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Dark Majesty Page 11

  However, knowing that there is a conspiracy and tracking down and tracing the one group of men at the top who are directing it are two different things. The Secret Brotherhood has over the years erected thousands of roadblocks and impediments to the dedicated researcher and American patriot who would attempt to unmask its highest council and its dirty works. Perhaps I can give you just one personal example of the incredibly complex process that is involved when one concerned citizen sets out to purposely investigate and expose the illuminized leadership of the Secret Brotherhood.

  The Priory of Sion: In Search of Christ’s Bloodline

  Not too long ago, another friend of mine, J. R. Church, published a very interesting book, Guardians of the Grail. In that volume, J. R. unmasked the existence of a group called “The Priory of Sion,” a shadowy secret society in Europe tied in with the Hapsburg dynasty of Austria-Hungary. The Priory of Sion is an alleged secret society that’s been hard at work for over 800 years influencing world affairs and events. According to J. R.—and my own investigation confirms what he discovered—the occultist cadre of this fervent but somewhat strange and totally unscriptural secret society believe that Jesus actually married Mary Magdalene.

  Supposedly, Jesus and Mary Magdalene had children and the descendants of Christ are said to now be alive. They live in Europe and comprise a “holy bloodline.” Someday, the Priory of Sion teaches, the Priory’s own leader, a direct descendant of Jesus, will step forward onto the world scene and will take over the reigns of world government.

  If the members of the Priory of Sion want to believe such a fantastic tale, that’s one thing. But if such a group has over the centuries accumulated vast powers to carry out and effect this scheme, to put one of their own on the throne of world power, that is an entirely different matter. Therefore, I decided to investigate the claims of the Priory of Sion to see where this group fits into the overall goals of the Secret Brotherhood.

  What I found was a virtual labyrinth and maze of fact and speculation. I first accumulated about 100 books and articles, many published overseas. These books and articles were a great help to me, but then I had to go deeper than the books by contacting certain people in organizations that will remain nameless here, to establish facts and to further investigate the trail that opened up to me after closely examining these publications.

  My investigation lasted about three years. It took me through some of the most amazing experiences. I discovered that the Priory of Sion controversy has definite connections and tie-ins with such groups as the Bohemian Club, the Bilderbergers, the Vatican Bank, the Grand Alpina Lodge of Switzerland, the Grand Orient Lodge of Freemasonry in Paris, France, the P2 Black Masonic Lodge in Italy, numerous British-Israel groups, the traditional Catholic hierarchy, the Knights of Malta, goddess worship covens, witchcraft sects, mystery teaching groups, the Ordo Templi Orientis, the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light, Islamic Sufi groups, and on and on.

  A Strange Cast of Characters

  I also discovered that many famous named individuals appear to be involved in the Priory of Sion cult in one way or another. I came across such names as the late Emperor Joseph von Hapsburg; his modern-day descendant Otto von Hapsburg, now a member of the European Parliament; Ludwig the Mad, who was King of Bavaria in the last century; the composer Beethoven, who supposedly once wrote a musical concerto for the Illuminati; Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a founder of the Bilderbergers; Pope John Paul II, who played a strange role in the cover-up of the VaticanP2 Masonic Lodge banking scandal; the late Catholic Archbishop Lefebvre, who was a dogged opponent of the modernization carried out by recent popes; and Mino Pecorelli, editor of the muckraking newspaper L’Osservatore Politico. (Pecorelli was killed by assassins in Rome after sending over to the Vatican a list of Cardinals and other church officials who were secretly members of Freemason secret societies.)

  My inquiry also turned up information on a shadowy French official named Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair, who, until quite recently, was the head of the Priory of Sion.

  In my investigation of the Priory of Sion I came across numerous assassinations, a half-dozen accusations of slander and libel; and numerous plots within plots. My studies took me into a compilation of genealogy after genealogy and sent me on fascinating but sometimes not so fruitful chases into dusty bins and infrequently-used shelves to examine ancient manuscripts and old, rare books. I interviewed former CIA and FBI agents and talked with various other intelligence and law enforcement agencies and officials. My search also put me in touch with embassy officials and consuls of various foreign countries.

  Slowly, I was able to build a composite picture of what the Priory of Sion really is and what it is up to. I also put together a dossier of some of its key officials and a documentation of their activities. Just as important, I was also able to throw out a lot of the diversionary disinformation that was shuffled to me and to finally gain a straightforward understanding of the true goals of this unseemly, yet powerful, secret society.

  The Illuminati and its Network: A Gigantic, Greedy Octopus

  My adventure in investigating the Priory of Sion, coupled with years of research tracing the money connection of the Secret Brotherhood with hundreds of other New Age cults and organizations, has assisted me in comprehending the true dimensions of the Secret Brotherhood. There can be no doubt that the Brotherhood is like some kind of gigantic, greedy octopus. It has spread its tentacles across the globe and operates in many facets and mysterious ways.

  To help readers to understand the leadership structure of the subtle yet astonishing global network that now exists, I provide on the next page an incomplete, but highly informative organizational chart. It depicts, at the top echelon, a handful of directors for the Secret Brotherhood. I call them by the name the Illuminati, though they themselves do not use such a term.

  The Banking and Money Group

  Directly underneath this small group of key leaders, the Illuminati, are the men and organizations who comprise the Banking and Money Group. These are the controllers. They have possession of billions of dollars they use annually to bribe, influence, and seduce men and women on a global scale in order to accomplish their purposes. In the Banking and Money Group we find the international money center banks—Chase Manhattan, Morgan Grenfel, Bank of America, and the now defunct Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). We also find the central banks of nations, such as the Bank of England, America’s Federal Reserve Bank, Germany’s Bundesbank, and the European Monetary Institute now being formed.

  Also in the Banking and Money Group are the institutions of financial control—organizations operating strictly for the benefit of the Illuminati that are designed to supervise the whole world’s financial networks. Among these institutions is the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the International Bank of Settlements.

  Included in the Banking and Money category are the largest of the multinational corporations—giant business empires set up by such men as the late Robert Maxwell (an empire now dissolved by the Brotherhood), the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and the many corporate chieftains involved with such groups as the CFR and the Trilateral Commission.

  We also should not forget the World Conservation Bank, a unique institution set up to grab hold of the wilderness lands of the world in the name of conservation. Moreover, there are the monied foundations—the Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Institute, Ford Foundation, and so forth. With their grants and allotments, the foundations are able to control vital elements of thought and action throughout society.

  The Political Group

  The Banking and Money Group is the most influential but there is also the Political Group, which includes the heads of state of many governments, Britain’s Royal Order of the Garter, America’s Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, the Grand Alpina Lodge, the Bilderbergers, the United Nations (and its 39 d
irectorates), international labor unions, Freemasonry, and regional federations such as NATO and the EEC.

  The Intelligence Group

  In the Intelligence Group we find a number of organizations and groups that are affiliated with and operate under the direct command of the Illuminati. There is our own CIA; the Russian KGB; the FBI; the British Secret Services; the Mafia, which has its own global intelligence network; the Vatican, which likewise has a surprisingly capable stable of global watchers and intelligence operatives; and the drug cartels, whose agents operate across national boundaries.

  The Religious Group

  Whereas the Intelligence Group guides, assists, suppresses, conceals, destabilizes, and carries out dirty tricks and even assassinations for the Illuminati, the Religious Group has a wholly different aim. It is the spiritual unity arm of the Illuminati, being composed of groups, organizations, and churches which are promoting the Illuminati’s goal of world religious unity. Among the religious groups which I believe are now affiliated with the Illuminati are the National Council of Churches; the World Council of Churches; the World Parliament of Religions; the World Assembly of Religions; hundreds of groups and cults affiliated with the New Age Movement; various Protestant front groups and some TV evangelists; Alcoholics Anonymous (funded from the beginning by the Rockefellers); and numerous other cult groups (for example, the Unification Church, “the Moonies”).

  The Vatican also now can be firmly listed as a server group of the Secret Brotherhood’s Illuminati. This includes such worldwide Catholic organizations as the Knights of Malta (formerly called the Sovereign Military Order of Malta) Opus Dei, and the Jesuits.

  The Educational Group

  In the Educational Group, which is the propaganda arm, we should list the various world peace groups; Planned Parenthood; the government-funded National Endowments (for the Arts; for the Humanities, etc.); the Peace University; Planetary Citizens; Planetary Congress and other New Age-oriented groups; hundreds of environmental and ecological groups; transpersonal and humanistic psychology associations and groups; global forums; various people and corporations in the media; globalist groups; holistic health groups and organizations; and occultic international groups and cults such as World Goodwill and Lucis Trust. Also in the category of educational groups is President George Bush’s Points of Light Foundation.

  An Alliance of Conspiratorial Interests

  These five major groups—Banking and Money, Political, Intelligence, Religious, and Educational—are under the immediate direction and control of the small band of men who lead the Illuminati. We should realize that many of these groups are closely allied together. In some cases the same man may simultaneously serve as either president or on the board of directors of a banking and money institution, a political group, an intelligence organization, a religious denomination or organization, and a foundation or educational group. The members of the Illuminati themselves often directly participate in the various organizations and groups that are funded and operate to support the goals of the Secret Brotherhood as a whole.

  We should also realize that at least some of these groups have no idea whatsoever that they are being controlled and manipulated by the Illuminati. Some leaders of various groups believe themselves to be in control of their own destiny. They foolishly believe that their group can take its own independent course of action. Everything goes well as long as they support the goals of the Illuminati. But if they ever run afoul of the ambitions and objectives of the big boys, watch out.

  I’ve also discovered that the Illuminati are quick to discipline leaders of organizations and groups who formally are subordinates in their global network. When a scandal breaks out and a person is unmasked as, say a homosexual, an embezzler, or in the field of intelligence, a double agent, that person is usually immediately cut off. He or she is replaced or simply disappears and the Illuminati move quickly to cover up the fiasco or scandal using their friends in the media.

  With their control of such powerful institutions as international banks, national government office...holders, the giant foundations, and the CIA, KGB, and other intelligence agencies, and considering their close working relationships with the Mafia and the drug cartels, the Secret Brotherhood has the capability of either directly or indirectly influencing almost everything that happens to us each minute of our waking and sleeping hours. It is easily proven that the Illuminati funds almost all anarchic and revolutionary movements throughout the world. Its hit men have pulled off mind-boggling assassinations, and governments have fallen because of Illuminati-sponsored coups.

  The Illuminati also run an international ring of terrorists whom they use for maximum benefit in creating crises and then offering solutions to resolve the crises that benefit the Secret Brotherhood.

  Keeping Secrets “to Baffle the Vulgar”

  It is a tribute to the leadership of the Secret Brotherhood that their conspiracy has remained concealed from the majority for so long. Increasingly, men and women of discernment are discovering the facts, but the system is designed to make detection of the conspiracy extremely difficult. As I will later explain, this is an occult conspiracy, and one in which its perpetrators have demonstrated their knowledge of how alchemy and Masonic magic can be effectively used to process and condition humanity.

  Conspiracies which utilize occultic alchemy and Masonic magic are always the hardest to penetrate because of their use of such tactics as disinformation, coded and veiled illuminist language of a double-speak nature, and intentional campaigns to produce error, lies, and falsehoods in the minds of the deceived. As one technological expert in sorcery and magic explains: Alchemy is a science “based on a secret reserved for only a few privileged adepts possessing the intellectual and moral qualities requisite for obtaining it.” 3 To confuse and cover-up their criminal and conspiratorial activity, the arrogant elite trained in the use of alchemy and magic purposely create disinformation traps and mental obstacles and fruitless paths which, they believe, the uninitiated cannot navigate:

  Difficult and narrow is the way, and many are those who stray into wrong paths, where they are to find only deceit, error, and falsehood, which will beguile them into expending vast sums in sheer waste ...

  Alchemists conceal in order to baffle the vulgar. 4

  Obviously, you and I are the “vulgar” whom the elite believe they are entitled to lie to and deceive. But the men who comprise the upper ranks of the Illuminati conspiracy also have no reluctance about deceiving and misleading their own subordinates, either. The whole, interlocking network of the Secret Brotherhood is based on half-truths; concealed goals; hazy, symbolic meanings; and distorted aims.

  For example, in Freemasonry, the average Mason—especially those in the Blue Lodge, the first three degrees—is lied to, and this lie is a part of a great deception planned in advance. As Albert Pike, former Grand Sovereign Commander of Scottish Rite Masonry, once wrote, “They do not know because we lie to them.” 5

  The initiates of the secret societies rarely know what they’re getting into when they first join. Most are never let in on the secret. This is true also for those who are seduced into joining the Secret Brotherhood network at other entry points, such as the intelligence agencies, various educational institutions, religious, and peace organizations and groups. The same alchemical techniques employed by the Masonic lodges are widely used throughout the vast conspiratorial system.

  In Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma, a book that the Lodge encourages every Mason to consider as their basic guide for daily living, we find this revealing passage:

  The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry.” 6

  Regrettably, most Freemasons do not bother to read their own Masonic
textbooks, philosophy textbooks and guides. If they did, they might just come across such revealing passages. For example, they might find extremely enlightening the works of the late Manly P. Hall. Hall, a 33rd degree Mason and one of this century’s most authoritative experts on secret societies, disclosed how the masters of the secret societies are able to conceal their anonymity and hide the truth from not only the masses but even the lower-level initiates:

  Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity—an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect... It is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate yet independent orders, the one visible and the other invisible.

  The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of free and accepted men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcanum acandrum (defined as a secret; a mystery).

  In each generation, only a few are accepted into the inner sanctuary of the Work... The great initiate—philosophers of Freemasonry are masters of that secret doctrine which forms the invisible foundations of every great theological and rational institution. 7