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  Notably, George Bush has served in the past as a director of the globalist Trilateral Commission, while both Jimmy Carter and Henry Kissinger have long been active members of this same group. Moreover, as we shall discover in our detailed examination of the unusual and rapid rise to political stardom of George Bush, it was Richard Nixon who, as president, played a key role in catapulting the young bonesman to the top of the political heap. In turn, Richard Nixon’s chief mentor and backer was David Rockefeller.

  In other words, David A. Rockefeller, billionaire, chairman of multinational Chase Manhattan Bank, Council on Foreign Relations czar, Bilderberger overseer (see Chapter 5), and founder of the Trilateral Commission, has, through his minions and insiders in the Oval Office of the White House, successfully manipulated the foreign and economic policies of the United States for a quarter of a century—or more.

  Events have proven that George Bush, though ever wary of his public image and vulnerability to the electorate, nevertheless has systematically carried out the blueprint and agenda of his benefactors in the Secret Brotherhood since his first days in public office as a young and aspiring U.S. congressman from Houston, Texas.

  Indeed, George Bush has always been keenly aware that his power base depends not on his standings in the polls, but on the degree to which he is able to please and mollify his superiors and peers in the Skull & Bones and the even more powerful elite of the Secret Brotherhood, the group that oversees and directs the activities of all the secret societies. As Guy Molyneau recently noted in his political newsletter, The Commonwealth Report, this is “Bush’s only existential belief: that politics is based on the personal relationships of leaders, that “doing politics” means hammering things out with a handful of major figures.” 11

  That “handful of major figures” most certainly includes his bosses in the Brotherhood. My research and investigation reveals that George Bush, as president of the world’s greatest military nation, the U.S.A., is the ultimate insider. While the people of the United States and the other 226 countries of the world view the President as the central figure in world affairs, the real truth is that George Bush is only one of the directors. He is not chairman of the board, though his personal influence is considerable and should not be discounted.

  The Real Power

  The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and a few others—numbering less than a dozen leaders of international finance—are the real power behind the visible thrones of world government. No major policy is formulated without their input, no major plan of action is implemented without their specific “go” signal. To act independently and thus incur the wrath of the fearsome and marvelous Council of Nine is political and financial suicide.

  Rebellion by a maverick president, prime minister, legislator, bureaucrat, corporate head, or banker may result in the most stringent of penalties, sanctions and punishments, up to and including death.

  The embryonic New World Order is ruled over by men whom George Bush has long served in a subordinate capacity. Yet, his association and service to the upper echelons of the Brotherhood has been a mutually rewarding experience for the President.

  In Part II of Dark Majesty, I will further examine the meteoric career of George Bush and demonstrate how his path to the presidency was conveniently paved by influential friends in the upper echelons of the Secret Brotherhood. We will also take an in-depth look at the mysterious, yet unknown power that this one secret society, the Order of Skull & Bones, has been able to exert over the years on American institutions and global politics.

  But the fantastic story of the men whom I call the Secret Brotherhood involves much more than revelations about just one secret society.

  It also entails more than the drama of just one man’s story, no matter how intriguing that may be. Instead, in this book I will provide a documented account of a colossal group of men who now control a vast, pyramidal empire of unparalleled influence and authority. The men at the top of the empire are billionaires many times over. Yet, they still want more money. Their power, too, is awesome, and with the nod of their heads, nations have fallen, governments have collapsed, and opponents have been assassinated. Yet they continue to seek and amass even more power.

  These corrupt men are of no particular political persuasion or party—they are neither republican nor democrat, nor can they be neatly categorized as liberal or conservative. But what they all have in common is this: every initiate of the Secret Brotherhood is an internationalist and an avid proponent of the New World Order. Moreover, every initiate has committed his or her life to the attainment of an enduring dream: the unity of all things on planet Earth under the leadership and control of an enlightened few, the illuminized men who make up the hierarchy of the Secret Brotherhood.

  The men of the Secret Brotherhood therefore view the New World Order as a clever vehicle for the attainment of their most cherished and ancient objectives and goals.

  The sometimes strange, secretly coded illuminist speeches of President George Bush in which he repeats the term, the “New World Order,” over and over must, therefore, be considered in light of the fact that he is a Skull & Bones alumni and a dedicated and loyal servant of the Secret Brotherhood. The secret societies, including the “invisible college” behind the highest levels of Freemasonry, fervently believe that their current campaign for a New World Order will culminate in the fulfillment of all the dreams of their Illuminati forefathers.

  The ages-long conspiracy and cult of the all-seeing eye is now thought to be unstoppable. Victory appears to be imminent, certainly by the year 2000. The New Millennium, the conspirators believe, will be crowned with success.

  Global governance, in the form of World Government, an international commercial economic system, and the unity of all religions and cults into a sublime fraternity—that is the unwavering, unquenchable goal of the Secret Brotherhood. It is also the all—consuming objective of every secret society founded on illuminist principles.

  Three Directives of the Secret Brotherhood

  To attain its objectives, the men who lead the Secret Brotherhood have promulgated three key directives. The prime directive of the Secret Brotherhood is this: that the Glory of the One shall be paramount. Unity out of diversity must be achieved in every arena of life, in every avenue of human endeavor. As the inscription on the U.S. one-dollar bill signifies in Latin: E Pluribus Unum—“out of many, one.”

  The second, related directive of the Secret Brotherhood and its affiliated secret societies and organizations is that the hierarchy of the Secret Brotherhood shall control the One. The few, the elite, the Illuminati, shall reign over the many.

  And we also have this third, important directive: that the many must never, ever realize that they themselves are not in control of their own destiny. Whether by manipulation, mind control, mass hypnosis, magic, or deceit and persuasion, every man and woman on planet Earth must be convinced of his or her own autonomy and power.

  Men cannot be allowed to discover the horrible truth: that the democracy which they all so vitally crave, clamor for, and demand is, like some fantastic global shell game, only a mental concoction dreamed up by a tiny but ruthless band of hidden persuaders and master illusionists.

  The Shrinking Competition

  The conspirators of the Secret Brotherhood, the Illuminati, today have few rivals to preclude their achieving their goals of global conquest by the year 2000. They have systematically either destroyed their competitors ... or merged with them. At one time, both the Catholic Church and the Protestant Christian establishment opposed the Brotherhood. But no longer.

  In addition, in decades past the secret societies themselves warred against one another, each vying for control and absolute power. Today, however, the leaders of the secret societies have all come together as one. They have found that greater rewards are possible only if unity is practiced, in purpose and organization.

  Astonishingly, my investigation has revealed that almost all the world’s secret societies, banking and f
inancial organizations, crime syndicates, intelligence agencies, and occult groups have merged. All now come under the direct command and authority of the elite, executive council of the Secret Brotherhood. Never before in the annals of human history has so much power been reposited in the hands of so few.

  Still, as I will explain, the men of the Secret Brotherhood are not invincible. There is still hope that these evil and selfish men can be stopped. Those of us who truly care about truth and about freedom, liberty, and the future of our country can do something to stem the tidal wave of occultism and propaganda sponsored by these men and their associates. If it be God’s will, we can restore the world to sanity and goodness.

  But the first thing to be done is to unmask the plot of the Secret Brotherhood and shed some much needed light on their dangerous, often disguised activities. A perfect way to start is to focus our eyes and minds in the direction of a very wealthy man who currently wields tremendous power within the highest ranks of those who intend to rule the world. Let me, then, in the next chapter, introduce you to Mr. Maurice Strong, fervent New Ager, wealthy aristocrat, dedicated environmentalist, and a man with access to the inner circles of the Secret Brotherhood.

  CHAPTER TWO: World Conspiracy—A “Novel” Idea

  He lives in the beautiful Baca Grande area of the San Luis Valley in Colorado. He’s one of the most wealthy and most staggeringly powerful men on the face of the earth. He counts among his closest friends such billionaires as David Rockefeller and Lord Rothschild, as well as Pope John Paul II. In 1992, as chairman of the United Nation’s Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, he visited with President George Bush in the White House and gave the president a personal invitation to the gala affair, said to be the premier environmental event of the 21st century. 1

  If there is anyone man who sits at the top echelon of authority in formulating the Plan for the New World Order, it is Maurice Strong, the Canadian financier and investor.

  In 1990, Maurice Strong gave a fascinating series of interviews to Daniel Wood, a writer for Canada’s West magazine. 2 Wood spent considerable time with Strong and evidently was able to gain his confidence. Indeed, on one particularly stunning occasion, Maurice Strong loosened up and let his guard down for a few, very revealing moments.

  Here is how writer Daniel Wood describes a ride and conversation with Maurice Strong when visiting the ruggedly attractive Baca Grande ranch:

  I leave the Baca with Strong, retracing our route of a week earlier. We pass the Lazy U Ranch and turn South on Highway 17. Strong tells me he has often wished he could write. He has a novel he’d like to do. It’s something he has been thinking about for a decade. It would be a cautionary tale about the future.

  “Each year,” he explains as background to the telling of the novel’s plot, “the World Economic Forum convenes in Davos, Switzerland. Over a thousand CEO’s, prime ministers, finance ministers, and leading academics gather in February to attend meetings and set economic agendas for the year ahead.”

  With this as a setting, he then says, “What if a small group of these world leaders were to ... form a secret society to bring about an economic collapse? It’s February. They’re all at Davos. These aren’t terrorists. They’re world leaders.”

  “They have positioned themselves in the world’s commodity and stock markets. They’ve engineered a panic, using their access to stock exchanges and computers and gold supplies. They jam the gears. They hire mercenaries who hold the rest of the world leaders at Davos as hostages. The markets can’t close. The rich countries...” and Strong makes a slight motion with his fingers as if he were flicking a cigarette butt out the window.

  I sat there spellbound. This is not any storyteller talking. This is Maurice Strong. He knows these world leaders. He is, in fact, co-chairman of the Council of the World Economic Forum. He sits at the fulcrum of power. He is in a position to do it.

  “I probably shouldn’t be saying things like this,” he says. 3

  Will the planned culmination of the New World Order conspiracy come about much the way the plot in Maurice Strong’s “novel” develops? Do the super-rich money men intend to someday soon abruptly seize control of the world’s banking and financial machinery, bringing the planet to a grinding halt—until their demands are met?

  Though a possibility, my research indicates that Strong’s dramatic plot is not the future scenario planned for mankind by the Secret Brotherhood. Actually, I see Maurice Strong’s fascinating comments as more indicative of his own impetuous personality. Unlike most of his peers in the Illuminati fraternity, who rarely display their anger or emotion in public, Strong is well-known for openly expressing his dreams and frustrations. Obviously, this man is a true believer: he wants World Government and centralized authority now—and he’s ready to do whatever it takes to hasten the process.

  The Brotherhood has long been content to subvert and conquer its opposition bit-by-bit and piece-by-piece. It has shrewdly stayed behind the scenes in the calculated hope that by its stealth and by the covert nature of its operations, potential opposition would not become suspicious nor would enemies to its sinister goals be provoked and aroused. The Secret Brotherhood’s long range strategy has proven itself again and again.

  Still, while Maurice Strong’s threat of a global coup d’ etat is not entirely unrealistic. The scenario he paints so vividly of a group of powerful, super-rich conspirators who meet each year to plan the world’s economic and political future deciding to go for the jugular could just happen!

  This conspiratorial group does exist, and its eventual aims are, indeed, exactly as Strong depicts. Their goal is to accumulate most all of this planet’s wealth and power under their wings. They intend to become our masters, our benefactors, and our gods.

  They Meet in Secret

  It is not improbable, then, that at one or another of their meetings and conclaves, the super-rich clique who now have our financial destiny in their hands could decide to pull the plug on the world economy. Perhaps Strong’s idea for a future “novel” is more than just the imaginative plot of a dreamer.

  That the men of the Secret Brotherhood frequently meet at different locations throughout the world to plot out their plans and schemes is unquestionable. Comprising themselves in the form of the Bilderberger Group, they have met at least annually since 1954. The most recent conclave of this conspiratorial plan was held in the French resort city of Evian in June, 1992. The previous year, the secretive Bilderbergers conferred together in the secluded town of Baden Baden, a resort haven off the beaten path deep in the Black Forest region of Germany. 4

  There is also evidence that sets 1952 as a key date for the conspirators. On June 12th of that year, a group of representatives of the Brotherhood, organizing themselves under the name of the Order of the Temple, met in France, in the Castle of Arginy, near Charentay, Beaujolais. 5

  The significance of this location was unmistakable. The men who now oversee the global operations of the secret societies believe themselves to be the direct spiritual descendants of the original Order of the Knights Templar, the group from which today’s Freemasonry, Knights of Malta, and Rosicrucianism sprang. And it was at the Castle of Arginy where the founder and first Grand Master of the medieval Templars, Hugues de Payns, and his comrades first took their vows in the year 1118.

  The Revenge of the Knights Templar

  Almost two centuries, later, on March 18, 1314, Jacques de Molay, the twenty-second and last Grand Master of the Order, was burned at the stake in Paris, having been first censured by Pope Clement V then condemned to death by France’s King Philip the Fair. The Templars and their leader had been accused of numerous crimes, including a conspiracy to overthrow established authorities, acts of sodomy, and worship of the devil under the guise of Baphomet, the androgynous (male and female combined) goat god.

  The last cry of Jacques de Molay, as he stood writhing in torment in the flames, reportedly was this ominous curse and threat: “Woe will come ere long, to those who condem
n us without a cause. God will avenge our death.”6

  Today, the Masonic Lodge pays honor to martyr Jacques de Molay by naming their young boys’ groups, the “Order of DeMolay.” But how many of today’s Freemasons know that their hero was reputed to be a traitor to his country, a blasphemer, a homosexual, and a devil worshipper?

  With de Molay’s death, the lodges of the Knights Templar were ordered shut down in France and the Order persecuted elsewhere in Europe. Then in 1717, the movement, which had gone underground, once again resurfaced in Great Britain and later in other countries in the guise of Freemasonry. About six decades later, in 1776, Adam Weishaupt founded the Order of the Illuminati which almost succeeded at the time in its incredible goal of totally conquering the world.

  The Resurgence of the Brotherhood

  Over the intervening centuries the Order has continued to be bold and defiant. But it has only been in the 20th century that the resurgence of the World Conspiracy has occurred with such awesome force and might.

  My investigation has convinced me that the Secret Brotherhood and the reestablished Order of the Temple are one and the same group. Therefore, the meeting held in 1952 in the Castle of Arginy was a most auspicious event in the annals of the secret societies. This meeting marked the preparation for the final stages of the World Revolution which, by the year 2000, is expected to be completed and crowned with success.