perplexed over anyone who would deny that men’s natural tendency is to organize themselves into a conspiracy. Certainly, the history of the world has given us many examples. In the 20th century alone, we have seen a conspiracy by Mao Tse-tung and a few Communists who instigated a rebellion that began in the snowcapped mountains of Manchuria and eventually became so immense that a nation of 600 million (now exceeding 1 billion!) was conquered.

  The Communist successors of the dictator Mao still sit in hallowed halls, reigning over their far-flung oriental empire and subjecting almost 20 percent of the world’s population to the basest and most vile forms of persecution, terror and control.

  In our generation we also watched as a small conspiratorial group led by a man named Ho Chi Minh first took on the Japanese invaders, then conquered the French, and finally went head to head with about half a million American combat troops in a decade-long struggle for supremacy in Vietnam. Incidentally, though American troops were not directly defeated on the battlefield, the conspirators gained the victory when U.S. President Richard Nixon decided to cut and run.

  Also in our generation we have witnessed the most criminal savagery and butchery that has ever been perpetrated on innocent men, women, and children. I am referring not only to Adolf Hitler’s massacre of millions in concentration camps and his ruthless suppression of the peoples and the nations that he conquered in Europe, but also to Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge monster. It was Pol Pot who led over one million of his countrymen to the killing fields in Cambodia where they were shot in the back of the head and bludgeoned with baseball bats, among other acts of unspeakable atrocities.

  Need I refresh the reader’s memory that Hitler took office in Germany with the strength of a small band of conspirators known as the Nazi Brown Shirts? And of Pol Pot, the hideous gangster of Cambodia—we must remember that he, too, came to power after founding a small, conspiratorial movement and insurrection that eventually succeeded in capturing the capitol city of Pnom Penh and extending its vise-like grip to all the provinces of that sad Southeast Asian nation.

  We also should not forget the emergence of a communist dictatorship, Lenin’s vanguard, in Moscow in 1917. Lenin, and subsequently Joseph Stalin, were co-partners in a conspiratorial scheme that at first consisted of only a handful of determined and ruthless Marxists. They were funded behind the scenes by secret societies and others in Germany and America. Their repugnant campaign to purify and cleanse Mother Russia and to seek world domination resulted in possibly as many as 100 million human beings wiped out and brutally purged and eliminated in a brief space of some 76 years.

  So we cannot deny that conspiracies have been hatched even in our generation that have resulted in monumental transformations of human society and governments. Nor can we deny that these transformations have resulted in millions of deaths and untold counts of human suffering.

  How amazing, then, that some today deny that a conspiracy could possibly exist!

  Does the Bible Prophesy a World Conspiracy?

  It is an astonishing fact that the Bible contains prophecies directly relating to the great world conspiracy now confronting mankind. If anything could make a man or woman perk up and pay attention to the Word of God, this should! Here are just a few of the incredibly accurate predictions found in the Bible regarding a conspiracy in the last days just before Jesus’ return:

  Global Conspiracy: The conspiracy will be worldwide and gigantic, involving many peoples, languages, ethnic groups, and nations. It will “devour the whole earth.” (Revelation 13:8; 17:15; Daniel 7:23)

  The Illuminist Religion: The conspirators will worship a strange “god of forces” rather than a personal God. Theirs will be a universalist, mystery religion. (Daniel 11 :36-39,II Thessalonians 2)

  Mass Hypnosis: The people of the world will be given a “strong delusion” so that they will believe “the Lie.” (II Thessalonians 2; Isaiah 28, 29; Revelation 13:14)

  A Ruling Elite: A small group will control the whole world. Ten world leaders will be “of one mind,” and they will eventually give “all of their power and strength” in allegiance to one supreme leader. (Daniel 11 :23; Revelation 13:8; 17:12-17)

  An International Economic Order: The super rich will prosper through finance, international trade and commerce. (Revelation 13:16-17; 18; Ezekiel 28:16)

  Money Conspiracy: The conspirators will gain their wealth and riches by defrauding working people. They’ll also control the precious metals (gold and silver) markets.(James 5; Daniel 11 :37-38)

  Occultism: “Craft” (witchcraft) and magic will be employed by the conspiracy to seduce the masses. (Isaiah 44; Daniel 8:23-25; 11 :37-38; I Timothy 4:1-3)

  Deception: Because they are deceived, the masses will go along with the plot by an elitist clique to usher in a New World Order. (Daniel 11 :23-32; Isaiah 28:15-18; Revelation 13)

  Crises and Chaos: The conspirators will cause, bloody and devastating wars, plagues, hunger, oil shortages, pollution of the environment, and nuclear catastrophes (Revelation 6: Matthew 24:21; Zechariah 14:12; Isaiah 1:7; 12; 24:6; 25:5)

  Ultimate Defeat: In the end, the conspirators will be totally vanquished because God has been and always will be in control. He allows the conspiracy to exist only to fulfill His will. (Philippians 2:9-11; Daniel 7:27; 28:18; Revelation 19; I John 5:4)

  The Revelations of A. K. Chesterson

  In his book, The New Unhappy Lords: An Exposure of Power Politics, Britain’s A. K. Chesterton, who fully investigated the reality of a world conspiracy a quarter of a century ago, made this emphatic declaration:

  I claim, with submission, that what has been written in these pages proves the existence of a conspiracy for the destruction of the traditional Western world as the prelude to shepherding mankind into a sheep’s-pen run as a One World tyranny...

  If the idea of so large a conspiracy seems preposterous, it is not nearly so preposterous as the assumption that the post-war shaping of the world is innocent of design. 16

  A. K. Chesterton’s study of the conspirators demonstrated that their’s was a “frenzied assault on patriotism.” 17 He further revealed that the plan of the conspirators was that “all remaining nations had to be softened up with a view to their absorption in federal bodies—such as the European Economic Community—and ultimately in a One World Federation.” 18

  Isn’t it an interesting fact that since the publication of Chesterton’s book about 25 years ago, what he declared as the hidden objectives of the Secret Brotherhood is exactly what we have since seen accompl
ished? Moreover, the frenzied assault on patriotism and the absorption of individual nations into groupings such as the European Economic Community and a North American Free Trade Zone, and the establishment of the Trilateral Commission, which also divides the world up into three regions, has escalated. All these things have occurred since Chesterton’s book came out. It is quite obvious, then, that Chesterton was fully on target with his analysis.

  As I mentioned earlier, today, given the ample opportunities offered to conspirators to collude together through high tech communications and ultra-fast transportation, the concept of a conspiracy is made much more feasible and reasonable. But even 25 years ago, Chesterton noted that the Money Power of the globe was being concentrated into fewer and fewer hands. As Chesterton stated: “The money and credit monopoly is controlled by a very few men.” 19

  In the natural state of human affairs, considering men’s tendency to want more and more money and their natural desire to exercise greater and greater power, it makes sense that men of like mind would work together to enrich themselves as a team. As Chesterton observes:

  In brief, if there is no conspiracy, why is there no conspiracy? Why should nature abhor all power vacuums except this particular vacuum? If the means of controlling the lives and destinies of mankind exists, as undoubtedly they do exist, why should use of them go by default? It is not as though there was any shortage of unscrupulous manipulators. 20

  In other words, it makes no sense at all that sinister men, involving themselves in sordid secret societies, would not conspire together to achieve common ends, particularly when money is involved. And as Chesterton so astutely reflected, certainly today there is no shortage of unscrupulous manipulators. If anything, in the decades since Chesterton’s book was first published, the number of unscrupulous manipulators, corrupt politicians, and greedy banking and financial con men has multiplied beyond our wildest imaginations.