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Millennium Page 13

  Incredible price increases in homes during prior decades made many Americans feel richer and richer. It was by borrowing on their mortgages that many yuppies were able to finance lifestyles far beyond their means. As a result, in the 1980s American homeowners tripled their consumer debt, doubled their mortgage debt, and halved their savings rate. But with home prices beginning to spiral downward in many parts of the country, homeowners are only now beginning to see the desperate financial shape which they are in. They realize now that this has been a big trap, and they are hopelessly mired in swamps of debt they cannot repay. 11

  As the price of homes has slid, and commercial real estate has gone begging, many American families have begun to realize that the good times could well be at an end. They can no longer depend on the price of their homes going up. This has affected their attitude about other purchases. It is why we see a plunge in auto sales developing.

  For example, on August 15, 1990, it was reported that car and truck sales by U.S. companies had plunged 21.5 percent from year ago levels. Begged Chrysler Chairman Lee Iacocca, “Somebody start buying something in a hurry.” 12 This is an early warning sign of severe economic problems. The more consumers refuse to buy durable goods—that is automobiles, refrigerators, furniture, and other large ticket items—the more a circular situation develops in which these industries are forced to layoff workers because of sagging sales. Then the vicious circle continues as those that are laid off are unable to buy goods. And so it goes until the nation sinks into depression.

  You will notice that I use the word “depression” rather than the milder “recession.” The reason is that I believe the situation we will soon find ourselves in will be so desperate and so unbelievably shocking that even the word depression cannot truly describe its horrible dimensions. Even food, the most necessary resource of all, is not exempt from the effects of the coming depression.

  Will Starvation Soon Plague America And The Globe?

  During the late 70s and early 80s, there was a lot of ruckus about the plight of the farmers. You may recall that country singer Willie Nelson held a number of Farm Aid concerts attempting to raise money to keep the family farmer from going belly-up. Today, no one talks much about the farmers. What did happen to the family farmer, the guy who had only a few dozen acres? Why is the media silent?

  The sad news is that most of the small farmers have left the farm and their families are now living in poverty. Cost of production forced most out of business. Farmers were forced to borrow huge sums of capital to operate and they built up insurmountable interest payments to the megabanks. As many as 85 percent of North American farmers have gone bankrupt in the last 15 years.

  The shocking facts are that these farmers’ land holdings were taken over by the government and the megabanks and sold off to what can be called the superfarmers, the agri-businessmen. These are defined as the producers with greater than $500,000 in gross income. These wealthy agricultural combines produce the vast majority of food today. Most are owned by rich men who do not personally work the land.

  This corporate takeover of American farms by the rich means that agriculture is now in the hands of just a few. The production and distribution of food has gradually been placed in the hands of the same men who control our money supply. This is frightening. It means that artificial shortages can be created instantly. There is almost an OPEC-type cartel operating in agriculture today. A global food crisis could be just around the corner with fast escalating prices and total runaway inflation. 13

  Even the desperately poor third world nations such as Ethiopia, Chad, Vietnam, and Peru are feeling the brunt of the food crisis. As we move into the 1990s, news reports indicate that world food aid shipments are at their lowest volume since 1975-76, despite millions more people in dire straights. 14

  These desperate people include those who live in one of the world’s strongest military nations, the Soviet Union. Mikhail Gorbachev, their president, has been forced to go to the United States and other Western nations begging for massive new shipments of food to keep his bankrupt communist government solvent.

  Could it be that the leader of an impoverished Soviet Union, with an angry and hungry population on his hands, will someday soon decide to change his nation’s economic fortunes for the better by attacking in the Middle East and capturing the oil rich lands of the Arab states? This momentous event will no doubt occur. Why must it happen? Necessity is one reason. Bible prophecy, however, is the major reason this invasion of the Middle East by the Russian Bear is going to happen.

  The Great Social Security Fraud

  One of the most despicable gimmicks used by the White House and Congress to cover up the huge federal budget deficit is the looting of the Social Security Trust Fund. For years, American citizens were told that the Social Security Trust Fund needed shoring up, that the social security taxes contributed by each American from wages, salaries, and incomes had to be increased. So we saw a continuing round of increases until now we are figuratively paying out the nose for social security.

  Unfortunately, this money may very well not be available to many of us when we grow old. The reason why is that at the same time we were told that we needed to shovel more money into the Social Security Trust Fund, Congress had opened the back door and was furiously shoveling the money out.

  Where did the money go? It went to reduce the debt accumulated by the federal government for more than a decade. 15

  Since the government is broke, the budget schemers must shop around for where they can get money to pay the bills. Thus, in the budget for the current fiscal year, President Bush highly recommends that Congress continue to use what is called the “growing surplus in the Social Security Trust Fund.” In reality, this trust fund is not in surplus at all. The money is spent almost as fast as it comes in.

  Some of the money being stolen goes for the most abominable purposes. For example, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) was a beneficiary of some $175 million in the 1990 budget. The NEA is the governmental agency that promptly takes our hard-earned tax dollars and uses them to promote obscene art such as the Robert Mapplethorpe photographs glorifying child sexual abuse and so-called homosexual erotic art.

  The NEA has also given taxpayer grants and monies to artists who have taken a simulated picture of Jesus, submerged it into a vat of urine, and called it art. One artist was given free money to depict Jesus as a heroin addict. Moreover, NEA money has gone to pornographic striptease artist Annie Sprinkles who did an “art show” in New York City in which she stripped completely and... well you get the picture.

  What a national disgrace that our social security taxes have been doubled under President Reagan and Bush at the same time that millions of dollars are going for obscene, pornographic, ungodly art paid for courtesy of our local congressmen. Have you asked your congressmen and senators if they voted funds for the NEA?

  America’s Vital Signs Point to Disaster

  As we have seen, a mysterious group of men pulling the world’s financial strings have already succeeded in driving many banks and savings & loans over the cliff into oblivion. They are fast consolidating their financial and economic empire so that only they will control the printing and distribution of money. They already have a New Money in the works and are nearly ready to spring it on the American public. At the same time, they have been able to successfully grab hold of the reigns of our food production by driving tens of thousands of once proud farmers into bankruptcy and ruin.

  These men have also engineered a secret takeover of American industry and real estate. They have devastated the real estate market, first driving up prices to dizzying levels, and then in some areas of the country selling off so fast that prices are spiraling downward. “Rock bottom” will be reached only when the titles to thousands of commercial properties they lust after fall into the laps of the conspirators. Consider the fact that even the prestigious Rockefeller Center in New York has been sold to the Japanese and you will understand what I me
an. Further aggravating the coming financial crisis, our government has for years borrowed money from foreigners and stolen from the Social Security Fund to payoff staggering budget deficits.

  All of the above are signs of impending disaster which point to the coming collapse of the money system, the subject we next examine.

  Chapter 9

  The Coming Collapse of the Money System

  Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. (James 5:1-3)

  The financial system of the free world is on the verge of a major catastrophe. In fact it almost, collapsed in the summer of 1983 and the US. Government Printing Office was ready to print new money in case it did. (John Zajac, Delicate Balance: Coming Catastrophic Changes of Planet Earth)

  The Lords of Money have decided that their dream of ruling the world can only be achieved through a cataclysmic financial crisis. When Paul said in I Timothy that the love of money is the root of all evil he certainly demonstrated the great wisdom given him by inspiration of God. It is this love for money and lust for power so as to control it that drives the money elitists on to their goals of world domination.

  So what can they do to bring us under their complete and unchallenged control as soon as possible? The answer is crystal clear: give America, and indeed the entire world the worst depression ever in history. Destroy the savings and loans, and the banks, and cause a stock market bust that will make 1929’s Wall Street crash look like a picnic. America is to be slaughtered financially, and the Lords of Money will then rise like a Phoenix from the ashes, debris, and carnage left behind on this continent.

  Their plan is to make sure that the wealth of America falls into their hands to use for the glory of the new world they intend to create. In addition, a depression and economic chaos in America will result in this country totally surrendering to the world megabankers, thus creating the economic and financial opportunities inherent in a One World Order whose leadership will be doled out to the few at the top of the conspiratorial chain.

  The Order’s Version of Coming Events

  If this sounds like too fantastic a scenario, I suggest you consider the sage advice of a few key people in the know. Norman A. Bailey is certainly one of those men. Bailey first joined Mobil Oil Corporation as an economist and then joined the Reagan administration as Director of Planning and Evaluation for the National Security Council. Later he was appointed Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director of International Economic Affairs at the White House.

  Now consider what Norman Bailey had to say in a recent publication of the influential journal/magazine, The World And I. This journal is published by people high up in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Bailey began by revealing some of the goings-on at a recent high-level international meeting of the elite:

  During a prematurely chilling, beautiful late September week in Washington, D.C., the cream of the world’s commercial and investment bankers, national and international financial and monetary officials, economic journalists, and various hangers on, met at the annual International Monetary Fund-World Bank jamboree and congratulated themselves and each other. 1

  We see, then, that whether we call it a conspiracy or not, the fact is that the money men frequently meet together to plan strategy and tactics. True, Norman Bailey did not call this a conspiracy, but some of his terminology is quite revealing. For example, he jokingly (1 assume) referred to the members of the famous G-7, the leaders of the seven top economic nations who meet annually in an economic summit, as “industrial mafia.”

  In his article, Bailey addressed the question of whether or not a financial cataclysm is imminent. Bailey, whose advice is often an indication of what those in The Order endorse, gave this answer:

  It can be argued that a very sharp deflationary collapse clearing the economic decks... is exactly what is needed, and that it would be most advantageous to the world economy in the long run. 2

  Bailey next reminded his readers that this is what the economist Schumpeter called “created destruction.”

  Bailey cites a number of reasons why there is likely to be a coming economic catastrophe. First, he summarizes the comments of former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker who observed:

  We are borrowing, as a nation, far more than we are willing to save internally. We are buying abroad much more than we are able to sell. We reconcile borrowing more than we save and buying more than we sell by piling up debt abroad in amounts unparalleled in our history. 3

  According to Bailey, actions by the central bankers over the past decade have “destroyed the underpinnings of the House of Cards painstakingly built up...” 4 Therefore, he predicts, “the 1990s will begin with a severe deflationary recession or depression, perhaps of a prolonged nature.” 5

  Then came the propaganda designed to scare readers and encourage them to see things the way The Order sees them. Bailey suggested that even though another great depression and financial crisis is almost certain, the nations should move now to organize themselves into a One World Economic Order to insure that even though such a calamity may occur, there will be “a reconstitution of a meaningful international monetary system.” 6

  Following the coming great depression or recession and after the “created destruction” has been achieved, Bailey assures us that all of this financial wreckage:

  ...will be followed by the greatest boom in the history of mankind, so that the decade is likely to end in the midst of an expansion of unprecedented proportions. Those persons alive today who are still alive in the year 2000 will have difficulty recognizing the world... human life will have been transformed. 7

  When the Collapse Comes

  Thus, we see the scenario which the schemers have in mind for us. First, they will engineer a great financial calamity. Our banks, savings and loans, and other financial institutions will go down in flames (note that this process has already begun), the stock market will fall off the cliff, and a global money crunch will ensue. Then amidst the ashes will rise the glorious Phoenix; the New International Economic Order.

  To let us know that all is well, the chosen World Leader will come forth to reassure the masses that an international task force is quickly putting the pieces back together. After this difficult journey through the valley of economic despair, he will tell us over worldwide TV linkup, the world will be a much brighter place. Over the following weeks he will go on television to tell us that a new World Central Bank will coordinate the world’s financial transactions, that a commissioner has been appointed to oversee the various financial institutions around the world, and that a common currency will be issued. This New Money, he will add, will ensure that individual nation-states will no longer be able to tinker with the world’ economy and generate such a crisis. Never again will there be such an economic calamity and a great depression. The world is in good hands now, he will say, misery is over.

  Then, according to Bible prophecy, there will indeed be a period of great prosperity in the world for three-and-a-half years. In the midst of this unprecedented era of prosperity, the World Leader of the money elite will be so cocky and bold as to literally declare himself “God.” It is at this point that all hell is going to break loose on planet earth with a great tribulation period of suffering and shame.

  What would it take to set off an economic collapse, a great depression? As we have seen in the past, the stock market could well be the trigger. In October, 1987 when the stock market careened downward 508 points in a single session, we saw a foretaste of things to come. The collapse will no doubt occur almost overnight. As Howard Wachtel, an economics professor at American University has warned, “We could wake up one morning and find the situation out of control.” 8

  Congressman Ron Paul warns that when the crunch does
come, there won’t be a shortage of money, it is just that money will have an astonishingly lesser value. “The real question is what happens when money will no longer buy anything? For example, someone receives a $500 check each month and they use it to pay their electric bill and don’t have anything left with which to buy food. That is when the currency system collapses, and that is the potential during the next decade.” 9

  John Zajac, former Vice President of Research and Development for such leading corporations as General Signal, Eaton, and Cutler-Hammer believes that the collapse could come through the banking system. He warns:

  If two percent of the banks close suddenly, the other 98 percent of the banks would also have a run and would have to close, causing all depositors to lose. Of course, if the banks collapse, the whole economy of the United States and the world would go into total turmoil. All financial markets would collapse with the banks. 10

  Zajac says that if the banks collapse, “he October 1987 stock market crash would seem mild by comparison.” 11 Instead of losing 500 points (approximately one year’s gain), the market could drop over 2000 points to a level of 500. As the New York and American exchanges fell, so would markets around the world. Confidence in America would diminish, causing foreigners to pull their deposits and investments from what was once the world’s most stable country.