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  Light centers have developed into a worldwide network that purposely link-up telepathically ... to serve as “superconscious receiving, anchoring and sending stations. Many such groups exist. We have seen their “lights” twinkling across Russia. Some are known this way, intuitively, but many are now consciously aware of each other and are in direct contact. 22

  LaVedi Lafferty and Bud Hollowell, founders of the New Age-oriented “Collegians Universal Church,” penned the above words in 1983—about five years before George Bush came up with his concept of “a thousand points of light” across America.

  The Occult Meaning of the Number 1,000

  What does the number “1,000” in “a thousand points of light” signify for the Illuminati? There are many reasons why this number is so often used, including:

  The number refers to the astrological sign of Aquarius, connected with the New Age and a New World Order—the New Millennium (1,000 years).

  It mocks the coming millennial (1,000 year) reign of Christ (see Revelation 19 through 22).

  It refers to the serpent, or Lucifer. The Hindu version is Sesha, the 1,000-headed “serpent of eternity” who cyclically brings man a “New Age.” 23

  The head of Medusa, the evil Greek Goddess, was said to be covered with a mass of 1,000 writhing, venomous snakes.

  It is a mystical term implying an indefinite and countless number—or simply, “many.” One New Age globalist publication recently recommended that the United Nations be given taxing and bond authority to create revenue and “tap widespread public support.” This, said the editor, will constitute “a million points of light.” 24

  It connotes a new beginning—a new occult cycle and age for mankind. In the Jewish mystical kaballah system, Alpha, the beginning, is the number 1. Alpha with a dash (the new cycle) indicates the number 1,000. 25

  In the pagan Celtic festival of St. John, wrote Alexander Hislop in The Two Babylons, devilish fires were lit: “Towards evening one fire is gradually followed by two, three or four; then a thousand gleam out from the hilltops till the whole country glows under the conflagration.” 26

  The number 1,000 denotes the “thousand-petaled lotus” of Eastern and oriental mysticism. “With proper sexual exercises,” explains Barbara Walker in the Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, a true sage might achieve the final flowering of revelation described as the thousand-petaled lotus of invisible light.” 27

  The Lucis Trust, in the October, 1982 edition of Reader’s Digest (page 203), paid for a full-page ad for The Great Invocation. The thousand-petaled lotus was displayed prominently in that ad, along with the passage, “From the point of Light within the Mind of God let light stream forth in the minds of men.”

  The Mysterious Order of Ahepa

  George Bush’s mention of the Order of Ahepa, along with the Knights of Columbus and other “service” groups, was not accidental—it was extremely significant. Few Americans have ever heard of this group, so why would it be mentioned in Bush’s speech? Here’s the secretive reason why—this is another coded illuminist message: the Order of Ahepa is a Masonic order for Greek Americans! In the enlightening book, The Axis of Death, Dr. D. C. Yermak reveals these facts about Ahepa:

  As soon as a Greek immigrant arrives in the U.S.A. and before a week or two elapses, he is informed by friends or relatives that in order to “progress” and be able to build his new life, he must join a very strong Greek-American organization, which (he is told) is absolutely patriotic and Orthodox-Christian. He will find that this organization is strong politically, too, and even has its people in the U.S. Senate and elsewhere.

  Naturally impressed, the Greek immigrant joins the organization ... But in order to be a “full” member of the set-up, he is invited to some closed gatherings ... He becomes a full member of AHEPA! But for us, this supposed organization is nothing else than a MASONIC LODGE that has as its main task to detach our Greek countryman from the Faith of His Fathers, and from his country. But he is already on the “conveyor” and can do nothing to react. 28

  The Illumination of Mankind

  What is the meaning of the cryptic term, the “illumination of mankind?” Joseph Campbell, the Hindu and pagan mythologies professor made famous with his TV specials on Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), sponsored by CFR man Bill Moyers with financial aid from Laurance Rockefeller, explains in his and Moyers’ book, The Power of Myth, that illumination refers to the transformation and restructuring of the universe. 29

  According to Joseph Campbell, the Masonic symbol of the point of light within the circle is what is known as the “illumination source.” The Illumination of man, says Campbell, is a process in which alchemy and magic are used to transform man and his world. The process is accomplished through unity or synthesis, the merging of opposites into one whole. As Campbell quotes Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, “out of many, one.” 30

  This is the very same illumination process sponsored over the centuries by Freemasonry and its affiliated secret societies. “Out of chaos, order,” is the Masonic motto, and equilibrium (unity and synthesis), according to Masonic doctrine, is man’s ultimate destiny. 31

  A New Harmony: Equilibrium

  We see, then, in this coded language the true importance of The New World Order, all wrapped up in a neat, harmonious package. Indeed, harmony is yet another word that presidential candidate George Bush used back in 1988. Said Vice President Bush:

  I hope to stand for a new harmony, a greater tolerance. We’ve come far, but I think we need a new harmony.

  “New Harmony” means sweet surrender—the surrender of all opposition to the ages—old conspiracy of the Illuminati. It means unity in diversity, a major New Age theme. A New Harmony means perestroika, the end result of illumination, the restructuring of the universe. It means a new synthesis, the new working out of the Hegelian and Marxist dialectical process, the final resolution of the continuous conflict of opposites.

  A Shining Purpose

  No wonder, then, that in his State of the Union address, President George Bush told the nation:

  We have within our reach the promise of a renewed America. We can find meaning and reward by serving some purpose higher than ourselves—a shining purpose, the illumination of a thousand points of light.

  The Lord Maitreya, a false “Christ” promoted as the coming New Age messiah by Benjamin Creme and others, has been called “the one initiator whose light shines forth.”

  And what of George Bush’s statement that Americans “can find meaning and reward by serving some purpose higher than ourselves?” This must certainly have pleased Triangles, a branch of the occultic World Goodwill organization. In its leaflet, Units of Service, we are informed that:

  One of the great needs in the world today is the relating of group to group in a worldwide network of light... Units of service (groups) are a vital, living part of such a network... Through their selfless dedication to the service of humanity they are truly forerunners of a New Age.

  In the same promotion leaflet was printed The Great Invocation. Its wording includes this pertinent passage:

  From the center where the Will

  of God is known

  Let purpose guide the little

  wills of men—

  The purpose which the Masters

  know and serve.

  Is this the same purpose that George Bush is talking about? Evidently so, for the “God” of World Goodwill and Lucis Trust is one who reflects the many “points of light” of occult networkers everywhere. And these points of light, be they groups or individuals, have one and only one purpose: the illumination of mankind, which is the Great Work of all occult societies.

  The Pope and the Rays of the Sun God

  Pope John Paul II, too, seems to share this same shining purpose. In Assissi, Italy, in 1986, the Pope held hands in a circle with Buddhist monks, snake handlers from Togo, Hindu gurus, apostate protestant ministers, Moslem ayatollahs, and African witchdoctors. In his remarks the Pope assu
red them all that they each worshipped the same “God.” That God, said the Pope, is like the mighty and awesome sun. Thus, in all religions can be found “the seeds of the Word, the rays of one truth.” 32

  The Serpent and the Sun

  Freemasonry’s leaders likewise rejoiced over Bush’s clever occultic wording. In the Royal Arch Mason magazine, in an article and speech entitled, “Let Your Light Shine Forth,” Masonic brother R. S. Sagar states:

  Freemasonry is the world’s oldest, largest and greatest fraternal society. To have become that way, it has obviously had a burning core of light to attract its members... Freemasonry should be like a lighthouse... You as individual Masons are the lamps or source of light... It is for us to recreate the bridge and unfurl the flag of Freemasonry. 33

  The 28th degree of Freemasonry is called the “Knight of the Sun.” In earning that degree the initiate learns of the “points of light” concept that George Bush now has publicly and enthusiastically propagandized to the world. In the Masonic textbook, A Bridge To Light, Rex Hutchens, 32nd degree Mason, comments that, “The greater light comes from the sun and the transparencies (man) provide lesser light... Symbolically, the sun or great light is the Truth and the lesser lights are man’s symbolic representation of Truth.” 34

  Now for a shocker, listen to what Hutchens reveals as the one great Masonic symbol which represents this “great light” of the secret societies, this sun of the Freemasons. It is, says Hutchens, “the Gnostic worm ouroboros, which is a simplified dragon or serpent biting its tail.” 35

  “God,” then, the Masonic God according to this textbook published in 1988 by the Supreme Council, 33rd degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the largest Masonic organization on earth, is none other than the serpent! In the lecture for the 28th degree, the initiate is told this secret:

  There is a Life-Principle of this world, a universal agent, wherein are two natures and a double current of love and wrath... It is a ray detached from the glory of the Sun... It is the Holy Spirit, the universal Agent, the serpent... 36

  Regardless of what Freemasonry teaches, any Christian—or any non-Christian for that matter—can readily identify the serpent. And I assure you, he’s not God!

  According to Hutchens, “the serpent biting its tail is symbolic of all cyclic processes, and in particular of time.”

  In other words, it is now time for the great serpent, or dragon to return. That it is the devil, or Lucifer, to whom Hutchens refers, is made clear in the very next page of A Bridge to Light where he tells readers that, “The visible is the manifestation of the invisible” and “what is above is like what is below.” 37

  “Thus,” Hutchens reveals, “the black and the white, dark and light must merge to become one.” He uses the Latin term Lux E Tenebris, which means “Light in Darkness,” and says that the pentagram, or star, is the symbol of this new type of light. 38

  The Stars: A Brilliant Diversity

  How appropriate, therefore, that George Bush, too, used this term, “stars” in his 1988 speech. His exact words were:

  A brilliant diversity spread like stars, like a thousand points of light in a peaceful sky.

  During the Christmas season the following year, the President and Barbara Bush pulled the switch and exactly 1,000 pentagram-shaped stars twinkled and lit up. The number was no accident, nor was the term “stars” in George’s speech.

  The Bible describes the Evil One “as a ‘star’ fallen from heaven.” Indeed, the Bible often refers to angels, dark and otherwise, as “stars.” It is also noteworthy that the great goddess of Babylon was called Astarte and Ishtar, the “star goddess.” In the French Revolution the Masons made her popularly known as the “Goddess of Reason,” and Joseph Campbell, who discusses the aims of Freemasonry in The Power of Myth, says that this Masonic star goddess is the divine Goddess of restructuring and transformation. In sum, she is the goddess of enlightenment, or illumination. 39

  In the mystery religions, it was paramount that the peoples serve, honor, and adore this star goddess. Through service, the disciples of the deity were told that they were empowering themselves and earning through good works their own illumination. In turn, they could potentially earn the right to become deities themselves—little, twinkling points of light!

  Pursuing the Better Angels

  Occult philosophers have long taught that the rich have the luxury of time. They are therefore better able to pursue the study and practice of magic, symbols, alchemy, and other occultic subjects. The idle rich have always become more deeply involved in satanic pursuits and sinful passions than the busy, everyday laborer and worker, who has bills to pay and mouths to feed.

  The corrupt monks, gnostics, pagans, and medieval occult philosophers often used the term, “pursuing the better angels” to describe these dark spiritual endeavors. Many occultists mistakenly believe that there are two types of magic—black and white, so to pursue the better angels, they believe, would be to discover the secrets of white magic and to communicate with the “good” spirits.

  What a revealing thing for George Bush, in his New Orleans acceptance speech, to make positive mention of “pursuing the better angels:”

  The fact is prosperity has a purpose. It is to allow us to pursue the “better angels,” to give us time to think and grow.

  Malachi Martin, in his interesting book about Pope John Paul II, The Keys of This Blood, proposes that Mikhail Gorbachev, because he supports globalism and other New World Order objectives, is also pointing the way toward the “better angels,” and is, in a sense, himself one of those “angels.” Martin writes:

  Gorbachev may be the chief attendant angel in this globalist effort. But he points to other angels we all must obey. He points to the objective (historical) processes that ... form global channels for history’s progress.

  As a simple example, the environment of our world is threatened ... Similarly our planet cannot support too great a population. If that means we must have fewer people, then the iron logic of history demands that we practice conception, abortion, and even euthanasia. 40

  A Socialist Dictatorship is the Goal

  A Catholic theologian and priest, Malachi Martin, claims to speak for Pope John Paul II. Stunningly, he adds: “John Paul agrees with Mikhail Gorbachev’s view that such global processes as these are every day gaining a new momentum.” These global processes, Martin reveals, are “dialectical materialism,...elaborated and adapted by Karl Marx.” 41

  So, what we have here is a statement by Martin that the same, horrible Marxist system that claimed “historical inevitability” and massacred and butchered over a hundred million people in the 20th century, is the “angelic” system that both Gorbachev and the Pope now promote. It is their “new way of thinking!”

  The Secret Brotherhood has always used a system of conflict of opposites, dialectical materialism—communism—to promote their goals. Crisis after crisis, conflict after conflict has been caused by this system. This is what has been called “systems theory”—the notion that thesis, attacked by antithesis, produces synthesis. In today’s world, that simply means that the century long conflict of two opposites—capitalism and communism—now shall produce socialism.

  The Secret Brotherhood intends to preside over a world socialist, so-called “democracy.” Theirs is to be a socialist dictatorship run by them “for the good of humanity.” The elite and their occult doctrines are the “better angels.” Their ancient and enduring dream has been to keep America and the world moving forward, always forward, in a grand, historical, dialectical process of conflict and resolution, conflict and resolution.

  Evolutionary synthesis through continuous, perpetual motion is at the essence of the occult philosophy and goals.

  The mission of the Brotherhood has been to achieve the universal spread of the ageless wisdom philosophy—the attainment of “a thousand points of light.” The “thousand points of light,” metaphorically and symbolically, is the spectacular univer
se of stars (peoples) to be ruled by the men of the Secret Brotherhood.

  That is the burning, fiery mission of the conspirators—not to promote a thousand volunteer service groups, but to have all of humanity serve them, the better angels, and their occult dream.

  As H. G. Wells, an open advocate of the world conspiracy once wrote, “This idea of a planned world-state is one to which all our thought and knowledge is tending... It is appearing partially and experimentally at a thousand points...its coming is likely to happen quickly.” 42

  Forward, Always Forward for an Enduring Dream

  The capstone of George Bush’s speech in 1988 was a resounding affirmation of the Illuminati’s occult philosophy and goals. In an incredible, carefully coded illuminist message, the Vice President concluded with these glaringly frank words:

  I will keep America moving forward, always forward for a better America, for an endless, enduring dream, and a thousand points of light... This is my mission and I will complete it! 43

  As Alice Bailey writes in A Treatise on the Seven Rays, the superior, illumined man has a mission and a destiny set out before him from birth. That has been true for George Herbert Walker Bush. “The emphasis,” said Bailey, should be “laid upon the determining of a man’s life purpose.” 44