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  We know that in the recent past both President Bush of the United States and President Mikhail Gorbachev of the Soviet Union have parroted this line for a new world order. Gorbachev especially emphasizes perestroika, or reconstruction. Indeed, when the leaders of the two world superpowers met in Malta in 1989, the New York Times carried the headline, “Superpowers Forge New World Order.” 5 Something frighteningly real is quickly coming to pass.

  Sharing in The New Age

  World Goodwill has also noted that man is moving into the “New Aquarian Age.” And in this New Age, the attitude must be “the greatest good for the greatest number.” In other words, here again we have the globalist plan to redistribute the world’s wealth. Also keep in mind that the world’s most wealthy men will not be required to contribute, only those middle class and working class people in the Western and other nations who will find that they have been reduced to serf and peon status by the controllers.

  World Goodwill puts a happy face on their plan of sharing: “We’re one humanity,” reads their publication, “The distribution of the world’s wealth will be more equitable. The life-sustaining energy of money will find freer circulation and more productive use.”

  What a deceitful lie! Take away your money, give it to others, let the rich, upper-class few keep their wealth, and the whole world will be better off.

  The publication entitled The New International Economic Order also announced that tremendous spiritual changes had taken place in the world, resulting in a “new global consciousness.” 6 This is why it is possible, said the publication, that the New Order could be founded with the understanding that men are “at different stages of evolutionary developmentl.” 7 If men are at different stages of evolutionary development, then naturally some, in the New Age view, would already be god-men. God-men have supposedly attained an evolutionary state or stage of development in which they possess something the New Agers call “Christ-consciousness,” or “global consciousness.” These are the men who are slated to become the imperial magistrates of the New World Order. These it will be who oversee the distribution of the world’s wealth and resources. You better believe that most of it will end up in their pockets.

  World Unification the Goal

  The real purpose of the World Goodwill campaign is world unification. In fact, they are quite frank about it. “The NIEO is a call for unification.” Now is the time to get rid of “negativism and divisiveness.” 8 A patriotic American who believes that the nation’s borders should not be erased and dissolved and who still feels that the American dollar should be worth more than the paper it is printed on obviously will be considered one of these negative and divisive creatures who will have to be dealt with if the New International Economic Order is to come into being. After all, in the New Age view, such a person has not evolved properly into the godlike estate now held by the masters who pull the strings of World Goodwill.

  The Ten Kingdoms of the New Order

  Another internationalist group with a New Age vision busily promoting the New International Economic Order is the Club of Rome. In Bible prophecy we see that Revelation 17 clearly reveals that there will be ten great world rulers, heads of nations or groups of nations, in the last days who will give their strength and power unto the beast. These will be of one mind, says Revelation. It is not so amazing, then, to discover that the Club of Rome, whose membership is comprised of some of the world’s most influential and wealthy men, has a plan for a New World Order in which all of the world’s nations will be placed within ten groupings. The first three groups are the most powerful and these are the very same groups promoted by the Trilateral Commission.

  First is North America, made up of Canada and the United States of America. Group Two is Western Europe, which will be led by Germany. Group Three is Japan. The other groups include Latin America, Eastern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, Main Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and Centrally Planned Asia. It is intended that amidst a coming world financial panic and crisis, the peoples of the world will cry out for a World Leader to come and bring order out of chaos and end the misery and despair caused by the world financial breakdown. At that point the proposal for the ten groups, or kingdoms, will be used as the blueprint for world domination by The Order.

  The Phoenix Takes Flight

  The New International Economic Order can only be realized if the plan for a world currency system is also realized. The dollar will have to go. To accomplish this, the Lords of Money must pave the way administratively and through propaganda—preparing the world psychologically for what is going to be a very traumatic change.

  A shocking example of this propaganda campaign to condition us was the publication by one of Great Britain’s top financial magazines, The Economist, of a feature article entitled “Get Ready for it World Currency.” On the front cover of the monthly magazine was a picture of a Phoenix bird rising from the burning ashes of all the world currencies. About the Phoenix bird’s neck was a chain and on it a gold coin, printed with the words “Ten Phoenix.” 9

  In the magazine article itself, the publishers of The Economist made plain that only a world currency could solve the world’s growing financial crisis. Thus, dollars, pesos, lira and other currencies would be replaced by a. new currency called the Phoenix. Let me quote from the opening paragraph of the cover article:

  Americans, Japanese, Europeans, and people in many other rich countries, and some relatively poor ones, will probably be paying for their shopping with the same currency. Prices will not be quoted by dollars, yen, or deutschemark, but in, let’s say, the Phoenix. The Phoenix will be favored by companies and shoppers because it will be more convenient than today’s currencies, which by then will seem a quaint cause of much disruption to economic life in the late 20th century. 10

  Significantly, the author of this article writes that the dollar has gone up and down in value like a rollercoaster over the last ten years or so. It will not be long, he says, before “it will collapse.” But the solution is at hand. “Pencil in the Phoenix,” he cheerily recommends, “and welcome it when it comes.”

  It is quite likely, then, that the new currency that we will be using at some point in the near future will be called the Phoenix. There is a reason for this. To the ancient Egyptians, the Phoenix represented the Phoenician God “Phoenix” as well as their own deity who was described as “Vanu.” The spirit of this deity is a phallic symbol. The Egyptians and the Phoenicians taught that the god represented by the Phoenix bird “rose to heaven in the form of a morning star, like Lucifer, after his fire-immolation of death and rebirth.” 11

  According to Barbara Walker, author of The Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, the god represented by the Phoenix was the sacred king cremated and reborn. When an ancient pharaoh or king died and was cremated, his soul was supposedly released above the fire and, as it arose, it assumed bird form. That bird, according to Egyptians, was the Horus Hawk, closely associated with the Phoenix. Horus is also known as the All Seeing Eye of the Pyramid (see the reverse side of the Great Seal on the U.S. one dollar bill!) 12

  The Phoenix bird-pictured on the front cover of The Economist was crowned with the fleur de lis. The fleur de lis has long been the symbol of French royalty; therefore, the artist and those in the know at the magazine were perhaps telling us that it would be the United States of Europe and its central bank that will control this new international currency.

  However, I believe there is yet another reason why the fleur de lis was chosen to crown the Phoenix. The fleur de lis was said to picture the Iris blossom. Iris, in turn, was the name of the Greek goddess of the rainbow. It is possibly as an Iris blossom that the true meaning of this fleur de lis comes clearly into view.

  In Crystal City, Virginia, is headquartered a company called International Reporting Information Systems (IRIS). IRIS is a computer information gathering, storing, and retrieval service which claims it will rival the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the ability to gather
and supply global…financial information to governments and businesses. 13

  Backed by a number of large European financial institutions, IRIS reportedly has financial correspondents and agents around the world and a large technical and administrative staff. Its system includes a massive computer equipped to handle unlimited amounts of information-financial and otherwise—on almost any subject Robert McNamara, former president of the World Bank and reportedly also a member of the Lucis Trust, is only one top official who has endorsed the IRIS system.

  What is fascinating about IRIS is its location in Crystal City, Virginia, not only because the New Age promotes an esoteric belief in the energy powers of crystals, but because the town is just a few miles from CIA headquarters!

  According to the Multinational Monitor, IRIS has an “international advisory council” headed by former British Prime Minister Edward Heath. Its membership includes McNamara, former French Minister of Commerce Jean-Francois Deniau, representing Europe, and former Columbian Finance Minister Rodrigo Botero, representing South America. 14

  It is therefore possible that The Economist, which is published both in London and New York, was signaling its elite members that preparations continue for the New World Currency and that not only will the currency be controlled by the financial cartel in Europe, but it will be electronically supervised by the tremendously powerful IRIS computer system in Crystal City, Virginia.

  The Use of Occult Symbology

  The men who plan to rule the world often operate using occult principles, terminology, and symbols which, to the uninitiated, appear to be either absurd or curiously irrelevant. Things like the fleur de lis symbol atop the head of a Phoenix bird and the naming of a company IRIS in the town of Crystal City may appear somewhat ridiculous to you or me. But to the men of The Order, trained and schooled as they are in the more arcane teachings of the mysteries of the occult, these things contain profound meanings.

  Such symbols and terms hearken back to the days of the Mystery Religion of ancient Babylon, Greece, and Rome. Indeed, in a spiritual sense, the present conspiracy first began in Rome and Babylon. Ironically, as we shall see in the following chapter, the conspiracy is destined to return to these same evil roots. A “New Rome” is on the immediate horizon.


  Chapter 12

  The New Rome and the Resurrection of Hitler’s Ghost

  And in his estate shall stand up a vile person... he shall work deceitfully for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small (few) people. (Daniel 11:21, 23)

  It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave, and the world will know that I was right. (Adolf Hitler, Hitler’s Last Testament)

  Is the bloodthirsty spirit of Nazi warlord Adolf Hitler about to be resurrected? Will Germany once again go on the march and plunge the entire world into flames? I believe the startling answer to these questions, regrettably, is yes.

  Hitler himself, in his Last Testament, on February 25, 1945, dictated this message:

  The task I have undertaken as raising the German people to the place in the world that is their due is unfortunately not a task that can be accomplished by a single man or in a single generation. But I have at least opened their eyes to their inherent greatness and I have inspired them to exaltation of the thought of the union of Germans in one indestructible Reich. I have sown the good seed. 1

  Contrary to his claim of “good seed,” the seed that Hitler had sown produced a bitter harvest, as any recounting of Nazi history reveals.

  It is a loathesome thought that the new united Germany could inherit the same spirit of evil that resulted in widespread massacres of six million people in concentration camps and as many as 50 million in the fires of World War II. The last words of a nonrepentent Hitler are reputed to be this thought-provoking boast: “It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right.” 2

  The Resurrection of Hitler’s Ghost

  There are forces today in this world who are working furiously to resurrect Hitler’s ghost from the ruins and debris of the past World War. The Lucis Trust, a top New Age and globalist organization with a worldwide network, refers approvingly to Hitler in one of its publications with the assertion that “there was an attempt by a disciple to unite Europe along the lines of the Rhine River.” According to the publication, that attempt failed but it will be tried again! 3

  Another New Age authority, Benjamin Creme, admiringly reminisces about Germany. He writes, ”The German racial strain is ancient, but the nation is young, astral, and mediumistic, and therefore responded readily to the powerful first ray force, materialistically hopeless, of its dictator Hitler (a medium himself), and Bismarck.” 4

  Creme adds that Germany’national motto is “I preserve.” This is, he says, Germany’s esoteric motto. It therefore indicates that the Satanic hierarchy believes Germany’s future role to be that of preservation of the great mysteries of Babylon, the revival of world domination by Rome, and the uplifting of the superior race of god-men. 5

  Watch Out for 1993?

  In studying occult numerology recently so that I could attempt to grasp the twisted and perverted reasoning of those involved in the occult conspiracy, I came upon an interesting and quite revealing configuration of numbers. Adolf Hitler assumed power in Germany in 1933. The number 33 is extremely important to the occultists. Jesus was crucified on the cross at the age of 33. In Freemasonry, the 33rd degree is the highest to which a man can attain. Adding the digits three plus three in the number 33 gives US the sum of six, which to Christians is a most unholy number (see Revelation 13 where the beast is described as the man with the number 666). But to the occultist and New Age mind, six is a supremely holy number.

  Three is also an important number to occultists because of their belief in an unholy trinity of a father of light; his mistress, the goddess; and their offspring or son, who is pictured as the “Messiah” or “Christ” of earth, being of course a counterfeit of the true Messiah Jesus Christ.

  Nine is also an important number from an occultic, numerological standpoint because three times three equals nine. Witches were once claimed to have nine lives. In ancient Greco-Roman mythology there were said to be nine archons or lords who ruled planet earth.

  The occultists would propose that Hitler’s assumption to power in the year 33 was a great occultic event. They note also that exactly six years later, Hitler invaded Poland and plunged the world into a fiery war to attain the aims of his master.

  The startling fact is that since post-war history has now revealed that Hitler was an occultic member of a Satanic secret society called the Thule Society, it is entirely possible that Hitler’s Germany chose the date of 1939 to invade Poland, kicking off World War II, simply because of these two occult factors: (1) 1939 was exactly six years after Hitler rose to power, and (2) the number 39 itself contains an esoteric message.

  In unraveling the meaning of the number 39, we first realize that in Satanic teachings we find the dictum that truth is reversed. Thus, in the bizarre world of occultism, if Hitler initiated a quest in 1939 to take over the world, crush Jews and Christians, and reign in favor of his master, Satan—and this attempt failed, then another attempt should be tried in the year 93 (1993)—exactly the reverse of 39!

  Now again, I well recognize that all of this is so much nonsense and absurdity. But whether we see numerology as weird and ridiculous or not, the fact is that some of the most powerful and influential men in the world today—men who sit at the very helm of governments in Europe and control much of today’s world banking and international commerce—do believe in an occult numerology. Therefore, their actions are often based on this doctrinal belief.

  Thus we see that the New Age Movement conducted its World Harmonic Convergence on August 16/17, 1987. Weird though it may be, to the occultists this indicated 16 going on 17 (the event was held during bot
h the 16th and 17th of August). Adding the digits one and six produces seven, and the sum of one and seven gives us eight. Thus, the occult message of the Harmonic Convergence was that we are going from God’s era (the perfect number of seven) to their master Lucifer’s era (which is symbolized by the number eight, the number of the “new beginning” after the old order of God-seven-is-destroyed).

  Jose Arguelles, the mastermind of the Harmonic Convergence, repeatedly said that the date of this celebration was chosen based solely on pagan prophecies. Counting six years after 1987, we come up with the year 1993. Here again we see the number 93, which fits in with the goals of the occultists.

  The Year 1993 Just Keeps Popping Up

  Another clue to the plans of the occultists comes from the dark, twisted writings of the British satanist Aleister Crowley, a contemporary of Adolf Hitler. Crowley claimed that Horus, the War God (also pictured as the eye on the triangle atop the pyramid on the U.S.’s one dollar bill!), had given him a vision of war and vengeance. Horus had told Crowley “I am the Warrior Lord of the 40s.” 6 Now it is significant that Crowley wrote of his vision from Horus in the year 1904—almost four decades prior to the bloody 40s of World War II and at a time when the majority held the opinion that war had been banished from civilized nations altogether.