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  How horrifying! Vera Stanley Alder is considered by some in the New Age as one of the world’s most eminent and highly regarded philosophers. Yet the economic system she has described as ideal perfectly fits the prophesied economic system of the last days Antichrist, the Beast with the number 666. In Revelation 13: 15-18, we discover that the Antichrist will tyrannize and control the people by controlling the money system:

  And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.

  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

  Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

  Chapter 17

  Children to be the Focus of Attention

  Innocent children will no doubt be the chief victims in this scheme by New Agers to “encourage” the advanced countries’ populations to leave their present homes, towns, and cities and set up residence in strictly controlled, New Age Communities. 6 Alder stresses that the child will be the focus of attention:

  The first need will be to teach the child what he is, why he is, and what lies before him. If a vision and an ideal is held up to him in his earliest years, a foundation is laid. 7

  Other New Age theorists agree with Alder’s desire to get hold of children as early as possible. “The younger the better,” says Alice Bailey’s spirit guide Djwhal Khul. 8 In her New Age classic, Education for the New Age, Bailey, founder of the Lucis Trust, recommends that opportunities be created “to train the child from its earliest breath.” 9

  Chapter 18

  Children are to be Taught the New Age Religion Only

  In the New Age Community, children are to be taught to believe in a religion of unity and community. They will be carefully trained to serve the “group will” rather than an external God. Adler states:

  The child must be taught... the art of merging his effort and forgetting his ego in selfless group work for the good of all. 10

  According to The Plan, the child will learn about a different religion than the narrow, separatist faith of his parents. He will learn to accept the more liberalized and collectivist New Age religion. Christianity will be replaced by a New Age World Religion that is based on bits and pieces of all religions. A composite New Age Bible will be developed by church leaders, and it will be used in place of the Christian Bible. 11

  The Plan provides that children are to be trained, step-by-step, into the “new truths” of the New Age religion. As explained by Benjamin Creme:

  Christianity and its churches will wither away slowly, as the people die out of them, as the new religion gains its adherents and exponents, and is gradually built by humanity. 12

  “Our children,” pronounces Foster Bailey, a leader of the Lucis Trust, “will have to live with the New Age standards.” Their parents, too, must comply, Bailey warns. “Those who do not will end up as unreconcilable outcasts” of society. 13

  Foster Bailey assures us in his book Things to Come that “There is a Plan, God’s Plan for man, and we shall know much more about that Plan in the New Aquarian Age than we have ever known before.” 14

  Chapter 19

  No Separation of Church and State

  Like Alder, Foster Bailey presents us with other outstanding features of the New Age Plan for our children. First, he reveals that the separation of church and state will end once the New Age “Christ” and leadership take control of governments. “Both government and religion,” says Bailey, “should be interrelated in that which is good for man.” 15

  The merger of church and state will be easy to accomplish, Bailey suggests, once Christianity dies off or is destroyed and a unity-minded One World New Age Religion supplants it. He and other New Agers insist that only Christianity is now holding back and preventing this world unity. This is, they claim, why Bible-believing Christian churches must be eliminated in the New Age and kids brought up to believe in a new religion of unity, Bailey explains it this way:

  Religions come and go. To cling to a church that perpetrates a religion that is no longer useful... is harmful to its followers as well as to the total human consciousness of spiritual values. 16

  According to the New Age leadership, only if all vestiges of Biblical Christianity are erased can the Aquarian Age successfully develop a new civilization based upon deeper and better life values, The demise of Christianity, it is said, will result in a new religion with a God of love. The world finally will have a religion that will promote mental freedom and create right relations between men, nations, and races.

  Chapter 20

  How to Raise Perfect New Age Geniuses

  Buckminster Fuller, the late New Age architect, inventor and philosopher, whose ideas are much admired by New Agers everywhere, wrote that babies born today are natural geniuses but that their family and social environment quickly ruins them: “Every child is born a genius,” said Fuller, “and then becomes de-geniused very rapidly by unfavorable circumstances and by the frustration of all the extraordinary built-in capabilities.” 17 The New Age view is that parents who train their children to believe in Christian principles and ethics, patriotism and other such values are doing their children irreparable harm.

  World Goodwill, a large New Age organization spun off by the Lucis Trust to better promote world unity, has expressed complete agreement with Fuller. Its proposal is that the presently negative family and social environments be changed so that success can be assured for the emerging New Age society. Then kids can reach their destined potential:

  We must extend our vision and provide them (children) with an environment uplifting to their emotional, mental, and spiritual natures. In some cases this will mean limiting the availability of certain aspects of twentieth century living to our children... so that all children will be allowed to make their individual contribution to the whole. 18

  Read again the above quote by World Goodwill officials to make sure you get the gist of what this occultic New Age organization is really saying. You will discover that the hidden meaning is this:

  1. Children will be raised as New Agers.

  2. They will be restricted from being taught to respect and honor “outmoded” Christian ethics and traditions (what World Goodwill calls “limiting the availability of certain aspects of twentieth century living”).

  3. Children must contribute to “the whole,” rather than serve the One God or the One True Faith of Christianity.

  Chapter 21

  New Age Communes Set Up

  To accomplish these objectives, it may be necessary, the New Age leadership stresses, to actually set up New Age communes like the ones Alder has intricately described. Indeed. the New Age’s World Goodwill has extolled the values of “the communal arrangement.” 19

  Thus, we find a proliferation of New Age live-in communes and communities (see my book, New Age Cults and Religions). The Findhorn Community in Scotland; Paolo Solen’s Aerosanti Community in Arizona; Lindisfarne Community in Long Island, New York; and Auroville and the many Ashram communities devoted to the gurus in India are examples.

  The building of numerous self-contained New Age communities—“Heavenly Cities”—by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is another example. Yogi, the guru for the Beatles and the Beach Boys, and the person who brought Hindu religious rituals, visualization and meditation to the United States, deceptively calling it Vedic Science and Transcendental Meditation (TM), has announced plans to build a string of lavish New Age Communities around the world. In these spiritual Shangri-La’s, states Yogi, people will live in “heavenly bliss.” And, the Guru says, through the combined mind powers generated by the man-gods in these communities,
“heaven on earth” will be realized. Indeed, Yogi’s development company is named Heaven on Earth Development Corporation. 20

  His plans are not entirely pipe dreams. In suburban Austin, Texas and near some other cities, Yogi has bought up large tracts of valuable land. His architects are busy with blueprints and other work, and a number of influential bankers and developers have signed on to help the Maharishi complete his New Age vision of Heaven on Earth through interlinking communities of believers.

  However, impressive though the many current projects may be, the New Age leadership’s eventual goal is far more grandiose. A handful of isolated communities and communes cannot succeed fast enough in overthrowing the last bastions of Christianity and decency to please Satan. So, the New Age now seeks to convert and transform the entire existing world into a succession of networking New Age Communities. If this audacious new goal is successful. they reason, the only ones who will have to go and live in communes (actually prisons and concentration camps) will be the Christians! Spiritually inferior Christian parents and kids, unfit to live in general society, will be re-educated and deprogrammed after resettlement, say New Age planners.

  So, the push is now on for the New Age Community to be established right where you and I now live. Every village, town, and city and every subdivision and borough shall become a New Age Community. Every home shall as well. For in Community alone, the New Age preaches, is salvation.

  Chapter 22

  In Community Lies Salvation

  Vladimir Lenin, the founder of Soviet communism, had his “dictatorship of the proletariat,” a theory by which the state rules with an iron fist. Parents could be arrested and sent to Gulag prison camps and their children turned over to the state. Entire families could be herded together into industrial and agricultural communes where communist cells could minutely dictate family policy, and severely limit parental authority.

  In the communist view, families are bourgeois holdovers to be eliminated, and children are the property of the state, Lenin, Stalin, and others in the Kremlin elite called their theory the collectivization of society. Mao Tse Tung in China and Pol Pot in Cambodia also believed in and enforced collectivization.

  Now come the New Agers introducing this very same doctrine in shiny new wrappings. Old wine in new bottles, No longer are parents in charge of their children, say the New Age plotters, and no longer does “God” care about the individual family or the individual child. Collectivization is the new principle. Even individual salvation—regeneration of the heart though the power of Jesus—is to be superseded by the superiority of the group, the collective, the Community:

  We now enter a period wherein the goal of individual salvation is no longer appropriate. Our guidance calls for a collective transformation. 21

  M. Scott Peck, the New Age author who delights in being called a “Christian psychiatrist,” but who journeyed to India to study under the Hindu gurus and today practices mysticism and Zen Buddhism, affirms this New Age goal of replacing both God’s salvation of the individual and the traditional family with the New Age version of Community. He states the New Age position in these stark, dramatic terms:

  In and through Community lies the salvation of the world. Nothing is more important... For the human race today stands at the brink of self-annihilation... I’m scared for my own skin. I’m even more scared for this skin of my children and I’m scared for your skins. I want to save your skin. I need you, and you need me, for salvation. We must come into Community with each other. 22

  According to Peck, we will not have Community until we root out the evil in society. And what or whom is evil? Well, says Peck, those who don’t believe in and promote this New Age theory of Community—they are the evil. In this regard, Peck approvingly mentions his hero, Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. “Jung ascribed human evil to the refusal to meet the Shadow,” Peck explains. What we must do, then, according to Peck, is meet the “Shadow” in our own personality and embrace him (or, it!). To refuse to do so, he believes, is to be an evil person—a person imbued with “militant ignorance.” 23

  Chapter 23

  Community and Kingdom Now/Dominion Theology

  Peck, who has founded an organization called the Foundation for Community Encouragement to propagate his views, has views similar to the heretical Kingdom Now, Restoration, Dominion Theology, and Reconstructionist doctrines now pervasive in many Christian churches. Such doctrines are accepted by the leaders of the Catholic Church and pushed by many other misguided charismatic, evangelical, and fundamentalist Protestant leaders. According to this New Age teaching, it is up to man to set up an earthly kingdom without Jesus Christ coming first! The Bible tells us that at the last day, Jesus Christ will come to put things right on planet Earth. He will set up His millennial kingdom and reign for a thousand years (see Revelation 19-22). This is our blessed hope and promise.

  Peck and the other Kingdom Now/Dominion theorists do not agree with the clear teachings of the Bible. Man, collectively, will organize and establish the Kingdom, they say. Peck and some others call this coming kingdom of man “Community.” Men, they say, will group themselves together in Community units, then coalesce into ever widening communities of human beings. Finally, there will be a united human Global Community and the New Age kingdom will have arrived. Man will be exalted to the hilt. Then shall the New Age Christ come to reign over a kingdom which man collectively has already won.

  In the radiant dreams of the New Age dominionists, Community replaces the Jesus revealed to us in the Bible as the only hope for man’s survival.

  M. Scott Peck has bought the New Age lie and now spreads it about like smelly natural fertilizer. In essence, he endorses a New World Order and calls for the dissolving of the American state. 24 Then, praising the explosion in numbers of people believing in the mystical New Age religion, he excitedly exclaims:

  One wonders if the explosion in their numbers might represent a giant leap forward in the evolution of the human race, a leap toward not only mystical but global consciousness and world Community. 25

  Chapter 24

  Is the Divinity of Jesus a Heresy?

  The only true obstacle to unity, to “holistic” Community, decries Peck, are those misled Christians who overemphasize the divinity of Jesus! This is heresy, he declares. He scathingly criticizes “heretical” and “blasphemous” Christians who put “99.5 percent of their money on Jesus’ divinity and 0.5 percent on his humanity. 26

  In The Road Less Traveled, M. Scott Peck writes that all humans are divine beings evolving toward godhood. In the New Age view, Jesus is just another divine man who evolved. Moreover, Peck, a believer in the unity of all religions, leaves little doubt that he despises fundamentalist—that is, Biblical Christianity.

  In yet another book, A Different Drum: Community and Peacemaking, Peck relates that he once spent a weekend with a Christian couple who began every sentence with “the Lord did this” or “the Lord did that.” “When I finally escaped from them at the end of the weekend,” he writes, “if I had to hear ‘the Lord did this’ one more time I would have puked.” 27

  M. Scott Peck, a man who has fully embraced the New Age lie, may indeed have puked, but God will bless those who humble themselves before Him and give Him credit and thanksgiving for all things.

  Chapter 25

  Modern Psychology Endorses Community

  Peck is at least accurate in one thing he says. He glorifies modern psychology for its role in abolishing the old ideas of family, national cohesiveness, and loyalty and for promoting the concept of Community. “The whole thrust of modern psychology,” he writes, “is to move the family more in the direction of Community. The average family has a long way to go in that direction. But we are moving.” 28

  Most of today’s psychologists and psychiatrists agree with Peck. This is why psychology has become the key entry point into the New Age for many millions of people who no longer look to the Bible as our guide for daily living. As a result, families are divid
ed and parental roles are in shambles. Then, after causing the break-up of the family, such New Age psychologists as Carl Rogers can trumpet the sad news that “Marriage and the nuclear family constitute a failing way of life.” 29

  First, they endeavor and often succeed in destroying our Christian, God-ordained families, then they move in to fill up the void with their New Age version of family, which is, of course, Community.

  It is a horrendous thing that many who call themselves “Christian” psychologists are knowingly or unknowingly aiding this New Age cause by putting psychology first over the Bible. Counselors who do not believe the Bible is the single, reliable and authoritative guide to daily living should be ashamed to call themselves “Christian” psychologists.

  Chapter 26

  Community: The New Age-Communist Connection

  The anti-family, anti-America biases of the New Age are becoming more and more transparent. Also becoming transparent, as we have observed, is the New Age Communist connection. It is, in fact, quite natural that the New Age religion and World Communism should find common ground. After all, both were devised by the same hellish author. Both exalt man directly and Lucifer indirectly. Both are lies.