America Shattered Read online

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  Chapter 5

  The Processing of Humanity: Mind Control in the Last Days

  True Christians everywhere know that something is very, very wrong in the world around us. Something is horribly amiss. Something dreadful and terrible. Discerning Christians today feel a deep sense of foreboding, of impending horror. It is a feeling that while we are free through the grace of God, all around us are men, women, and children caught up as prisoners in some kind of strange and eerie twilight zone, frighteningly suspended in a gruesome, scary dimension not of their own choosing.

  Each day, Americans are forced to undergo a severe form of mental and social shock. Our minds grow numb as we watch the TV news accounts of America’s mass murderers—of a man, for example, in Milwaukee killing 17 unsuspecting victims and dismembering their bodies. Picking up the newspaper, we read of sadistic, vicious homosexuals and lesbians storming churches, flinging blood and condoms on altars and screaming curse words and epithets at stunned congregations who gape upon the outrageous spectacle from their pews.

  We know that our youth are joining violent teen gangs and murdering each other out of sheer boredom and for thrills and “kicks.” We watch, immobilized, as an entire generation is destroyed by the ravages of alcohol, cocaine and other illegal, mind-warping drugs. Yet, drug lords, pushers, and narcotic kingpins in Columbia, Burma, Mexico—and in the very streets of every city and town in our own nation—operate with impunity, often sneering at efforts by law enforcement to stop them.

  Meanwhile, criminal activity is rampant and no one is safe anymore; no, not even in our own homes, behind our security locks and burglar alarms.

  Chapter 6

  A Plague of Mind Control Imagery

  Yes, something is terribly, terribly wrong. Still, few seem to be able to focus in on the root causes of our dilemma. Peoples’ understanding is clouded and uncertain.

  A book on euthanasia—on how to commit suicide—rockets to the top of the New York Times bestseller list. We are stunned, and confused. Why? How can this be?, we ask.

  Pro-life groups report to us the grim statistics: over 25 million unborn babies slaughtered since the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973. Twenty-five million! The number staggers the imagination. Yet, we seem gripped by a lack of will or a lack of knowledge of how to stop the carnage. So it continues, and more babies will die.

  Movie theaters serve up the most blasphemous of movies, like The Last Temptation of Christ, which depicts Jesus as a whining idiot who carries on an affair with Mary Magdalene. We blink at the offense. Some protest, but to no avail. Seemingly, we can do nothing to stop such atrocities.

  Even Walt Disney, the movie studio that gave us Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, and so many other delightful characters, has moved our consciousness into this abominable new twilight zone. Now Disney offers us movies like Ghosts, to teach our youth how to communicate with the spirit world, and The Dead Poets Society, so they can be shocked numb by the scene of a young man who takes a pistol to his head and blows his own brain to bits.

  Chapter 7

  Do Our Tax Dollars Go For Pornography and Blasphemy?

  Our President, George Bush, says that he is on our side. He, too, is a “Christian.” But then he demands, and gets, full funding from the U.S. Congress ($170 million in the last year alone) for The National Endowment For the Arts (NEA). As the president himself well knows, the NEA is a government agency that freely gives our taxpayer dollars away in grants to the most grotesque forms of art ever conceived. Yet, our “Christian” president insists that no restrictions be made on what is allowed to be produced with our money by NEA’s generous chairman and its board.

  The NEA has funded a painting of “Jesus” as a heroin addict. It has sponsored—with tax dollars—a gay rights film of “Jesus” giving “safe sex” instruction to gays and to young people, with our “Lord” demonstrating the proper use of condoms. The title: Jesus Christ Condom. There’s also government money for Annie Sprinkle, a nude striptease “artist” who manipulates her female organs with a flashlight on stage, while, incredibly, gleefully bragging to the debauched audience that “The U.S. government is paying for this.”

  When frustrated Christians, such as the courageous Don Wildmon of the American Family Association, complained about NEA’s dirty work, our own President George Bush, a self-professed Episcopal “Christian,” stepped in to protect the NEA and its work. On national television Bush insisted to Congress and the public that the NEA and its chairman are “doing a good job.” Newspapers and magazines across the nation then slur and ridicule Wildmon and other concerned Christians, labeling them “censors” and “bigots”—and worse, for their stance in opposing taxpayer-funded pornography.

  Indeed, something is wrong. Horrendously wrong. True Christians know it when they learn of the photos taken by a homosexual photographer, Robert Mapplethorpe, being proudly and arrogantly displayed in the finest museums in our largest cities. Christians are aghast and heart-stricken to learn that the photographs include unimaginable scenes of a young boy and girl being sexually abused, and images of brutal, monstrously immoral and sadist homosexuals urinating in the mouths of their gay lovers.

  Chapter 8

  Filth is Constitutionally Protected

  Yes, Christians are aghast, but then, what can they do? They are informed that all this is “freedom of expression,” constitutionally protected “rights.” Good for America. Worthwhile. Even a jury trial in Cincinnati, Ohio, affirms it. When the director of the local museum was put on trial for exhibiting the Mapplethorpe photo collection, the men and women of the jury returned with a verdict of “not guilty.” So we cannot blame liberal judges for these horrors. The people themselves are demanding the right to revel in pornography, blasphemy, and similar evils.

  According to the Cincinnati jury, the so-called “homoerotic art exhibit” did not violate “community standards of decency.” And you know what? They were right. Today, such filth does not cut across the grain of the average American’s moral standards. This is exactly what the majority in this country wants and is getting.

  Chapter 9

  The Enslavement of Our Youth

  Our youth continuously view graphic lesbian and other perverted sex on MTV. Their favorite rock stars gyrate to the staccato beat of drums and rabid twangs of electric guitars as they perform abnormal sex acts right on our TV screens! Moreover, our youth attend rock concerts at which altar calls are held for the devil and the name of Jesus is laughed at and cursed. Then they go on to buy and proudly wear T-shirts with the satanic logos and symbols of the rock group that has committed these vile acts.

  Parents look on—and most do nothing. Most even approve. The few who do not are paralyzed. Spellbound. After all, they reason, what can we do?

  In public school classrooms, society has moved from a court ruling excluding simple prayers to the enthusiastic teaching of witchcraft, New Age techniques, one world religionism, and a hatred for Christian ethics and values. Patriotism and love of country is scoffed at and derided. Globalism is praised.

  Parents who protest are labeled “ignorant fundamentalists”—and deemed troublemakers. They’re pointedly told, “It’s none of your business,” by angry teacher groups such as The National Education Association, and even by local PTA groups. Rejected parents crawl into their shells. Hurt. Confused. Perplexed. Saddened. There’s nothing we can do, they conclude. Nothing.

  Chapter 10

  Shadow Boxing Against An Unseen Foe

  Yes, unmistakably, something is wrong. Monstrously so. True Christians are bewildered as to what to do. Most are held in check by invisible chains—strongly resilient, binding cords that resemble steel and iron in their rigidity.

  I do not believe that the picture I am painting is exaggerated. Not at all. Bleak, yes, but exaggerated or far out? No.

  True Christians everywhere are well aware that society has gone crazy. They know that some kind of unnamed, yet dark and lethal force has been unleashed in America an
d throughout the world. But they simply cannot figure out its nature, nor gauge its exact dimensions. They are befuddled... and worried.

  Today, most Christians are like shadow boxers. They dimly perceive the faint shadow of a hidden opponent, an opponent who is hideous and frightful, life-threatening and ferocious. They want to fight, to do something about it... They are on the verge of reaching out, grasping hold, and struggling mightily against this unseen foe. But finally, most give up the effort. The foe is too wily, too smart and cunning. He’s not to be had, he’s not even able to be identified. He’s a will-o’-the-wisp. A phantom.

  And so, many true Christians, weary and bone-tired, soul-sick and anxious, sink back into the morass. No, they conclude, there’s nothing I can do.

  But they are wrong!

  Chapter 11

  There is Something You and I Can Do!

  My message in this book is for the true Christian, the discerning Christian. It is for the man or woman who cares about the Truth, who desperately wants the Word and loving grace of an Almighty God to reverberate around the globe. It is for the man or woman who is fed up with fighting shadows and is now ready to see the enemy for who he is and understand what he is up to. It is for Christian warriors who are determined to use every tool, every weapon, and every strategy available to them in order to thwart, defend against, and aggressively lock in combat the slippery foe.

  My declaration to you is that there is something you can do. You can know who and what you are up against. You can identify and fight the enemy. And, with God’s help, you can and will be victorious!

  Later in this book we will examine specific ways we can fight back—and win—against the flood of New Age evil that today almost overwhelms us. In Parts V and VI, I outline a battle plan for Spiritual Warfare. I also reveal the little known fact that the entire New Age belief system is a fraud and a failure. I’ll show that even America’s top scientists have dismissed New Age psychology, techniques and methods as worthless and devoid of value. And I’ll provide information on how Christians can use government agencies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to turn back the New Age tide.

  But the first thing we must do in our fight against the growing darkness is to shed heavenly light on its plot to undermine and destroy the family. The attack on the family is massive and seems to be coming from all directions and from all quarters. There is a “battle plan” put together by the New Age and New World Order conspirators. Once we reveal and unmask their master Plan, then we can know how to best counter and defeat the conspirators who now are aligned against our families and our country.


  The Late, Great Christian Family

  And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. (Revelation 13:15)

  Christianity and its churches will wither away slowly, as the people die out of them, as the new religion gains... (Benjamin Creme, Tara Center)

  Our children will have to live with the New Age standards. Their parents, too, must comply. Those who do not will end up as unreconcilable outcasts. (Foster Bailey, Lucis Trust)

  The Masters of the New Age have a problem. A major problem. If they are to capture this entire nation, they know they have to first attack and destroy parents and family. The family unit will have to go. It is to be replaced by the concept of “Community.”

  The Community as a whole shall be custodian and guardian of our children. The Communists in Soviet Russia and Maoists in Red China call it the “State.” They say that children belong not to their parents but to the state. New Age plotters substitute a more appealing and innocent-sounding term. They prefer the term Community.

  Chapter 12

  New Age Evangelism: The Battle Plan

  The New Age leadership has a finely detailed evangelistic battle plan, given by Satan, which they are now using to grab our kids and destroy our families. Its five major tactics are as follows:

  1. Exalt “Community” as the basic unit of society.

  2. Debase the family.

  3. Dissolve parental authority and responsibility.

  4. Scream, preach, and assert the rights of the child over the rights of the parents.

  5. Set new “Community” standards to put pressure on and squeeze Christian parents between the teeth of a tight and vicious vise.

  The New Age leadership is convinced that the final results of their Battle Plan tactics will be the total abolishment of the family as we have known it. Then, after the traditional family is dissolved and parents’ rights are abrogated and thrown out, the children will be ripe for the taking. Defenseless, powerless, unprotected, they are to be savagely plundered. This is the awful strategy of Satan in these last days.

  As a Christian parent, you need to be fully aware of this Plan. With adequate knowledge and spiritual discernment you can successfully prevent the New Age child abusers from grabbing your children. First of all, you must understand this vile New Age, Communist-oriented concept of “Community” and realize the evil that belies this serpentine word.

  Chapter 13

  The “World Plan:” Providing the Perfect New Age Environment

  In her astonishingly detailed book When Humanity Comes of Age, Vera Stanley Alder, a widely quoted New Age lecturer and writer, has an entire chapter entitled “Understanding the World Plan.” Alder fervently believes in New Age goals. She preaches that the New Age Plan is to take young children from their first moment of birth and raise them in a “perfect” New Age society. Through the Plan, she writes, “man will eventually become perfect and God-like.” 1

  Alder outlines in her book a number of The Plan’s chief provisions for kids. The dimensions she reveals are chilling. It is important we examine just a few of the more frightening tenets of the mind-boggling New Age Plan for our families and kids.

  First, Alder says that the One World Government set up by the coming New Age Christ and his top political officials will establish a Town and Country Planning Council to oversee and supervise the restructuring of communities across America and the world. Entire new communities will be set up in isolated areas and “people will be encouraged to move outward to the Model Community towns and villages.” 2

  Each Community, Alder explains, will be self-contained. There will be one, massive, unified complex of buildings, all interconnected, with everything from medical and health facilities to cultural and recreation centers and schools. There will be “a single Community meals center” or cafeteria where all families will eat in common. The Community will have just one church because everyone will have one faith—the New Age World Religion. The same building used for the church will be used to house the courts and the police. 3

  Chapter 14

  Heaven on Earth... Or a Concentration Camp?

  In her book, Alder even includes a drawing of this ideal New Age Community. One glance at her dream-world fantasy, New Age utopia should be enough to shake up anyone who has not yet had their minds blinded by Satan. Alder’s blueprint for the ideal New Age Community resembles an architect’s plan for a prison or even a concentration camp.

  In the architect’s sketch or drawing for Alder’s “perfect” New Age Community, there are no doors or exits to the outside, external world. There is no escape route and traffic is not allowed to move freely in and out of the Community. The only entrance and exit are by use of a ribbon train/rail system that looks suspiciously like a serpent in its construction.

  In the ideal New Age Community, kids will not be able to play freely outdoors; they and their parents are forced to use whatever playground facilities are provided on the rooftops of the common buildings.

  Chapter 15

  The Family Collective

  The proposed New Age community is, in reality, obviously a prison and a confinement center where families will live as hostages, as indebted prisoners and locked-up slaves of their New Age capto
rs. The shocking truth is that Alder’s ideal New Age Community is a warmed over version of Communist China and Soviet Russia’s “ideal” family collective. This becomes painfully apparent when we read Alder’s dictum that: “Collective agriculture and collective industrial work should be the rule.” 4

  According to the New Age Community regulations, food and agricultural surpluses will be turned in to a Surplus Pool and redistributed to other areas of the world where the need is greater. Naturally there will be a World Food Authority in charge of this redistribution.

  Chapter 16

  A New Economic System

  To complete the dreadful picture, let’s take a look at Alder’s plan for the economy in which our children are to be raised. She says that in the New Age world soon to come, all money, all national currencies, will be abolished:

  As the bulk of commerce would be carried on by means of exchange, and individual needs would largely be supplied on the ration card system, the need for the handling of money would dwindle... There would be a central ‘bank’ which decided the value or price of all goods produced. This value would probably be described in terms of letters and numbers, the letters representing the quality of work and materials and the numbers representing the hours of work entailed. 5