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New Age Cults and Religions
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Texe Marrs Book of New Age Cults and Religions
Texe Marrs
Texe Marrs Book of New Age Cults and Religions Copyright (c) 2011 by Texe Marrs. Published by RiverCrest Publishing, 1708 Patterson Road, Austin, Texas 78733. (previously published by Living Truth Publishers)
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher, except as provided by USA copyright law.
Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.
Cover design: Texe Marrs
Printed in the United States of America
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 90-61915
ISBN 978-1-930004-58-0
I dedicate this book to my wife, Wanda, who has made many sacrifices and worked diligently side-by-side with me to see this important work through to successful completion.
Table of Contents
Introduction: Unmasking the New Age Cults and Religions
Part I—The New Age Explosion
Chapter 1: The New Spiritual Revolution Sweeps
Chapter 2: Across America A New World Religion is Promoted
Chapter 3: What is the New Age?
Chapter 4: Practices, Techniques and Doctrines of the New Age
Chapter 5: New Age vs. True Christianity: A Contrast
Chapter 6: Unholy Bibles of the New Age
Chapter 7: What is a Cult?
Chapter 8: Tactics and Techniques of Cults
Chapter 9: The Lure of Cults
Chapter 10: Reaching Out to New Age Believers
Chapter 11: The Danger of Cults
Part II—New Age Cults and Religions
Chapter 1: A Course in Miracles
Chapter 2: Academy for Future Science (The Keys of Enoch)
Chapter 3: Adelphi 101
Chapter 4: The Aletheia Foundation
Chapter 5: Ananda
Chapter 6: Anthroposophy and the Waldorf Schools (Rudolf Steiner)
Chapter 7: The Arcane School (Alice Bailey)
Chapter 8: Association for Research and Enlightenment—A.R.E. (Edgar Cayce)
Chapter 9: Astara
Chapter 10: Auroville Community
Chapter 11: Baha’i
Chapter 12: Blue Mountain Center of Meditation
Chapter 13: Boulder Graduate School
Chapter 14: Buddhism
Chapter 15: Center for Dances of Universal Peace
Chapter 16: Chinook Learning Center
Chapter 17: The Christ Foundation
Chapter 18: Christian Science
Chapter 19: Church of Divine Man
Chapter 20: Church of Religious Science (Science of Mind)
Chapter 21: The Church Universal and Triumphant (Elizabeth Clare Prophet)
Chapter 22: Dalai Lama
Chapter 23: Druids
Chapter 24: Eckankar
Chapter 25: The Farm
Chapter 26: Fellowship of Isis
Chapter 27: Findhorn Foundation
Chapter 28: The Forum
Chapter 29: Foundation Faith of God
Chapter 30: Foundation for Shamanic Studies
Chapter 31: Free Daist Communion (Da Free John)
Chapter 32: Freemasonry
Chapter 33: Friends of Creation Spirituality (Matthew Fox)
Chapter 34: Goddess, Witchcraft and Pagan Sects
Chapter 35: Hare Krishna
Chapter 36: The Himalayan Institute
Chapter 37: Hinduism and the Gurus
Chapter 38: I Am
Chapter 39: Insight (John-Roger)
Chapter 40: Institute of Noetic Sciences
Chapter 41: International New Thought Alliance
Chapter 42: Jehovah’s Witnesses
Chapter 43: Ken Keyes Center and College
Chapter 44: Kosmon (OAHSPE)
Chapter 45: Krishnamurti
Chapter 46: Lazaris
Chapter 47: Life Spring
Chapter 48: Lucis Trust
Chapter 49: The Mayan Order
Chapter 50: Meditation Group for the New Age
Chapter 51: Messianic Church of Yahweh
Chapter 52: The Monroe Institute
Chapter 53: Montessori
Chapter 54: Moral Rearmament (MRA)
Chapter 55: Mormons (LOS)
Chapter 56: Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA)
Chapter 57: The Mystery School
Chapter 58: Native American Indian Cults and Religions
Chapter 59: New Age Bible and Philosophy Center
Chapter 60: New Age Churches
Chapter 61: The New Age School
Chapter 62: Omega Institute
Chapter 63: Order of the Golden Dawn
Chapter 64: Pacific Institute
Chapter 65: PeaceVision
Chapter 66: Perelandra Community
Chapter 67: Philosophical Research Society
Chapter 68: Ramtha
Chapter 69: Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (RLDS)
Chapter 70: Rosicrucians
Chapter 71: St. James’s Church, London
Chapter 72: St. John the Divine Cathedral
Chapter 73: Sanat Kumura
Chapter 74: School of Sacred Arts
Chapter 75: Scientology, Church of (Dianetics)
Chapter 76: Self-Realization Fellowship
Chapter 77: Seth
Chapter 78: Share International
Chapter 79: The Silva Method
Chapter 80: Sirius Community
Chapter 81: Society of Crystal Skulls, International
Chapter 82: Spiritualism
Chapter 83: Sri Aurobindo
Chapter 84: Sri Chinmoy
Chapter 85: The Stelle Group
Chapter 86: Sufi Moslems
Chapter 87: Swedenborgianism
Chapter 88: The Tara Center, (Lord Maitreya)
Chapter 89: The Temple of Set
Chapter 90: Theosophy
Chapter 91: Transcendental Meditation (TM)
Chapter 92: UFO Cults and Societies
Chapter 93: Unarius
Chapter 94: Unification Church (Rev. Sun Myung Moon)
Chapter 95: Unitarian-Universalist Church
Chapter 96: Unity Church
Chapter 97: Urantia
Chapter 98: Valley of the Sun (Dick Sutphen)
Chapter 99: Windstar Foundation (John Denver)
Chapter 100: World Goodwill
Chapter 101: Worldwide Church of God (Herbert Armstrong)
References and Bibliography
About Texe Marrs
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For More Information
Dangerous new cults and strange religious groups and churches are stalking the citizens of America. That is the subject I explore in Texe Marrs Book of New Age Cults And Religions. Four years in the making and based on exhaustive research and extensive documentation, this is the first complete, authoritative reference guide to the proliferating cults and sects of the fastest growing religious, political, and social movement on earth today: The New Age Religion.
Few Christians today understand the gravity and serious nature of the menace which confronts us. Most do not understand that frightening New Age cults and religions have deeply infiltrated and now seriously impact our society. For example, groups such as Pacific Institute and The Forum (formerly est) and others regularly conduct New Age seminars and training courses for such huge
corporations as AT&T, Southern Edison, General Motors, and Lockheed Aerospace, as well as governmental agencies as varied as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the U.S. Department of Labor, and the military services.
The Silva Method, which trains people to contact spirit guides, has now been used in public schools in Buffalo, New York, while the techniques and principles taught by a false “bible” of the New Age, A Course in Miracles, are being applied by city governments in Houston, Minneapolis, and New York City. Meanwhile, witches and goddess advocates from the Church of Wicca have been invited to make presentations at public libraries in San Jose, California.
One New Age “church,” the Swedenborgian Church of the New Jerusalem, has been accepted for full membership in the National Council of Churches. The New Age foundation called the Esalen Institute sponsored the trip to the United States of top Soviet politician Boris Yeltsin, while Sri Chinmoy, leader of a major New Age religious “peace” organization, was honored with an audience in Moscow by Russian president Mikhail Gorbachev. Chinmoy is also the spiritual mentor and guru for three-time Olympic champion Carl Lewis, dubbed the “world’s fastest human.”
Covering over 100 of the major cults and religious sects, Texe Marrs Book of New Age Cults and Religions explains:
Why New Age cults and religions are extremely dangerous—spiritually and psychologically—and how they are able to lure and attract people of all ages and backgrounds—even men and women brought up by conservative parents, and raised to attend fundamentalist and evangelical churches.
How these groups use such insidious methods and techniques as mind control, brainwashing, love-bombing, and esteem attacks to wear down and win over potential recruits.
Why and how the New Age cults and religions employ such popular propagandistic tools as campaigns to protect the environment, save the whales, end world hunger, or inaugurate world peace to draw new converts and build up membership.
The deceptive nature of these groups, including their effective but cynical and misleading use of Christian terminology, their twisting of Biblical scriptures, their calling on the name of “Jesus,” and the performing of false “miracles” and “signs and wonders” by cult leaders.
Why more “Jim Jones” type mass suicide and massacre incidents are not only likely but inevitable in the near future.
Texe Marrs Book of New Age Cults and Religions also gives readers an inside look at the many false “Christs” and messiahs pushed by New Age cults and religious groups. You’ll discover the unholy “bibles” of the New Age—for example, the mysterious 2,097-page Book of Urantia, the Book of OAHSPE, the Book of Mormon, and the Keys of Enoch.
Moreover, you’ll discover that many of the more insidious cults promote a bizarre form of “Christianity,” complete with reincarnated “Christs,” strange apparitions of long dead saints and biblical prophets, and “new scriptures” such as “The Jesus Letters,” dictated by entities from an unknown spiritual realm.
Texe Marrs Book of New Age Cults and Religions breaks through the hazy fog and clouds of false teachings and doctrines spread today by cults and new religious groups dedicated to the overthrow of traditional Christian tenets. Shining a spotlight on the hidden, inner workings of these groups, this book shows clearly just how powerful and seductive, yet unholy and cruel, are their goals and practices. Here are just a few of the topics covered in this reference sourcebook:
The Tara Center and Share International—twin organizations headquartered in North Hollywood, California and London, England, led by an articulate Englishman, Benjamin Creme. Creme is the self-styled “John the Baptist” forerunner for the “Lord Maitreya,” a shadowy New Age “Christ” whom Creme insists is already on earth today: “Our brother walks among us!”
Findhorn, in Scotland, a nature community that has been called the “Vatican of the New Age movement.”
Transcendental Meditation, a Hindu religious group led by the Indian guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Maharishi not only owns a university in Fairfield, Iowa but he is now busy overseeing the multimillion dollar construction of 20 “heavenly cities”—New Age communities—in strategic sites near key cities throughout North America.
The Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT), founded by its personable and magnetic leader Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Prophet’s community in Montana is furiously building underground bunkers and shelters in preparation for the World War III that, Prophet prophesies, is sure to come soon. CUT members, numbering as many as 300,000 worldwide, believe both in “Jesus” and a superior being they call “Count St. Germain.”
Scientology, a tremendously successful religious cult founded by the late, enigmatic L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard’s book Dianetics was a smash #1 New York Times bestseller, and his science fiction novels are also breaking sales records. How many know that Hubbard began as an initiate and disciple of the infamous British Satanist Aleister Crowley, who called himself “the Beast, 666?” How many know that Scientology has fostered the worship of the black goddess Kali? Do you know the hidden meaning of the word “Dianetics” coined by L. Ron Hubbard?
The UFO societies and organizations—are they satanic, or are they on to something genuine and staggeringly real? Texe Marrs Book of New Age Cults and Religions provides the answers as it explores the newer UFO cults, peopled by UFO cultists who say they are communicating with extraterrestrials claiming to be bearers of the glad tidings of a New Age World Religion and a coming One World Order.
The Order of the Golden Dawn, with a reputed 40,000 membership, led by an occultist who has ominously proclaimed that the New Age can only be brought into being through “blood, disruption, chaos, and pain.” Guess who’s targeted for this violence and suffering?
The Mormons, a religion with an incredible 6 million international followers. Discover why this is an unchristian religion and why its elders are now rapidly changing its temple rituals and doctrines to conform to the unity rules of the coming New Age World Religion, in which Mormonism is already playing a significant role.
The Sufi Moslems of the U.S.A, a religious group started by a man who claims to have received his instructions from an apparition who identified “herself” as “Mother Mary.”
The Messianic Church of Yahweh (MCY), a New Age religious cult based on a belief in crystal and other occult powers. MCY was the brainchild of Randall Baer, a brilliant man who was miraculously converted to true Christianity and vowed to expose the New Age movement. Shortly afterwards, Randall Baer died under bizarre circumstances. The police report simply states that his car veered off a rocky 300-foot cliff into a valley far below. Was this an accident? If not, who killed Randall Baer?
Ramtha, a 35,000-year old warrior spirit channeled by an attractive blonde Seattle woman, JZ Knight. Knight’s followers include TV actress Linda Evans (Dynasty’s “Crystal”). With the millions brought in by the “sage wisdom” of Ramtha, Ms. Knight has been able to afford an incredibly plush lifestyle. Rich beyond our wildest dreams, JZ Knight’s stable of Arabian thoroughbred horses are comfortably housed in a barn with expensive crystal chandeliers hanging from the rafters.
Theosophy, an occultic group so evil that even Elvis Presley, raised in a Christian home, was lured into its deceptive “secret doctrine.”
The Temple of Set and the Church of Satan, two decidedly satanic religious groups. The Church of Satan, founded by showman Anton LaVey, has in the past attracted into its fold celebrities ranging from actress Jayne Mansfield to singer and actor Sammy Davis, Jr. The Temple of Set, headed by Dr. Michael Aquino, has conducted mysterious ritual services in the same castle in Germany where Nazi Gestapo chief Heinrich Himmler once held midnight occultic pagan initiation ceremonies for his elite SS troops.
Pray That Eyes Will Be Opened
It is my fervent prayer that after you have read this important book exposing the unholy and threatening New Age cults and religions, you will share it with others. Our Lord four years ago gave me a commission to go forth—unafraid and tru
sting in His power—and unmask the New Age, including its many octopus-like tentacles. That is why I wrote Texe Marrs Book of New Age Cults and Religions.
Today, so many unwitting people are ignorant of the devices of the New Age and of its hidden goals. Let us together pray that this book will open up the eyes of thousands, letting them know that even as the Adversary works through a vast network of cults and religions, ultimately God’s Will shall prevail. He is indeed Lord of all!
Texe Marrs
Austin, Texas
Part I: The New Age Explosion
The first and cardinal rule in the New Age is simply this: “Believe in any god and in anything, but do not claim that your god, or your belief, is exclusive.”
Chapter 1: The New Spiritual Revolution Sweeps Across America
“The hard pink light of an autumn afternoon streams through the windows, illuminating a young woman with a mane of tight black curls and an expression that borders on the beatitude. She is explaining her vision of a cosmic destiny for mankind, a New Age of existence peopled by superior beings.” Her vision is of a world in which there is no suffering, only laughter and smiles. “It is a flow that cannot be resisted or ignored,” Kim Perene says. “One day we are all going to wake up, and it will be all around us.”
Kim Perene is a 24-year old secretary and New Age believer recently interviewed in the Lifestyle section of the Atlanta Journal by staff writer Alan Sverdlik. Ms. Perene’s view is shared by millions across America and tens of millions across the globe. The ranks of New Age believers is huge and ever growing. Now well past the glittery and sensationalist fad stage of crystals, spirit channeling, and UFOs—though intense interest in such phenomena continues—the New Age has entered what I call its hardcore doctrinal phase.
During this more durable period of New Age growth, the role of New Age cults and religious sects is becoming increasingly dominant. In addition, many churches and religions fostered by New Age thinking and spirituality are finding more and more disciples and initiates. Moreover, as I will demonstrate, thousands of New Age cults, religions, sects, organizations, groups, and churches are now coalescing, cooperatively joining and linking themselves into one gigantic religious brotherhood.