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  Purpose: To Mislead and Cover-Up

  The men at the top levels of the Secret Brotherhood pride themselves on their “secret knowledge” and on their ability to divert and mislead those whom they consider their spiritual and mental inferiors. In this way they hope to dilute the strength of and neutralize all who might otherwise effectively oppose their conspiracy.

  By the time the initiates of a secret society such as Freemasonry or the Skull & Bones advance in their knowledge of what is actually occurring behind closed doors, they have already compromised themselves beyond redemption, usually to acquire monetary and financial rewards, but also for reasons of prestige and status.

  In addition, at each step up the ladder, those chosen for higher leadership roles are required to commit themselves to obey their superiors in the Brotherhood. An example of this is found in the ritual for the 30th degree of Freemasonry. In the official Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated, Vol. II, p. 259, we find that the candidate, after a bizarre and somber ceremony in which coffins, skulls, and other occult symbols are employed, hears these words voiced by the Grand Master: “Kneel down with me.” The Grand Master then continues:

  Hitherto you have seen in Masonry nothing but emblems and symbols. Now you must see in it nothing but reality. Are you determined to repudiate all prejudices and to obey, without reserve, all that you will be commanded to do for the good of humanity?

  Thus, the man who aspires to the highest offices of this secret society must make a covenant vow to “obey without reservation” his superiors, those who supposedly possess greater “light” and “understanding.” The prejudices he must repudiate, as it turns out, include the morality system of Christianity, the patriotism of nationalism, and the principle that all men are equal in value before God. Meanwhile, the words “for the good of humanity” are simply a code-phrase of the Illuminati which are interpreted in only one way: that the people of planet Earth are to be ruled for their own good by a superior and more noble class of man.

  CHAPTER SEVEN: The Supermen of the Imperial Brain Trust

  In their quest, they picture themselves as supermen and as philosopher-kings who must take on the brutal but necessary task of restoring the world to its natural order. They seek to create a new paradise, a rebuilt Garden of Eden. The great ones of the Secret Brotherhood are so exalted that their underlings refer to them in awe-inspiring tones. When these high-level men are described by lower-level initiates, they’re often referred to using such veiled terms as:

  The Council of All Beings

  Wisemen Torch-bearers

  The Brain Trust

  Crusaders of the Green Cross

  The Lords of Compassion

  Guardians of the Grail

  Masters of Wisdom

  Society of Illumined Minds

  World Mind

  Council of Masters

  Order of One

  Invisible Order

  Invisible College

  Custodians of the Plan

  Great White Brotherhood

  Seekers on the Threshold

  Modern Knights Templar

  The Illumined Ones

  Great Ones


  Rarely are such terms as the “Illuminati” or the “Secret Brotherhood” used. That is because those terms clue-in the public to the true, hideous purpose that the supermen represent. But whatever term is used, it is clear that the men at the highest level of the Secret Brotherhood consider themselves to be indescribably superior to the average man and woman. Indeed, they believe themselves to be as different from the man on the street as man is to a barnyard animal.

  Other Men are “Half-formed Creatures”

  As one of their propagandists, Alice Bailey once arrogantly bragged, the superheroes of the Illuminati consider themselves “too great for narrow creeds of right and wrong.” They are not bound by the limitations of morality as are we, but have the right to determine their own code of conduct. Compared to them, she says, other men and women are simply half-formed creatures:

  Such men (supermen) are even now upon the earth, Serene amid the half-formed creatures round, Who should be saved by them and joined with them. 1

  The supposed superiority of the Brotherhood was discussed by Laurence Shoup and William Minter in their 1977 book, Imperial Brain Trust. According to Shoup and Mentor, the Brotherhood has been especially active in Britain, the former nations of the British Commonwealth, and the United States. They’re following a script laid down by Cecil Rhodes, the founder of the Rhodes Scholarships that are awarded to favored American sons. Governor Bill Clinton, the democratic nominee for President in 1992, is a Rhodes Scholarship recipient—he attended England’s Oxford University, courtesy of the scholarship. Imperial Brain Trust tells us that these Rhodes Scholarship men make up a network of secret and quasi secret organizations. Isn’t it interesting that Bill Clinton was a secret participant at the 1992 Bilderbergers conclave in Baden Baden, Germany.

  The Council of “Wise Persons”

  Yet another indication of the egotistical spirit of the elitists is their incarnation as the “Council of Wise Persons.” From all quarters of the earth now, we are hearing cries from certain quarters for the creation of such a group. For example, in the International Herald Tribune in 1992 was this report on a call by former Soviet communist party boss Mikhail Gorbachev for a “Brain Trust” of wise men:

  Mikhail Gorbachev has called for the U.N. to set up a “Brain Trust” of the world’s elite to push global politics towards detente. He claims the Brain Trust should include “nobel laureates, diplomats and churchmen.” 2

  The International Herald Tribune also gave a rundown on others promoting the concept of a Council of Wise Persons: “Likewise, the United Nations Association of the U.S.A. has called for a ‘global watch committee’ of prestigious leaders to lead the international community.” Continuing, the Tribune stated:

  In reaction to Black Monday (the Stock Market crash) back in October of 1987, Paul Streeten at Oxford University called for “a surrender of some national sovereignty and a transfer of sufficient power to decision-makers who can manage this system...a Council of Wise Persons.” 3

  It’s interesting to note that the Bible (Revelation 17) says that in the last days there will be such a Council of Wise Persons. Bible prophecy indicates that there will eventually be ten such world leaders who sit on the Council and that these ten will all be “of one mind...for they will give all of their strength and power unto the Beast.”

  How intriguing that the Club of Rome and other semisecret organizations who have served as front groups for the Secret Brotherhood have made proposals for dividing the world up into ten regions, each to be headed by a governing body and leader. Those secularists who so quickly dismiss Bible prophecy as utter nonsense may well want to reconsider their opinion.

  Mikhail Gorbachev, who in mid-1992 was sponsored in his trip to the United States by the Esalen Institute, a New Age think tank in California, has long been a leader in calling for the creation of a Council of Wise Persons. Not only did Mr. Gorbachev suggest such a group when he spoke before the United Nations, but several times in the past he has mentioned publicly that he is willing to sit on such an august group. Gorbachev has suggested that the Council of Wise Persons, also to be known as the Brain Trust, include such other notables as former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and former U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

  On his recent visit to the United States, according to press reports, Gorbachev met privately with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. No doubt they worked out plans for the Council of Wise Men to “go public.” What Gorbachev, Kissinger, and the others do not reveal, of course, is that such a group already exists. But the time is soon coming when a “Council of Wise Men” will be made known to the world. That time will come after a series of incredible, debilitating crises afflict humanity and the globe, making all the world’s peoples cry out in unison for such a group to be set up to present solutions
to end the bloodshed, carnage, and chaos.

  Precursors to the Coming “Council of Wise Men”

  Already, each year, at a different site around the globe, a number of world leaders in all areas of human endeavor get together at a gala “Global Conference of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on Human Survival.” Another name this group gives itself is the “Global, Spiritual, and Parliamentary Forum on Human Survival.” These men and women have met in Moscow and in England at Oxford University, bringing together not only politicians and financiers, but also spiritual representatives from Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and tribal witchdoctors.

  Representatives from over 60 countries have attended these global conferences, and Mikhail Gorbachev and the Dalai Lama, among others, have been keynote speakers. But this group, as well as others on this scale, appears to be icing on the cake, mere window dressing. Still, they generate public interest and a steamroller type of public mentality that a Council of Wise Persons must be appointed by the world’s governments if solutions to mankind’s increasingly desperate problems are to be found.

  The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which has among its elite membership Governor Bill Clinton, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, General Colin Powell, former Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, and just about every other major political and social leader in America, has also been at the forefront in calling for a Council of Wise Persons. Its recommended name for such a group is “Global Watch.” The CFR says that it wishes to give “increasing political authority” to this group, adding that the group must “be composed of the world’s intellectual leaders.” The CFR’s push for the creation of this group has come through its subsidiary organization, the United Nations Association of the United States.

  In the New York Times of January 15, 1988 appeared a full-page advertisement with the headline “Facing the 21st Century: Threats and Promises.” The ad was significant in its call for a “World Council” to be set up in which all Nobel Prize winners would gather together to solve world problems. The key organizers of such a group were listed as Francois Mitterrand, the President of France; and Elie Wiesel, a man who has been a leader in many world peace and unity movements. In 1988, such a meeting of Nobel laureates in fact was held and drew some 76 Nobel Prize winners.

  Meetings of such groups as the Nobel winners and the various global conferences fulfill an interesting propaganda purpose. What is more interesting, however, is the fact that the call by Mikhail Gorbachev and other world leader and groups for a “Council of Wise Persons” to be established appears to be a little belated. Back in 1982, in the initial issue of Initiator, billed as “the network newspaper” for the influential globalist organization, The Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose, was printed this announcement:


  Simultaneous with the occurrence of the culminating Planetary Congress, the first such Council will be convened at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York City, U.S.A. Its purposes include facilitating input into the Planetary Congress from this group of widely respected individuals. They are expected to share not only their concerns for the state of the globe, but their vision and insight into moving humanity over the next threshold.

  Endorsers and Luminaries of the Council of Wise Persons

  The Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose is a New Age, globalist organization which numbers among its luminaries such notables as Reverend James Parks Morton, dean of the New Age-oriented Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City; political organizer Donald Keys; and science fiction writer Isaac Asimov (now deceased). On the staff of this organization is Gerhard Elston, former executive director of Amnesty International. Elston has also been a member of the board of directors of such groups as Bread for the World, Clergy and Laity Concerned, and the ultra-liberal American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Elston is active in the Lutheran World Federation and previously served on the staff of the National Council of Churches. 4

  Other endorsers of the Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose include Glen Olds, a Methodist church official who is pushing a “Mother Earth” theology; Linus Pauling, Nobel laureate scientist; Aurelio Peccei, president of the Club of Rome; Rusty Schweickart, former astronaut; Reverend Theodore Hesburgh, president of the University of Notre Dame; Erwin Lazlo, a noted teacher of dialectics and so-called “systems theory;” Saul Mendlovitz, director of the Institute for World Order; Douglas Roche, member of Canada’s House of Commons; and Professor George Wald of Harvard University.

  Also affiliated are author Norman Cousins, who, until he recently passed away, was head of the World Federalists Association; Arnold Fraser, former U.S. congressman and mayor of Minneapolis, Minnesota; George Brown, professor at the University of California; and the Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama.

  The involvement of all of these world-acclaimed leaders in a scheme to set up a Council of Wise Persons certainly lends credibility to the warnings and “red alerts” that have been sounded over the years that the leadership of the world revolution was about to come out of the closet.

  When it does someday publicly and openly assume the reins of world government, what the Secret Brotherhood wants to do is to insist that its leadership role of this globe was invited by the peoples of earth. The Brotherhood wants to maintain the myth that everything it does is simply done in response to the desire and longing of all of humanity. The Secret Brotherhood wants us to believe that it is a democratic group which will come up with democratic solutions and policies designed through a democratic process.

  But the awful truth is that the entire democratic system—euphemistically called The New World Order—now being set up and organized by the Brotherhood is to be a dictatorship of the worst kind.

  A New Religion Called Networking

  At a symposium in Ashville, North Carolina, with the theme, “Toward a World Global Economy,” globalist leader Donald Keys, head of the Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose, trumpeted to an ecstatic audience:

  We’re at the final stage now of putting it all together. It’s a New Religion called “Networking”...the New Age Wave is now entering social change. 5

  Keys also told the group: “Don’t anyone think for a moment that you can run a planet without a head...this planet has to be managed.” 6

  What is this new religion called networking that globalist New Age leader Donald Keys has so strongly endorsed? Networking, of course, is a word found in our dictionary. It is a term often employed by job counselors, and the term is even used by such companies as Amway and other pyramid-type marketers. We can really define networking as “the synergistic collaboration or collusion of a number of people or organizations or secret societies working together to fulfill common goals.” Naturally, there can be secret networks as well as public, open networks.

  The Secret Brotherhood has developed the social and political art of networking to a fine science. World Goodwill, in its newsletter of 1986, No.2, listed a number of groups that have participated in its World Service Forum. Such groups include those that are connected with World Goodwill’s centers in London, New York, and Geneva. The list is absolutely mind-boggling in its scope. In London, groups that have actively participated include the United Nations Association, the Teilhardt Center, the International Broadcasting Trust, the Buddhist Society, the Scientific and Medical Network, St. James’ Church (Picadilly), Emerson College, International Health Research Network, Habitat International Council, the Shumacher Society, the New Economics Foundation, World Health Organization, Peace Through Unity, the British Holistic Medical Association, the World Wildlife Fund, and United World Colleges.

  You might wish to note that the World Wildlife Fund is headed-up by Prince Phillip, Queen Elizabeth’s husband, and that Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands is also involved with this group. Both gentlemen have been closely affiliated with the Bilderbergers. Meanwhile, United World Colleges has had on its board of director
s two former prime ministers of Great Britain, as well as Prince Charles. United World Colleges is also supported by a U.S. group, the Millennium Society, which has been warmly praised in the past by President George Bush.

  In New York, World Goodwill gives credit to the following organizations for their involvement in its work: the Earth Society Foundation, Clergy and Laity Concerned, Waldorf Education, UNICEF, Emmaus, Hale House, the United Nations Association, the Peace Corps, the U.S. Mission of the United Nations, the Better World Society (CNN founder Ted Turner’s group), the Foundation for Global Broadcasting, Fellowship and Prayer, the Institute of Cultural Affairs, Physicians for Social Responsibility, the Bank for Social Responsibility, Habitat for Humanity, The Christophers, the Institute for Community Economics, Women’s World Banking, Tibetan Buddhist Learning Center, Environmental Action Coalition, the Catholic Worker, the Nicholas Roerich Museum, the International Center for Integrated Studies, the Sri Aurobindo Society, and the Mead Institute for Human Development.

  In Geneva, Switzerland, we find the following groups to be participants in the programs of World Goodwill: The International Commission of Jurists, Pax Christi International, Transnational Prospectives, Amnesty International, the United Nations University for Peace, and the Bureau for the Affairs of Non-Governmental Organizations of the United Nations Organization.

  Religion, Peace, and Networking