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  John Gavin, the supreme allied commander for Europe (SHAPE) was present, as was Manfred Woerner, Secretary General of NATO. Jacques Fontaire, the Luxembourg Prime Minister; Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands; Queen Sophia of Spain; and Ludd Lubbers, the Dutch Prime Minister.

  A very interesting man, Christopher Cogg, who is the chairman of the Queen of England’s portfolio—in other words, he controls the purse of the Queen of England—was there. You may not know it, but the Queen of England has a net worth of some $18 billion. That’s Billion with a capital “B.”

  Katharine Graham, head of the liberal Washington Post newspaper was in attendance. Katharine Graham is said to be an arrogant woman. In fact, she’s been called “Katharine the Great.” There was even a book about her entitled, Katharine the Great. It was the Washington Post that came out with the Watergate story that brought down Nixon.

  In Germany at the Bilderbergers conference, Katharine Graham evidently became enamored with Dan Quayle, Vice President of the United States, who was also at the Bilderberg meeting. Dan Quayle is the “fair-haired boy” of the Bilderbergers. He has been chosen by the Bilderbergers for bigger and better things. He’s already vice president, so where else can he go but up? In 1996 we may see Quayle seeking the Republican nomination. He will have the support of the Bilderbergers, I am convinced, unless he falters between now and then.

  Is it any coincidence that within months of the June, 1991 meeting in Baden Baden, Germany, the Washington Post newspaper, whose chairwoman is Katharine Graham, a Bilderberger member, decided to write a surprising series of articles, syndicated across America praising Dan Quayle. 11 Maybe you saw some of those articles in your local newspaper. Dan Quayle has been sort of a fall guy for the media all this time, but suddenly here is the Washington Post saying wonderful things about the man. The newspaper proposed that Quayle was selected as vice president because of his great abilities. The articles suggested that Dan Quayle had been recognized as a political genius by his former colleagues in the U.S. Senate. The Post attempted to make Dan Quayle into a hero.

  Some of the other people at the Bilderberger meeting were John Reed, the chairman of Citicorp, the largest banking corporation in the United States; U.S. Senator John Chaffee, Republican of Rhode Island; Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton and Virginia Governor Douglas Wilder.

  What is the Bilderberger Agenda?

  What is the agenda of the Bilderbergers? There are three basic goals of the Bilderbergers: First, a New International Economic Order. That is going to be followed by the second goal, the New Political Order. And then we complete the third side of the pyramid, the third side of the satanic triangle—New World Religious Order.

  So we first have the goal of controlling the world economy, something that these men pretty well have in hand. Then comes control of the political order, and they are on their way to accomplishing that. The United Nations is being strengthened. George Bush is a key person behind that move. And then we have the new religious order, which is also being rapidly put together.

  To achieve these three goals, I am convinced that the Bilderbergers seek first of all to destroy our monetary system. That is objective one. Objective two is to destroy our faith, our love, and our admiration and respect for nationalism and patriotism. They want no man to have any loyalty to his country, so they’re promoting globalism. The third objective of the Bilderbergers is to destroy the Christian church—of that I am absolutely convinced. To attack the church, they now actively use the media and the education establishment. They are working to destroy legitimate Christian ministries and are meanwhile bankrolling some of the worst of televangelists.

  Now, a fourth objective of the Bilderbergers is to destroy the traditional family. They hope to do this by promoting homosexuality and lesbianism. No wonder we have the National Endowment for the Arts here in the United States, getting 170 million dollars funding by President Bush, the White House, and our Congress. Many pro-abortion lobbyists are getting money from the Bilderbergers. The Planned Parenthood people no doubt are getting money. The Gay and Lesbian Task Force was recently invited to the White House—they met with Rob Mosbacher, President George Bush’s top campaign manager. Together they mapped out a strategy as to how the gays and lesbians could help George Bush win office again. 12

  George Bush is their man—he’s the only president that has ever invited the gays, the lesbians, the homosexuals to the White House. He did so during the signing of a so-called “Hate Crimes Act.”13 He’s the only man that has insisted on full funding and no censorship whatsoever for the National Endowment for the Arts, with its pornographic, blasphemous “art.” Is it any wonder that George Bush is a member of the Bilderberger group? Or that he’s a member of the Skull and Bones, that he was a director of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a member of the Trilateral Commission? All these groups are linked together.

  Is it any wonder that George Bush was the ambassador to the United Nations, that he was director of the Central Intelligence Agency?

  The Role of the Media

  The use of the media to accomplish their objectives is very primary, very important for the Bilderbergers. In Meditation Magazine there was a very interesting interview with Jose Arguelles. 14 He’s the man who masterminded the Harmonic Convergence, the big, New Age planetary meeting of August 16 and 17, 1987. Jose Arguelles said some very interesting things. He said that what the New Age planners are working on is the formation of a “mediarchy.”

  What is a mediarchy? Well, Arguelles tells us that if the New Age community can take over our media—that’s our television networks and our cable systems—if they can take over our publications, our magazines, our newspapers, children’s books and adult books. If they can take over all of these media outlets, they can control the forces of all of planet earth.

  The mediarchy, Jose Arguelles reveals, will help process the information necessary to propel man into the New Age. Through the media, he says, mankind can demilitarize the planet. We can clean up the planet. Through the media, Arguelles brags, New Agers can network together. He noted that already, the New Age is at the completion stage of bringing it all together—thousands of groups and organizations and secret societies and churches. They’re at that point, and it is through the use of the media that they’re going to be able to complete the job.

  Is this why the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the three TV network news organizations have covered up the clandestine meetings of the Bilderbergers?

  A Coming Democratic World Order?

  The goal of the Bilderbergers is to create a pretense, democratic World Government, controlled by them. Only a few years ago, the development of a New World Order seemed an impossibility. The superpower blocs—the Soviet Union and the United States—and the existence of the Third World bloc of nations appeared set in concrete.

  True, it was feared that Soviet Russia might just seek to take over the planet with brute military force and a preemptive nuclear attack on the American continent. But that, so the experts reasoned, would have triggered World War III—a bloody Armageddon with no outright victor. No, it was deemed suicidal and therefore, unthinkable. So for decades, a One World Order has been considered neither practical nor imminent.

  What a revolution we have experienced! The seeming dissolution and freeing up of Communist Eastern Europe, as well as Gorbachev’s Perestroika and Glasnost policies inside the Soviet Union have resulted in a euphoric mania of One Worldism. Finally, exclaim gleeful globalists, finally we can have a unified and harmonious One World Order. The democratic revolution in communist East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Russia, Romania, and elsewhere, they contend, enables such a political and economic entity to be forged.

  In effect, the appealingly deceptive proclamation has gone out: a Democratic World Order is now not only practical, it is inevitable! Utopia is at hand! That is the clarion call of the Bilderbergers—the establishment of a World Democratic Government.

  The theoretical base for the globalist view wa
s recently set forth by Morton Kaplan in the influential journal, The World and I. Kaplan, professor of political science at the University of Chicago, presented an important paper, “Steps Toward a Democratic World Order,” to colleagues at the Professor’s World Peace Academy Conference of Liberal Democratic Societies. His proposal in The World and I was a summary of that paper. 15

  Undoubtedly, the folks who have sold out to such New Age-oriented organizations as the United Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission, will trumpet the supposed “wisdom” of Kaplan’s proposals for a new democratic world order. In truth, these elitists do not want democracy so much as they want to build and organize a World Order controlled by them.

  Morton Kaplan’s intriguing proposal for what the Bilderbergers and globalists are now calling a Global Democratic Community starts with his observation that “One of the most urgent tasks facing humanity is the construction of a democratic world order.” 16

  The job of creating a democratic world order is important, says Kaplan, for a variety of reasons. “Matters of urgency such as the possible greenhouse effect (on earth’s environment),” he emphasizes, “require international management.” 17

  Kaplan writes that there can be no more important prelude to the building of a democratic world order than the uniting of all of Europe “and the integration of the Soviet Union into the new world order...” 18

  What authority would Kaplan and his globalist pals confer on this New World Order? “The new Europe,” he writes, “in cooperation with the new Soviet Union and the United States, would have to take responsibility for preventing new...wars and deterring or controlling tyrannical states...from the use of nuclear or chemical weapons.”

  Only a New World Order, Kaplan assures us, can permit the degree of cooperation that is needed to serve the joint interests of the major states.

  Therefore, he advocates a Global Democratic Community to support this end, while retaining the United Nations for those tasks for which it temporarily remains the most suitable body.

  According to Kaplan, this is a global age marked by new conditions that can best be met by the establishment of a World Order. He further proposes that this Global Democratic Community be rigidly organized. It would have “a Secretariat...a Court of Human and Political Rights...and...a World Future Committee.” 19

  As you can see, the globalists hope to seize this historic opportunity to implement their revived Plan for an unholy One World Order. They would prefer to call it a “Democratic World Order,” yet, there is still no guarantee of true democracy in the republics once controlled by the Kremlin—only promises and more promises by the ruling elite. The eventual governments may not at all be “democratic” in the constitutional sense that Americans think of democracy. Moreover, in Eastern Europe countries once subject to the iron rule of communist overlords, the present movement toward democracy could well end up in disorder, turmoil, and anarchy if economic conditions continue to sour, as they may well do.

  Those people who are now exclaiming, “Isn’t peace breaking out all over?” could be very, very surprised.

  What seems to be forgotten in all the euphoria over the momentous events in Eastern Europe and Russia is the Bible’s strong prophetic warnings. Daniel prophesied of the last days world ruler, “By peace he shall destroy many” (Daniel 8:25). Moreover, the apostle Paul prophesied that “when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them and they shall not escape” (I Thessalonians 5:3).

  Today, as the military threat of Soviet Russia seems to be receding, many are crying out “Peace, peace.” Others preach that we are on the threshold of a One World Democratic Order. But, there will be no peace until Jesus returns. And even in a democratic society such as the United States, the vast majority of people choose evil over good. Exercising their democratic rights, they are choosing the devil and his destructive ways over Christ and His righteousness.

  AIDS, abortion, pornography, occultism, promiscuity, adultery, alcoholism, drugs—all these present-day epidemics are based on pro-choice alternatives in a godless democratic society.

  Democracy may indeed be the best that man has to offer. But in the end the democratic governments of this globe will be converted into a hellish dictatorship ruled with an iron hand by an Antichrist, the Son of Perdition (II Thessalonians 2).

  Peace and democracy will ultimately fail, because it is built on the vain greed and ambition of men such as the Bilderbergers.

  CHAPTER SIX: International Network of Light

  There are thousands of groups acting either knowingly and in concert with or unwittingly supporting the Secret Brotherhood. Consider a recent book published by Doubleday and Company entitled Networking: The First Report and Directory, by Jessica Lipnack and Jeffrey Stamps. This resource book, 398 pages in length, is billed as “a comprehensive report on networking and a directory of over 1,500 networks.”

  Notice that we’re not just talking here about 1,500 groups, but instead 1,500 networks! Indeed, there are so many organizations, groups, and associations pursuing the same aims as the Secret Brotherhood that an organization called the Networking Institute has even been set up to keep track of them all.

  In a recent bulletin from World Goodwill, a major occultic organization promoting the Brotherhood’s blueprint for the world, we read about a directory, a two-volume, 2,140 page book, the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential, which covers topics deemed important by the Brotherhood for the world’s peoples to study and comprehend. This encyclopedia, published by a group called the Union of International Associations (UIA), is now in its third edition.

  According to World Goodwill, “The first volume of this encyclopedia looks at 13,167 world problems that are of concern to international groups.” The array of problems covered, says World Goodwill in its review, is impressive “ranging from such topics as shortage of urban land, political torture, and illiteracy to entries on suppression of creativity and innovation, superstition and fanaticism.”

  Volume 2, we are told, “is concerned with ideas about humanity’s potential to build an independent world.” The aim of the encyclopedia is “to present as broad and complete a view as possible of human perceptions of development.” The publisher itself notes that one section of the encyclopedia “contains 64 entries on concepts implicit in the Chinese classic, the I Ching.” Another section contains “a valuable index to thousands of references in the encyclopedia to religious and esoteric concepts related to numbers” (in other words, occult numerology).

  25,000 Networking Organizations of Light

  The Union of International Associations is billed as “an organization that links international, voluntary, and non-governmental organizations.” Formed in 1907, it publishes a growing list of guides and directories that it says are “indispensable reference tools for anyone who wants to track down addresses and details of international organizations” working for one world unity.

  The Union of International Associations is also publisher of a massive, three-volume directory called The Yearbook of International Organizations. This annual directory, says the publisher, “gives authoritative information on over 25,000 international organizations based in 200 countries.”

  Certainly, an investigation of the strangely mysterious Union of International Associations needs to be launched. But whatever we can find about this group and where its source of money comes from, our minds have to be boggled that any group could actually publish a two-volume, 2,140 page book that is a subject reference guide for action and study by internationalist-oriented groups supporting the aims of the Brotherhood. What is even more phenomenal is The Yearbook of International Organizations and its stupendous listing of 25,000 different international groups based in 200 countries.

  For anyone who refuses to believe that there is a conspiracy and that like-minded groups are working closely together to accomplish the same ends, all I can advise is that you please get your head out of the sand.
Someone is behind these 25,000 groups. They didn’t just spring up spontaneously overnight. There is a design and a purpose—and scads of money—that has made these groups possible and continues to assist their performance.

  Dark Angels of Light

  Fortunately, I am finding that more and more people are understanding that a conspiracy of unimaginable proportions does truly exist in the world today—and has existed for much longer than we might realize. Recently I was reading an interesting book written by a good friend of mine, David Allen Lewis. The book, Dark Angels of Light, briefly discusses the existence of what Lewis calls an “International Network of Light.” He writes: “Since 1954 we have been preaching and teaching that there was a loosely-knit world conspiracy, a so called Network of Illuminists.”

  Lewis traces this network all the way back to Adam Weishaupt, who began the Order of the Illuminati (Lightbearers) in 1776. He further explains:

  Whether the Illuminati has one special organization that is its organic descendant...we can be very sure that its philosophical torchbearers are represented by literally hundreds of organizations and individuals in many diverse realms. 1

  Lewis goes on to state: “I have never doubted that such a network existed.” 2

  Like my friend David Allen Lewis, millions of Americans have become aware that something is amiss. They know that the history books don’t tell the whole story, and historians today willingly distort the facts. They also now realize that our biased media also regularly reinterpret the news and that most of our books and magazines must be “politically correct” and go through some kind of process of censorship to be published in the first place. It takes money, organization, networking, and design to accomplish such a massive black-out of the facts and present a false rendering of human history.