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Dark Majesty Page 9

  George Bush says he has a “mission” and he is determined to complete it. Unfortunately, I believe him. But whether or not he will complete it is not up to him, nor in the final analysis can the Secret Brotherhood influence whether that occult mission will be completed. God alone the true God of the Bible—will make that judgement and decision, and in His good timing.

  Ronald Reagan’s Sunlit New Age

  If Satan himself had written the speeches of George Bush and Ronald Reagan at the Republican National Convention in 1988 in New Orleans, he couldn’t have done a better job. President Reagan, a 33rd degree honorary Mason who is often called the “great communicator,” charmed the vast audience with his illuminist-laden talk. First, he assured the approving crowd that:

  With George Bush, as we approach the New Millennium... we’ll have a nation confidently willing to take its leadership into the uncharted reaches of a New Age. 45

  Since George Bush has publicly stated his intention to be in Egypt at the Great Pyramid on December 31, 1999 at the stroke of midnight to welcome in the New Millennium, 46 it could just be that Ronald Reagan’s words packed important, hidden meaning.

  Masons and other Sun God worshipping secret societies measure calendar years beginning in the year 4000 B.C. The year 1999 is therefore 5999 AL (AL stands for “Anno Lucis,” in the year of light.”) In 6000 AL (2000 AD), the dawning of the New Millennium, the long awaited New Age, is to burst into radiance, transforming the whole world. The dominance of Lucifer, known by the occultists as the “Light Bearer,” the bright morning star, shall then come into full being.

  What a new day that will be for all Sun worshippers, the perfected and illumined men who conceive of themselves as “points of light!” In fact, expressing this type of sentiment was exactly how Ronald Reagan enthusiastically and dramatically concluded his speech: “That’s a new day,” said the outgoing President, our sunlit new day. 47

  Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree Mason and occult philosopher, once told us that illuminist-coded language is purposely intended to conceal the truth from the profane and the vulgar (the average citizen). But how concealed can Reagan’s sunlit words be? To those of us who understand the hideous and grotesque hidden language of occult doublespeak, the light seems to have shined straight through the darkness. We understand. We get the message, but we utterly reject it.

  The True Light of the World

  The intent of the Secret Brotherhood is to create a system of magical belief in which men and women willingly support the New World Order. They come disguised as ministers of light. The Bible warned us in advance of these men and their dark schemes: the apostle Paul called them “ministers of unrighteousness” and branded the one whom they secretly serve as a false “angel of light.” (see II Timothy 3:12-13; 4:1-8.)

  But the Bible also reveals to us the True Light, the One whom the conspiracy refuses to acknowledge:

  Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

  Secret Words of Magic to be Unmasked

  As we have seen, the conspirators believe themselves to be powerful magicians who are able to deceive through illusion and sleight-of-hand. They also believe in verbal alchemy—that their coded language possesses magical, supernatural powers. As Alice Bailey once cryptically stated, “Through the Words of Power, the worlds came into being, and the Lord of the Ray of Ceremonial Magic brings about the organization of the divine organism.”

  Well, I have news for these men. The vast majority will, indeed, fall victim. But those who trust in God are not going to be deceived by illusory magic and shadowy “word power.” Daniel 12:10 says of the last days, “The wise shall understand.” That is the reason why I wrote this book—so that the wise would understand.

  And God Himself is the revealer who is unmasking the hidden, occultic secrets of the Illuminati. In Luke 8:17, we read, “For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither any thing hid, that shall not become known and come abroad.” Moreover, in Daniel 2:20,22, we have this calm assurance:

  Blessed be the name of God... He revealeth the deep and secret things: He knoweth what is in the darkness.

  CHAPTER FIVE: The Bilderbergers and Other Conspirators

  In June, 1991 in the secluded Black Forest resort town of Baden Baden, Germany, a very special group of influential men met to map out their grand strategy for the coming year and possibly beyond. Called the Bilderbergers, each of these well-known world leaders had come by special and exclusive invitation. The general public was not invited and, in fact, was locked out. Fortunately, an account of what transpired at the meeting was leaked, and we are now in possession of some of the details of the conspiratorial plans of the Bilderbergers. 1

  Banking czar David Rockefeller, former head of New York’s Chase Manhattan Bank and founder of the Trilateral Commission, gave the opening address to his fellow Bilderbergers at Baden Baden. He started off by telling the assembled elitists, “We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine, and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings, and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years.” 2

  Rockefeller explained: “It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years.” 3

  And so it is that the top guru of the Bilderbergers gives credit to the publishers of America’s greatest newspapers for their cooperation. They have cooperated in hushing up and keeping from the American citizenry the inside story of a hideous future that has been plotted behind our backs for over four decades.

  Following Rockefeller’s welcoming address, the Bilderbergers reviewed their agenda for the unity of Europe, including their plans for a common European currency and a central European bank organized along the same lines as the U.S.A.’s corrupt Federal Reserve Bank. The Bilderbergers also laid out a blueprint for how they wanted the U.S. presidential primary contests to proceed.

  The following article has been reprinted from Texe Marrs’ newsletter, Flashpoint (May 1992).


  In my audiotape The Secrets of the Bilderbergers, I explain how the Bilderbergers manipulate both the Democrat and the Republican national political parties and their candidates.

  To prove this point, all that’s necessary is that we identify who is pumping the money into the political campaigns of the top presidential contenders for each political party.

  Investigation reveals that the same money men are supporting both President George Bush and Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton. This in spite of the fact that the two are theoretically opposing each other as Republican vs. Democrat. In fact, the election will be a sham. The Order controls both Bush and Clinton!

  Just follow the money trail. One of Clinton’s top money men is internationalist banker and invester Jackson Stephens. Stephens, who operates out of Little Rock, Arkansas, has reportedly given Bill Clinton access to at least $2 million.

  But wait! Stephens has also recently donated $100,000 to George Bush’s campaign! Moreover, Stephens’ wife, Mary, was co-chairwoman in 1988 of Bill Clinton national “Bush for President” organization.

  As it turns out, elitist financier Stephens is reportedly also one of the founders of the criminally corrupt and now defunct BCCI bank.

  Bush and Clinton are in reality co-actors in the grand charade and side-show of U.S. presidential elections. No mattter who wins the November national election, it is the Bilderbergers who will come out on top.

  Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton Passes Test

  Invited secretly to Baden Baden was key democratic party contender Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas. Clinton was questioned and auditioned by the conspirators. He passed with flying colors. It was then decided that huge transfusions of campaign cash would be shuttled to Clinton. It was also approved that these Democratic Party regulars in all 50 states cont
rolled by the Bilderbergers would get in step and line up behind Presidential candidate Bill Clinton.

  The Bilderbergers always hedge their bets, sponsoring one or more presidential candidates from each U.S. major political party. George Bush is, of course, their “boy wonder”—their in-house establishment representative. But, if Bush falters or stumbles during the campaign election, the Bilderbergers well know they need an alternative.

  Remember, the Bilderbergers are philosophically neither Republican nor Democrat. Their only “party” is filthy lucre—spelled M-O-N-E-Y! Money, in turn, brings them power, and these folks have a never satisfied appetite for raw power.

  Dan Quayle—A Bilderberger Favorite

  Vice President Dan Quayle is another fair-haired boy of the wealthy Bilderberger supermen. Quayle was there in person last year at the gathering. Reportedly, David Rockefeller and fellow big-wigs were duly impressed at what they saw. “He’s our man—for ’96 or sooner!” one Bilderberger exclaimed. 4

  Exposing the Bilderbergers

  Like their counterparts, the Skull & Bones Society, the Bilderbergers try to keep what goes on at their meetings hidden from public scrutiny. If the American people were to discover the truth about how they are being sold down the river by these arrogant and treacherous plotters, all hell would surely break loose.

  These two clandestine organizations, the Skull & Bones Society, and The Bilderbergers have much to hide or else their procedures would not be kept behind closed doors. What these cynical and powerful men are doing to damage America, take away our freedoms, and undermine Christianity, is criminal. It’s high time we expose them for the despicable traitors and sham artists that they are.

  In his historically important book The Occult Conspiracy, Michael Howard, a man by the way who is actually not at all opposed to the secret societies, discusses the Bilderbergers. “The Bilderberger group,” says Howard, “was originally founded as an anti-Communist organization with a predominantly right wing membership.”5

  But then he says something very interesting that I haven’t been able to find in any other resource. Michael Howard writes: “However, in 1976, 15 representatives from the Soviet Union attended one of the Bilderberger conferences that was held in the Arizona desert.” 6

  If true, the implications are tremendous. If representatives from the Soviet Union, as far back as 1976—nine years before Gorbachev took power in 1985—and began to make the changes that resulted in the breakup of communism in the Soviet Union—many questions are answered about the sudden collapse in the Soviet Union of communism and imperialism.

  Russell Baker, a political commentator whose column can be found in newspapers across the country, was asked one time what he thought of Mikhail Gorbachev. How, Baker was asked, was Gorbachev able to do what he did, and why did the Russian leader seem to be so much in favor of a New World Order and a world government? Baker’s answer was stunning: “All I can figure out,” he said, “is that Gorbachev must have been a CIA mole.”

  In other words, the suggestion is that Gorbachev was a secret agent of the CIA. Could Mikhail Gorbachev have been there in the desert in 1976 at that Bilderberger meeting? Was he one of those 15 Soviet representatives, and did he make a commitment that someday, he would do what he could to bring about the New World Order. I believe it is extremely possible that this is the case.

  Now we turn to another book by researcher Nicola M. Nicolav: The World Conspiracy: What The Historians Don’t Tell You. Mr. Nicolov has this to say about the secretive Bilderbergers group:

  The Bilderbergers organization is comprised exclusively of the international elite. It owes its name to Hotel Bilderberg in Oosterbech, Holland, where its first meeting was held in May of 1954. The meeting was chaired by the organization’s founder, Prince Bernard, the husband of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands and member of one of the richest European families. 7

  Nicolov goes on to say that in the last 34 years the media has mentioned little about the meetings and activities of the Bilderbergers. Only a few small religious publications in the United States and Spotlight, the populist newspaper published by Liberty Lobby, closely follow the activities of this group. Nicolov appropriately asks, “Why do the big newspapers like the New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Minneapolis Tribune neglect to inform their readers about the Bilderbergers’ conferences?” 8

  His answer: “Because all these big newspapers directly or indirectly belong to this organization.” So, he says, “The world receives no pictures, no agendas, no information about this group—even their name is hardly ever mentioned.” 9

  Regardless of the news blackout, prominent people who are members of the Bilderbergers, have been photographed going into the meetings by reporters and photographers who camped out across the street or in hotel rooms with telephoto lens. They were able to note the people going in and out of the Bilderberger meetings. In addition, other information has been published about the membership. Here are some of the people who are Bilderbergers: former U.S. President Gerald Ford; President Nixon’s former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger; President Carter’s former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance; Robert MacNamara, former head of the World Bank and former Secretary of Defense in the Kennedy administration; David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission and former chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank; and Helmut Schmidt, the former Chancellor of Germany.

  Other members of the Bilderberger organization have included the late Baron Edmund de Rothschild. His successor, the Lord J. Rothchild, is a member today; Margaret Thatcher was a member, but she evidently fell into disfavor among the Bilderbergers.

  There’s also Laurance Rockefeller. It was Laurance Rockefeller who gave the money to Matthew Fox that made possible the publication of the heretical, ungodly book entitled The Coming of the Cosmic Christ. Fox is a Catholic priest who’s pro-homosexual, pro-witchcraft, and pro-New Age; in fact, he’s the head of Holy Names College, a Catholic college in San Francisco that has on its faculty Miriam Starhawk, one of the world’s best-known witches.

  In his book, The Coming of the Cosmic Christ, Mr. Fox gives thanks in the acknowledgements to Laurance Rockefeller for giving him the financial means to publish the book.

  Laurance Rockefeller owned the very inn, Woodstock Inn in Vermont, where the Bilderbergers had one of their meetings. Also, a famous resort in Williamsburg, Virginia, owned by the Rockefeller family was yet another site of a Bilderberger conference.

  The Bilderbergers seem to specialize in meeting at exotic European locations. Once the group met in the French Alps. In Sweden they were hosted by the billionaire Wallenberg family.

  Now we go to another source, the interesting book written by William Sutton, entitled The Illuminati 666, in which Sutton writes of the Bilderbergers: “The chairman of this secret society of the elite is one Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, the royal consort of Queen Juliana, reported to be the richest woman in the world. Queen Juliana and Lord Rothschild are the principles stockholders of Shell Oil Company, while the Rockefellers, also Bilderbergers, control Standard Oil Company.” 10

  The latest information is that Prince Bernhard, though still a Bilderberger, is no longer the chairman. That honor goes to Britain’s Lord Carrington, a very wealthy banker who’s on the board of the huge money center, Hambros Bank. Lord Carrington was joined in 1991’s Baden Baden, Germany conclave by Giovanni Agnelli, the owner of the Fiat Automobile Company in Italy and many other bankers and industrialists. At that meeting, the members focused on finance and economics. They reviewed events in the Middle East. In one session, they discussed the status of Eastern Europe and its economic prospects, and addressed the developments in the Soviet Union and their impact on “The Alliance.”

  In Baden Baden, the Bilderbergers referred to their group as “The Alliance.” Some used the code-term, “The Relationship.”

  Economic and Financial Planning

  The most important session at the 1991 conclave looked at the topic of the “Economic and F
inancial Threats to The Relationship.” The two speakers were, first, American Michael Boskin, who is chairman of President Bush’s Council of Economic Advisor’s, and Carl Otto Pohl, president of the central bank of Germany, the Bundesbank.

  How intriguing: The top financial man from the White House, Michael Boskin, and the top financial man from Germany, Carl Otto Pohl, together informing their fellow Bilderbergers of the status of the world’s economies and finances.

  U.S. Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady was also there in Baden Baden. He’s the man that President Bush has put in charge of a plan to reform our banking system. What they have done is proposed to our Congress that the banking system in America be changed. Huge national banks are to become larger and gobble up the smaller local banks across this country. We’re going to have a consolidation and a centralizing of the American banking system if Nicholas Brady of the Bilderbergers gets his way. He’s now our Secretary of the Treasury so, obviously, George Bush knew of his attendance at the Bilderbergers conference.

  Other Big Shots at the Conclave

  Also in Baden Baden were Theodore L. Elliott, Jr., the honorary secretary of the North American Bilderberg group. Elliott worked in the U.S. State Department as a Soviet expert, was U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan during the conflict there, and has financial ties with powerful Wall Street financier John Train. Others attending: Wilfred Martin, Belgian’s Prime Minister; Theo Sommer, Editor in Chief of the German publication Die Ziet; Emilio Collado, Executive Vice President of Exxon Corporation; and Conrad Black. Conrad Black is chairman of a corporation known as the Hollinger Corporation. On its board are such people as Lord Carrington and Henry Kissinger, both of whom are fellow Bilderbergers. Hollinger Corporation just happens to own the London Daily Telegraph newspaper and The Jerusalem Post.